Nothing like swinging a golf club at a flaming bottle of gasoline.
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He doesn’t need to shave for a couple of days.
What a flaming asshole!!
Hey. It’s a golfer. What do you expect??
Ah the joys of testosterone and alcohol mixed in varying proportions. So much fun to watch. You could devote a cable channel to it.
Oh wait, that would be Spike TV, right?
#2, Scott,
I think it would be his dick has a burning sensation. I’m not sure if his asshole even got singed.
Ahhh. The intelligence of teenagers.
YouTube bans a video of a little girl singing along a copyrighted tune.
That doesn’t have anyone.
Yet kids love to copycat these types of videos in a JackAss fashion. IOW YouTube should ban these types of videos.
They belong to the realm of or
#7, Mark
I side with you but I don’t agree with you. I am very leery about censorship.
Youtube is a private company and it should not be up to you or me to decide what content they may carry. Or even where it should be carried.
If we don’t like or enjoy a site, then vote with your mouse and avoid it. The only time I ever visit youtube is when Hopper posts one of his select videos. Thankfully he has filtered through the garbage to find the gems.
I’d be a hypocrite (twice over) if I bashed him for the idea of hitting a bottle with gasoline in it… BUT, I tend to spend a lot of effort in taking safety precautions and having backup plans (example: I wouldn’t have tried his stunt without either a fireproof suit, or I’d do it with a remotely controlled rig)… My stunts risk my well-being less than trusting other people when driving on the freeway. He did it stupidly and got what he deserved. Hence the “Darwin Award Candidate” title.
“Yet kids love to copycat these types of videos in a JackAss fashion.” Don’t see the problem. If they do something stupid (like imitate a stunt where someone catches fire), and their parents give them the freedom and opportunity to do so, it’s not the fault of the makers of the video. Teens sometimes drive fast and recklessly…does that mean we ban Nascar? Kids get into fights, should we ban boxing? People have unsafe sex and get STD’s, should we ban all displays of sex from media that doesn’t explicitly show birth control being used?
Stupid stunts in videos don’t make people do stupid things. People who would imitate this, would just as likely come up with something similarly moronic on their own. Use the “Twinkie defense” much?
Do you think consumption of alcoholic beverages precedes these video tapings?
#10: I certainly hope they didn’t do something this stupid sober. However, you’d think catching fire might have sobered him up a bit.
To all appearances, some strange affinity exists between morans and gasoline.
And as the song goes, ‘And you wouldn’t have it any other way.’
Or at least I wouldn’t…
ahh the condescending tone of adults.
#9, Jamie,
I understand what you are saying but that doesn’t excuse the fact that you are wrong. This was not a safe stunt or exhibition.
You poured lighter fluid on the boards INSIDE a building. There was no obvious fire extinguisher, the main exit was closed.
While you did wear eye protection, you should have worn face protection as well.
Although the clip is chopped at this point, it appears the can of lighter fluid is placed on the floor. A safe practice would have been to totally remove the can from the area.
There was sufficient fluid on the boards that after breaking them there was also fluid on your hand and arm.
That excess fluid could have splattered and spread the fire. That includes to your clothes and hair.
You were burned sufficiently that you had to re-dunk your arm in water and spread out the water over the burned areas.
After the demonstration you allowed the fire to continue, even extending your arms over the fire.
BTW, it wasn’t the Leindenfrost Effect that stopped your arm from burning. It was the specific heat of the water that saved you. The water acts like an insulator until it is evaporated. A layer of cloth would have performed the same role of a brief insulating effect.
NOTE, Lighter fluid is generally used in stunts like this because it burns slowly, at a relatively flow temperature. As you noticed however, it is still hot enough to burn flesh quite quickly.
BUSTED, so don’t try this at home kids.
I understand what you are saying but that doesn’t excuse the fact that you are wrong. This was not a safe stunt or exhibition.
— I disagree. And since you’re basing everything only on what you could see in the video (which is not much), I’ll explain why.
You poured lighter fluid on the boards INSIDE a building. There was no obvious fire extinguisher, the main exit was closed.
