WARNING: This video depicts graphic violence.

Ansar al-Sunnah (Followers of the Tradition) is an Iraqi Jihadist group, dedicated to the establishment of an Islamic state based on Shari’ah in Iraq, which they aim to achieve by the defeat of coalition forces and foreign occupation.

  1. tikiloungelizard says:

    I have mixed feelings. This isn’t a TV station airing this, BTW, it’s a propaganda arm for the insurgents. I don’t like the fact that they use this sort of thing as propaganda to help rally their killers. I also think that most everyone who cares to see, graphically, what’s going on there can find it on the net, on sites like liveleak.com, which hosts this one. I spend hours looking at liveleak videos one night, and just made myself completely ill with anger over the senseless violence that is shown there, from all sides. I don’t generally come to Dvorak to see it. On the other hand, and it’s a big hand, people should see the reality of what’s going on and not turn away, because the Iraqi people can’t turn away, it affects them every day. BTW again, those look like Iraqi soldiers, the uniforms are wrong to be U.S.

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    >> I don’t generally come to Dvorak to see it.

    Well, not problem then. Just skip over the video! See how easy? Just the same if you don’t like Howard Stern – change the station!

    Ain’t freedom grand?

  3. hhopper says:

    Cripes, Mr. Mustard, you’re dramatic!

    Incidentally, I had mixed feelings about posting this but (evidently) decided to do so. The public should be aware of how horrible war is.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Cripes, Mr. Mustard, you’re dramatic!

    Sometime, hhopper, subtlety does not do the trick.

  5. Dauragon88 says:

    I agree with one of the previous posters

    Welcome to reality,

    hurts don’t it?

  6. BH says:

    Blame Bush?!? Why are we not blaming the people who are killing your friends, your neighbors, your fellow Americans. Why are you not supporting the effort to kill assholes who rig a truck to explode like this?

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    >>The public should be aware of how horrible war is.

    Well, you’re preaching to the choir here, hhopper.

    Unfortunately, most of the dickless neocon pantywaists who started (and support) this war (while making sure their kids don’t fight in it, just as they avoided fighting in Korea or Viet Nam or Desert Storm I) don’t have a clue what it’s all about. As long as Halliburton stock is kicking ass, and Bill O’Reilly can still give out his Loofah-Pad scrubs, all is right with their world.

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Blame Bush?!? Why are we not blaming the people who
    >>are killing your friends, your neighbors, your fellow Americans.

    Hmmm. Maybe because they are killing our friends, neighbors, and fellow Americans BECAUSE OF DUMBYA’S FUCKING TROPHY WAR?

    How does that work for ya?

  9. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #39 – BH

    “Blame Bush?!? Why are we not blaming the people who are killing your friends, your neighbors, your fellow Americans.”

    My friends, neighbors and fellow Americans wouldn’t be getting killed if not for fucking Dumbya, that’s why.

    “Why are you not supporting the effort to kill assholes who rig a truck to explode like this?”

    That would be a laudable goal; however, this administration is responsible for sending our people to where those selfsame assholes live – a place where we have no legitimate reason to be.

    Easier than struggling ineffectively to kill them, at great cost in American lives, would’ve been to not set our people up as those assholes’ targets in the first place. Y’think?

  10. kaizer soze says:

    wtf is wrong with you, posting something like this?!!?!?!?!?!???

    This was my favorite blog. I’ll never be back. Shame on you.

  11. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I’ll never be back.

    Ok then. Buh-bye.

  12. Jägermeister says:

    #38 – Dauragon88

    Yes, this is the unpolished reality in Iraq.

  13. Dominic says:

    Well, while we are on the topic of Bush. I always tell the wife that there is only one person to blame on the planet for the “degree” of terrorism in the current world today.

    America shook the bee’s nest and we are paying for it now with the stings. I am ashamed that this country did what every country does with terrorism. I thought we were different but our response was the usual attack with big guns. America should have taken a deep long 2 year breath and make a different plan of attack after 9/11. I don’t know what it should have been but that’s why I hire the people in Washington to do. To do the right thing with checks and balances.

    Yes, I’m a proud hating Bush monger. No, I’m not a liberal. Unfortunately I will have to live with his (Bush) decisions for the rest of my life.

    I say show all that you can show of video’s and photos of the middle east. If you don’t want to here or sea it. Don’t watch it as they have been saying for 55 years since the invention of TV.

