1. Dauragon88 says:

    haha that was amusing!

  2. Jerk-Face says:

    It wasn’t that great. It was hard seeing that awsome nurse with all the stupid magic going on! The cameraman should be fired.

  3. JFStan says:

    Kevin James is excellent and inventive. As I’m writing this, I’m at the Abbott’s Magic Get-Together (a magic convention) in Michigan, so this is a good post to start off my week. 🙂

  4. Mike says:

    Not really an illusion. Just some sick individuals willing to remove whatever dignity some crippled people have left for their own benefit and fame.

  5. Jägermeister says:

    Love it! 😀

  6. Willaim says:

    @#5 (Mike)

    Wha?????? ‘splain your statememt pls!

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #5, Mike,

    I agree. If people are going to use chainsaws, they MUST be responsible for the consequences. Honestly, chasing midgets or cutting up blacks does not qualify for responsible use of a chainsaw. It only takes a few instances like this before we will need to start registering all chainsaws and licensing operators.

    Effem morani.

  8. Nicky says:

    this illusion was like an episode of Ed, Edd and Eddy. The shit hits the fan th moment they start action.

  9. Matt says:

    @#5 (Mike)

    Like it’s utterly impossible that this guy wanted to be in the act of his own volition?

    Anyhow, the really slick illusion then is creating a set of anamatroinic legs that can support a person’s weight, walk, and even jump. That in and of itself is extremely slick.

  10. Brian says:

    the clip is from America’s Got Talent!, but the trick is virtually identical to one that Criss Angel did on his show. You can search YouTube for it. Can anyone explain how it works? I can buy that the top half would be someone with a foreshortened trunk, but explain the motion when the two halves are together? The legs are too long to belong to a little person, and the range of motion seems too free to belong to a pair of people balancing each other…..

  11. julieb says:

    We need to get Penn & Teller to look at this. I bet they can figure it out.

  12. hhopper says:

    In case you haven’t seen the Criss Angel video, here it is:

  13. Mike says:

    You guys are sooo dumb… they are not animatronic legs. Those legs would have to be years ahead of whatt we can do now with human leg motion (do some research). It’s either a half person switched with a whole person at the end (why the mask and cap? because they probably do not look the same!). Chainsaws are dangerous, if you don’t know that then I call Darwinism if you are killed by one, and no one is “forced” to do this… my goodness. He was asked, he accepted, and is probably paid well. Some of you are seriously dumb…

  14. Arrius says:

    I dont care how good an illusionist Chris A is, he cant hide the gay.

  15. tallwookie says:

    #13 – ok I see the trick now… stil pretty badass tho

  16. OmarTheAlien says:

    Looks like magic to me.

  17. zpxguiv says:



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