— Large door on the other side was wide open, two fire extinguishers – one 5 feet from me, and the other near a friend, and a garden hose (on) next to the camera man. Oh, and the large bucket of water that you COULD see. I did numerous tests on the combination of acetone and lighter fluid with varying numbers of boards and levels of protection before doing the one on film. The results were consistent and reproduceable, so I had a very reasonable margin for error. The actual stunt was done twice with the exact same effect as well (except for the lighter fluid on my hands). The experiment was done indoors (with a fire-resistant cloth covering the underside of the rafters, so it wouldn’t catch) because it eliminated any random factor wind currents might have added.
While you did wear eye protection, you should have worn face protection as well.
— Chose not to, and didn’t need to, for the reason above.
Although the clip is chopped at this point, it appears the can of lighter fluid is placed on the floor. A safe practice would have been to totally remove the can from the area.
— It was, by one of the other people involved. And the can isn’t lighter fluid, it’s Acetone. The lighter fluid was already on the boards, as it doesn’t evaporate as quickly.
There was sufficient fluid on the boards that after breaking them there was also fluid on your hand and arm.
— Which didn’t burn at all (barely singed a couple arm hairs), and why there was a the fire precautions taken above, just in case.
That excess fluid could have splattered and spread the fire. That includes to your clothes and hair.
— It didn’t, after a number of trials. The worst was what you saw when it stayed on my hands.
You were burned sufficiently that you had to re-dunk your arm in water and spread out the water over the burned areas.
— That was only a precaution, and to wash off the lighter fluid. I wasn’t burned at all, other than a couple singed hand hairs. My hand was still wet enough that I didn’t even feel heat from the flames.
After the demonstration you allowed the fire to continue, even extending your arms over the fire.
— Because it was on cement, and my hands never were over the flames after the strike, other than passing over quickly. They were either over the cement blocks, or I was standing far enough back from the flames that they still weren’t over them. Since the perspective of the camera was straight at me, I could see how you’d make this error.
BTW, it wasn’t the Leindenfrost Effect that stopped your arm from burning. It was the specific heat of the water that saved you. The water acts like an insulator until it is evaporated. A layer of cloth would have performed the same role of a brief insulating effect.
— Specific heat was a factor, but I’d say that the Leidenfrost effect was definitely at hand while my hand was in the flames, because their heat was more than enough to instantly vaporize water. Oh, and the science educators (college and hs) that judged it for the contest was in agreed with me as well, as it’s based on the Leidenfrost demo where the demonstrator dips his hand into water, and then into molten lead.
NOTE, Lighter fluid is generally used in stunts like this because it burns slowly, at a relatively flow temperature. As you noticed however, it is still hot enough to burn flesh quite quickly.
— Again, it’s as much Acetone (which burns hot and quickly, but cleanly, relatively speaking) as lighter fluid. Look closer at the can. And like I said in the video…I didn’t get burned. I was able to perform the same stunt twice with the biggest casualty being slightly singed (even those weren’t burned off) hairs along the edge of my hand. And ran through multiple trial runs with varying factors before hand, with not even hairs touched. I could perform that stunt as-is another 20 times, and that would still be the worst result. Still maintain I’m less at risk doing that (due to a lot of research, testing, and factors that you couldn’t see that you made assumptions about) than I’d be trusting typical drivers when I’m on the freeway.
Oh, and your “don’t try this at home kids” is kinda redundant since I state that rather clearly in the video. I don’t expect anyone else to take the time to test and research it, nor take the same safety precautions.
You sure you watched the same video that I made? Sound like you might have skipped some bits.
Jamie, jamie, jamie,
None of your lame excuses negate you performed a poorly done science experiment. While all your “precautions” might very well be true, they are not evident. It is the evident stuff that would stop someone less knowledgeable than yourself from repeating this.
If you had another door open, the outside light would have been very evident. Because you turn off the lights and it is dark I don’t think any other door was open. The fire showed the reason you blocked off your main exit. If the door was open, the fire is now between you and the escape. Not too smart.
You are caught in an obvious lie so how much credence can I put to your other claims?
If you used acetone you are plainly stupid. Because it burns hotter it also has less flame then does regular lighter fluid. On bare skin, even with a light cover of water, it wouldn’t take long to get a second degree burn. And only an idiot that had no idea of what he was doing would consider using water on a hydrocarbon fire. If you wanted more flame then there are several tricks you might have used. I won’t tell you because idiots like you would then misuse them and get hurt.
