Fox News – July 30, 2007:

Thieves stole her car and her baby, but now one Orlando mother is facing charges in the case.

Family members told that Whitlene Loussaint had just returned from attending church in the pouring rain and left her 2-month-old son in the back of her idling car while she went inside to fetch an umbrella. When she returned moments later, her car was gone from her driveway. Loussaint frantically called police.

Cops spotted Loussaint’s silver Pontiac in the middle of the road just blocks from where it had been stolen — driver’s side and passenger doors thrown wide open. The baby was unharmed.

  1. ECA says:

    Best alarm system in the world…
    A Bawling Brat….

    Iv told my friend Before, I would rather set the Alarm INSIDE the car then under the hood…
    I dont care if anyone can hear it, I just want the CROOKS OUT…

  2. Cinaedh says:

    I think they should throw this hardened criminal into jail for the full 60 days. That’ll teach her an unforgettable lesson and it’ll be beneficial for the baby, too!

  3. tallwookie says:

    #2 – are you referring to the individual who took her car or the mother in question?

  4. NitroNeo says:

    Isn’t it illegal to leave an animal unattended in a vehicle in the state of Florida?

    How about the rights of the child?

    There just isn’t an excuse for leaving a child in a car unattended. Especially in a running vehicle. Totally irresponsible, and I have the right as a parent to make that claim.

  5. morram says:

    “When she returned moments later”

    Ah, that moment. How many times has that moment been all that’s needed.
    I imagine if she had returned moments later, her 2-month-old son was gone from in the back car that was in her driveway…..

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    I just love it when the morani blame the victim instead of the criminal. It shows their true stupidity.

    No, the world is not perfect. Sometimes it rains and when it does you don’t always have an umbrella. Whoever suggests YOU SHOULD NEVER … either doesn’t have kids or their spouse took care of them. What this woman did was perfectly normal and expected. Look for these charges to be dropped very quickly.

    What the car thief did was not normal and clearly against the law.

  7. Brad Bishop says:

    >> No, the world is not perfect. Sometimes it rains and when it does you don’t always have an umbrella. Whoever suggests YOU SHOULD NEVER … either doesn’t have kids or their spouse took care of them. What this woman did was perfectly normal and expected. Look for these charges to be dropped very quickly.

    Yep – I agree. She didn’t leave her kid in the car while it was off and the windows were up and it was in the hot sun. She left her kind in a running car, most probabably strapped into the car seat, and, from the fact that she was getting an umbrella, I’m guessing it was either raining or about to. This is the, “Oh, crap – I forgot I left something behind I’ll be right back,” deal. Plus – it’s a church parking lot.

    By the way people are making a huge deal of it you would have thought the kid was in there all day cooking. No – she ran in to get something and came right back out. Unfortunately the the theifs (the bad guys in this story) had stolen her car.

  8. jeff says:

    If I remember right, Florida has laws against EVER leaving your child in the car, even for a second. So, no matter whether it was ok or not, it was still illegal. (and I for one have left my daughter in the car for a second while I ran back in to grab her backpack or something I forgot, so lock me up as well I guess)

  9. Lavi says:

    This happened in Hawaii about 3 or 4 times in the last 2 years.

  10. doug says:

    #5. The people who agree that the mother should be prosecuted are not trying to excuse the car thief – nobody is saying that guy should not be prosecuted because it is the mother’s fault the kid was in the car.

    Ironically, the car thief (if ever caught) would likely be prosecuted as a kidnapper even if he did not know there was a kid in there. He may even have to register as a sex offender because he “kidnapped” a child!

    But anyway – I think these laws are stupid. What is the purpose of the criminal law? To deter wrongdoing. For parents, it is the prospect of this sort of thing happening that deters them from leaving their kids in cars, not the threat of prosecution for some pissant misdemeanor.

    No doubt it was enacted as some knee-jerk response to some tragedy.

  11. Mister Mustard says:

    Hey, I love the droopy pockets and the trailer-trash tats. I’ll bet she’s got a motherfucker of a tramp stamp. I can see why Britney gets knocked up every time she gets the chance. Who could resist a drunken fashion disaster with jailhouse ink all over her underparts.


  12. hhopper says:

    Leave it to SN to come up with great shots of women.


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