Associated Press – July 28, 2007:

HARLINGEN, Texas — A man who said he has damaged nerves in his nose never smelled his wife’s decomposing body in a storage room of their home and thought she had left him, police said.

The couple’s daughter was looking for a cat July 15 when she found Alicia Pilouw’s body in a storage room filled with household items, Eugene Pilouw said. His wife had been gone for three days.

“I never smelled anything and I still don’t smell anything,” said Pilouw, who blames diabetes for his damaged nose. “I thought she had run away from home again — especially after I noticed an envelope with $250 was missing.”

  1. tallwookie says:

    it’d have been cooler if she was a zombie

  2. zombieball says:

    Hey hey now, doesn’t your wife ever get stuck in the broom closet and forgets to bring food with her so nearly parishes?

  3. hhopper says:

    Speaking of noses…nice touch with Streisand.

  4. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Yes indeed, damn fine shot of ol’ Babs there…

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    I don’t think there would have been that much of a smell if it was only three days. Unless the temperature inside the closet was high.

  6. joshua says:

    He thought she **had run away from home AGAIN**…… 🙂


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