Your comment of just losing a few hairs on your arm is belied by the evidence. You flinched and quickly shoved your hand and arm into the water. You also rubbed water over the burned areas. You obviously didn’t get burned seriously, but easily could have. If you were really trying to demonstrate the Leidenfrost Effect, this dunking would not have been necessary.
It is one thing to make a mistake. It is quite another to blatantly lie about the obvious. You are an adult. You insinuated that this is a scientific principle. Your scientific experiment missed the entire principle. Yes, you put up a “don’t do this at home kiddies” for a few seconds. But you damn well know that there are a lot of kids that would like to try the same stupid trick just because some idiot on youtube did it.
I wouldn’t advertise the molten lead trick. THAT is a true Leidenfrost Effect example. Simply because you added the part about because their heat was more than enough to instantly vaporize water shows you don’t understand. If the water was instantly vaporized, then the flames or liquid lead would touch the skin. That is not a Leindenfrost Effect.
A quick explanation. A moran is someone too stupid for the moron label. The plural is morani. You and your cameraperson (if there is one) qualify as morani. Since all the evidence suggests you did this by yourself, it would be simply MORAN. For your mommy’s sake, quit while you are ahead.
I swear the guy laughing near the beginning sounds JUST like Dvorak!
No eye brows,
No eye lashes,
Interesting Crew cut,
No hair on arms,
A Glaze in your eyes…
#19 – ECA
And a hell of hard time telling mom what happened.
Usually you’re not like this Mr Fusion, but you are certainly being a sad little troll at the moment. All of your arguments are based on no knowledge, just incorrect assumptions based on a short piece of video, not on reality. You’re accusing me of lying when I have no reason to lie, and your cognitive dissonance prevents you from seeing otherwise.
It’s was a stunt as well. A well rehearsed and tested stunt. When a stunt man jumps out of a window, they don’t show the airbag. The point was to make it look far more dangerous than it really was. You were certainly fooled, even though I explained in detail.
“The fire showed the reason you blocked off your main exit. If the door was open, the fire is now between you and the escape. Not too smart.”
Not a problem because the fire was controlled. It never spread other than to a small area. And the door was open the entire time. Didn’t mean I did it at a time when the sun was shining directly through the door, but that’d be too complicated for you to consider?
“You are caught in an obvious lie so how much credence can I put to your other claims?”
Again, nothing I said was a lie. But of course for you to realize this would violate your current state of cognitive dissonance.
I was trying to refute your points in a polite manner, and you not only base entirely on incorrect assumptions, but resort to absolutes “you’re WRONG” and name calling. Sad sad little troll.
“Your comment of just losing a few hairs on your arm is belied by the evidence. You flinched and quickly shoved your hand and arm into the water. You also rubbed water over the burned areas. You obviously didn’t get burned seriously, but easily could have. ”
I was surprised that my hand had flames, because I had no sense of heat or burning. I have several witnesses. My wife, two friends, and the guy working the camera. You only have biased and incorrect conjecture. I was smothering the flames, then washed off the lighter fluid. No burns. But, don’t let reality get in the way of your misconceived notions.
“It is one thing to make a mistake. It is quite another to blatantly lie about the obvious.”
I lied about nothing, and you’re making stuff up to suit your kneejerk reaction.
“But you damn well know that there are a lot of kids that would like to try the same stupid trick just because some idiot on youtube did it.”
And there are a lot of kids that sniff lighter fluid. That’s called being an idiot. They were around before YouTube. I could be more harmed by a microwaved burrito than I was after doing that full run twice, and by running numerous tests. And the “lot of kids would like to try the same stupid trick” excuse is just your way to wave off any sense of personal accountability to those who tried it. Read my comment earlier about banning boxing, nascar, and all other things that are unwise to imitate at home. While we’re at it, let’s ban all action movies, and re-runs of the Dukes of Hazard…it makes just as much sense.
“That is not a Leindenfrost Effect.”
Yes, it was. And I’ve talked about this demonstration with a number of high school and college-level physics instructors (that evidently know the matter better than you), and every one thought it was a good demonstration (though dangerous) of the principle. My hand was only protected for the instant it was in the flames, and while water was vaporized, only some of it was. You’re seeing slow-mo, but it was in there for just as long as a hand would be dipped in molten lead, otherwise I also wouldn’t have broken the boards. My hand wasn’t protected by the leidenfrost effect after the break, that was insulation of the water still on the hand.
