The Sun Online – News: Why we must close the net — The telling quote: “a bit behind the times.” I’d say.

POP legend Sir Elton John wants the internet CLOSED DOWN.

Never one to keep his opinions to himself, the Rocket Man has waded into cyberspace with all guns blazing.

He claims it is destroying good music, saying: “The internet has stopped people from going out and being with each other, creating stuff.

“Instead they sit at home and make their own records, which is sometimes OK but it doesn’t bode well for long-term artistic vision. It’s just a means to an end. We’re talking about things that are going to change the world and change the way people listen to music and that’s not going to happen with people blogging on the internet.

“I mean, get out there — communicate. “Hopefully the next movement in music will tear down the internet.

“Let’s get out in the streets and march and protest instead of sitting at home and blogging. I do think it would be an incredible experiment to shut down the whole internet for five years and see what sort of art is produced over that span. There’s too much technology available. I’m sure, as far as music goes, it would be much more interesting than it is today.”

Multi-millionaire Elton, who turned 60 earlier this year, has admitted in the past that he is a bit behind the times.

found by Aric Mackey

  1. First he wants to ban religion now he wants to close down the internet. I think he has finally lost it.

    But here he is just resaying what the RIAA has said, they have in the past said the problem with the internet is that any job blow can put music out there with out going though their filters.

    I guess according to Elton John and the RIAA I am a part of the problem because I have recorded my own music that I have played and put it up on my blog. I will also admit it not that good but I have only played the instrument for about a year and a half.

    I am glad that I don’t listen to Elton Johns music anymore, I stopped listing to it when he gave his anti-religion statement a while back.

  2. JimB says:

    Before the Internet was available in every home we got Grunge music. I’m not going back to those days again.

    Has anyone seen Sir Elton’s performances at the Concert for Diana and at his 60th birthday bash? He seems almost bitter for having to play the songs that made him a rich man. Perhaps he could retire.

  3. Jerk-Face says:

    1. “which hasn’t made anything intereting in at least a decade”

    No offense, but he hasn’t done anything remotely interesting since his first greatest hits was released in 1974. That puts it at 33 long and painful years of Elton living off of his past glories.

  4. Improbus says:

    Want to shut down the Internet? Good luck with that. While we are at it maybe we can stop the death and taxes.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    He’s in line with Scary Spice and her “Is that an internet? I want one” comment.

  6. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    This is what happens when you do a lot of drugs…

    Sad, very sad

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #2, Micheal,

    First he wants to ban religion now he wants to close down the internet. I think he has finally losted it.

    He is gay too. And rich. Very rich. And talented. Very talented. How about you?

  8. Jerk-Face says:

    8. He may have been somewhat talented at one time, like 30+ years ago, but to call him “very talented” now is about the same as calling our idiot in chief a very effective leader.

  9. Lou says:

    I hope and pray that I will grow old gracefully, with the insight to understand that things change, and new perspectives are required, and things are not necessarily worse or better than when we are young, just different.

    Or at least if you have an opinion, show some actual facts.

  10. tikiloungelizard says:

    Works for me….I was getin’ kinda bored with it by this point anyway. But….not before I watch this video of a squirrel riding a monkey….

  11. dwright says:

    First religion now the internet, what will be next for this boob.
    The pink swastika rears it’s ugly head.

  12. gquaglia says:

    He is gay too. And rich. Very rich. And talented. Very talented. How about you?

    Who cares, he is still a clueless idiot.

  13. Mike says:

    Yes, no one has done anything creative like wearing a frikin’ Donald Duck suit while playing piano since Al Gore invented the interwebbietubes.

  14. grog says:

    um, elton john hasn’t produced work of any quality in years — what’s his excuse

    also — please, please, PLEASE KNOCK OFF THE TIRED OLD-FART “kids today are lazy, back in my day…” crap — it makes you sound old and and shows that you are too stupid to notice how lazy you are by using tired cliche’s

  15. Cladouros says:

    Who’s listening to him anyway ?

  16. Adam says:

    “Before the Internet was available in every home we got Grunge music. I’m not going back to those days again.”

    #3: What’s wrong with Grunge music? Nirvana, Pearl Jam, STP, etc. were some of the best music that came out of the early 90’s.


  17. Dauragon88 says:

    Oh yeah, because the internet totally doesn’t allow people to collaborate musically. I mean……surely they havent come up with any kind of way that people could record songs via computer, send them back and forth between eachother to fine tune untill you have a finished song………but hey……who the hell does that?

    oh my….I do believe my sarcasim is exposing itself.

  18. #8 rich and famous does not make one right, just like might does not make right. All it means is that he is rich and famous nothing more nothing less.

  19. hhopper says:

    SN – That photo was hilarious.

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I do think it would be an incredible experiment to shut down
    >>the whole internet for five years and see what sort of art is
    >>produced over that span.

    I think we’ve already done that “incredible experiment”. It brought us disco.

  21. Billabong says:

    Besides a little behind he is also”out to lunch”.

  22. Esteban says:

    I know why he wants the Internet shut down — his career is going down the tubes.

  23. iGlobalWarmer says:

    Wow. Elton doesn’t understand that music is no the primary purpose of the Internet. The Primary purpose is efficient distribution of and easy access to porn.

  24. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Well, I’ve been listening to ol’ Reg since the beginning of his career, and I will admit he’s been coasting for quite a while. Anyway, he’s always had some strange ideas, and now he’s a old guy with strange ideas. Big deal, it’s about what I’d expect.

    #7 – @$tr0Gh0$t

    “This is what happens when you do a lot of drugs…

    Sad, very sad”

    No, son. This is what happens when you don’t do enough of the right ones.

  25. SN says:

    23. “I think we’ve already done that “incredible experiment”. It brought us disco.”

    I bow before you mighty MM, King of Comedy!

  26. Dauragon88 says:


    Oh my god Lauren you are my hero!

  27. hhopper says:

    I think we’ve already done that “incredible experiment”. It brought us disco.

    That’s a sobering thought.

  28. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #29 – Dauragon88

    “Oh my god Lauren you are my hero!”

    Sir, I am no man’s sandwich! 🙂

  29. rick salsman says:

    I like where Elton says we could see a lot of great music spawned by the shutdown (five years) of the internet…yeah, anything that spawns good art is great, like, I know there was some powerful stuff created during the 1940’s Germany….why not bring back just anything for the sake of finding out what the artists might do with it…

    What a knob.


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