  14. bac says:

    #39 — Too bad the President went off on a tangent, because he should have put more effort in capturing Bin Laden, put more effort in stabilizing Afghanistan and put more pressure on Saudi Arabia to explain why their people were involved with 9/11.

    Bush traded justice for vanity. Bush is now a war mongering chump with no intentions of pursuing justice. This is why people pick on Bush.

  15. bac says:

    #46 “If you don’t want to here or sea it. Don’t watch it as they have been saying for 55 years since the invention of TV.”

    I would like to expand on this. If people do not like seeing seeing, hearing or reading about our soldiers getting killed during a war, then the people should stop thinking about or actually starting wars.

  16. ECA says:

    state based on Shari’ah in Iraq, which they aim to achieve by the defeat of coalition forces and foreign occupation.

    NO, they aim to do it, by Killing EVERYONE that does not agree with them…It dont matter if its coalition, or Other Muslim beliefs…

  17. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Naive statement, to say the least.

    Sorry to be so simple-minded, m’hijito. I guess I’m just spending so much mental energy trying to figure out wtf you’re talking about with your rapist/ sexy duds analogy.

    You never explained that one.

  18. tallwookie says:


    As the #2 commenter of this post I expected at least 1/2 of ya’ll to agree with me, since my comment was exactly the opposite of the only other post (ie: #1)… should have figured the right wingers would show up on here for this post.

    Thanks for posting the link to the video here 🙂

    JCD – are you continuously laughing over all the oddball arguments that us user’s get in on a daily basis? cuz I laugh at these comments all the time.

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I threw the towel in that regard. I think I would never make
    >>it basic enough for you to understand.

    Well, Ernest Hemmingway (or Gabriel García Márquez) you ain’t, that’s for fucking sure!

    No hard feelings, though. Whatever you were trying to say, it was so obscure and pointless that even Ernie or Gabbie would have had a hard time turning that sandwich into a banquet.

  20. noname says:

    #16 ethanol

    >>but you need to put a big warning label cautioning people what they are about to see .

    What a JOKE. The Video is very clearly and in large font labeled “Terrorists Detonate Truck Bomb in Iraq”.

    What where you expecting, 4th of July fireworks. Please what ever you do, don’t reproduce. My grand and great grand kids will thank you.

    #27 Lauren the Ghoti has got #16 and his ilk’s number.

  21. natefrog says:

    Only in America are people so ignorant and self-righteous as to watch a video entitled “Terrorists Detonate Truck Bomb in Iraq” and then be surprised at the violent content and demand that it be removed.

    That’s like being offended over nudity after watching a video called “Janet Jackson’s Nipple!”

  22. tallwookie says:

    LOL #56 – isnt nudity a sin or something?

    If I was lucky enough to get elected for prestident, first thing I’d to would be to backslide on my promises AND THEN ban all religion – in any form.

    History would thank me

  23. Dauragon88 says:


    Americans are also ignorant and self righteous enough to bich for hours and hours and hours and days and months and years about the war, and then get angry when someone dare exposes the true carnage of it all. Hurts like hell watching our boys die huh? I guess its a hell of a lot easier to bitch about it and turn the other cheek……

    I’m pretty sure if it was a bunch of Arabs getting cut down by M-16 fire from some dude named Bubba-Ray, nobody would want the video taken down.

  24. hhopper says:

    Dauragon88 – BubbRay’s gonna be pissed!

  25. Dauragon88 says:


    HAHA I didn’t realize that untill 5 seconds after I hit the submit button lol

  26. Breach says:

    Screw you all. If it were your brother or sister that was murdered in that video you’d have a way different opinion. It’d be less about political crap and more about the stupidity of posting something like this online.

  27. mullah cimoc says:

    Mullah Cimoc say so sad for aemriki abortion kill all the baby but loving the animal too much. him treat animal like the child for the guilt of the killing abortin of the baby.

    so strange now in ameriki countruy. man go prison more time for torture/kill chicken than for torture/k9ll iraki.

    this proving the wicked of amriki man. and the woman also.

    google: mighty wurlitzer +cia for understand basic of brain control technical.

  28. hhopper says:

    First of all, mullah cimoc can kiss my ass.

    Then Breach, what the fuck is stupid about posting this? If it was your relative that was killed, wouldn’t you want the people to know what happened, rather than have it swept under the carpet? For your information, it IS political crap that’s causing the horrible loss of life. It’s always political crap. Get a brain!


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