“evidence”? What evidence? You have nothing, while I actually know what happened. Go ahead and look up for a list of a FEW of the people that I had talked to (the judges and the organizer) about this demonstration.
I try to refute your issues (all blatant conjecture and BS) reasonably, and your response is infantile name-calling. You must think Star Trek transporters are real, too, since it certainly looked good on camera. I used to think you were somewhat rational, but this certainly proves that idea false. A Sad Sad name-calling irrational little troll child.
Mr. Fusion… I bet you’re one of those Moon Landing conspiracy theorists, too, aren’t you? You certainly sound like those guys.
I just love how you people get into arguments about shit that doesnt matter in the slightest…
except to the guy who is now known as “Mr. Crispy”
So youtube is now a judge of science projects.
Usually you’re not like this Mr Fusion, but you are certainly being a sad little troll at the moment.
Call me what you will. I do think I touched a nerve. Whenever I see something bogus I will point it out. If you are demonstrating an illusion, great, SAY SO. If you are demonstrating a science project, then do it correctly and safely.
I see a dangerous stunt that the you posted. You don’t see anything wrong with it. In fact, you apparently don’t even seem to care if someone else might try to emulate this trick.
I went to the link and saw nothing from the Judges about this contest. Yes, I clicked on every name including the “archived” bio from 2003. I couldn’t see anything about how the winner was picked or, what I really wanted to see, what makes this video better than the rest. I did see a few clips of obvious superior video. And yes, this counts as wasted time. I still don’t know, who picked the winners? Was it the youtube viewers or those people listed?
You remind me of a redneck joke.
What was the redneck’s last word’s?
“Hey guys, watch this”.
To make this a superior video all you needed to do was SHOW some safety precautions. As I have already covered most of the obvious ones, you might want to start there.
To suggest that a face shield wasn’t needed when the video clearly shows the flames covering the face belies reason. If you used fire extinguishers, then have them in the video. If you have another exit then the fire should not be between you and it. If there are safety personal, point them out.
Yes you tried it out first and no one got hurt. Try Russian Roulette. The odds are in your favor you will get two tries before something goes boom.
Hitting a bottle of gasoline is stupid. This isn’t quite as bad, but your denial about doing it properly is. If you are smart enough to spell Leidenfrost, you should be smart enough to do something safely.
[Duplicate post. – ed.]
You clearly have made up your mind based on fallacious assumptions and misconceptions, and nothing will dissuade you from your opinion. Considering, from what I can tell, the only contribution you’ve made to anything on the internet are copious comments on the Dvorak blog, it makes sense why you’re such a harsh critic. The harshest critics of anything tend to be those who don’t make anything themselves.
I believe that if someone does something stupid because of the video, it’s their choice, and they are responsible for the results. You never addressed my examples of that, and I won’t bother anymore to check to see if you do. I never claimed that people should do this, it was a science experiment but also shown as entertainment and as a stunt. If that isn’t enough for you, I don’t really care at this point.
You’ve repeatedly called me a liar when I lied about nothing, and was insulting and infantile when I tried to address your concerns in a polite manner, so there’s no evidence that you can converse rationally. You plainly can’t see past your own hastily made assumptions.
You clearly have no idea of what my “contributions” to the internet are. My handle here, as well as at other interactive sites, is a pseudonym. In case that is too big a word for you, it means a pen name or (a fancy one) nom de plume. Since this is the first time I have encountered your name here, and you claim that you have read previous contributions of mine, I assume you also use a pseudonym. What you might post under heaven only knows.
I do appreciate your comment in #25. Geeze, it was so good, you had to post it again. Over an hour later.
The harshest critics of anything tend to be those who don’t make anything themselves.
Do you consider making a human torch of yourself a worthwhile endeavor? When I see something I disagree with, I say so. When I see something I strongly agree with or admire in another’s comments, I also give credit. It is a two way street and sadly for you this stunt just fell on the wrong side of the street.
Some day you might come to understand what my message is. Until then the “Jackass” wannabes will continue their crap. That day you understand though, might just come after you wake up in severe pain in a hospital bed.
Have a nice day.