This was my absolute favorite segment of the whole Live Earth weekend.

  1. bac says:

    Have you seen a person bring their own bags to a Wal-Mart? The way Wal-Mart has their checkouts setup, customers bringing their own bags may be frowned upon. How can customers change Wal-Mart’s habits?

  2. bobbo says:

    A little long, but cute. Bringing your own bag has been de riguer for a number of years in England? And such double wrapping not available in lots of 3rd world countries.

    I love the good americans that can’t even return a shopping cart to a collection area. Lotta low-brow social consciousness in GOUSA!

  3. hhopper says:

    The Publix supermarket we go to just sold some reusable grocery bags the other day and we bought three.

  4. JoaoPT says:

    #1 If you want to, stop shopping there.

  5. Agnostic says:

    Aldi food stores make you bring your own bags or containers, or pay to buy some of their’s.

  6. joshua says:

    #2….bobbo….actually Britain is just as bad as we are about over packaging, plastic usuage and non-recyclibles.

    Councils just sent a waste report to the goverment in May, showing that the vast percentage of their collectible waste is from plastics, and even though all the major grocers offer recyclable or reusable bags, only 34% are taking advantage of it. The next big offender is of course the markets themselves, who over package everything. But even here, it’s the individual customers who have helped bring that about by complaining that products were packaged to flimisily to protect the products from damage. Even good that never used to be packaged indivivually are now packaged that way.

    Also one of my favorites as well Eideard.

  7. bac says:

    #4 — Not shopping at Wal-Mart just because of the bags is not going to change Wal-Mart’s checkout process. You would need several million people to stop shopping there. Plus, Wal-Mart would have to keep a record of why people stopped shopping there. A slightly better solution would be for customers to clog the checkout lines by bringing their own bags.

  8. Mike says:

    Was that Pruenella Scales (Sybil from Fawlty Towers)?
    Youtube quality is so bad I couldn’t tell.

  9. bobbo says:

    8–Thanks. I knew I knew who she was but couldn’t place it. I’ve seen the guy too- – – – – somewhere.

    6–Thats too bad Joshua. I have spent some time up North in Lincolnshire and most of the stores there did not have carts nor bags. My inlaws had there own heavy duty bag. There is a certain joy in being hughly wasteful, but those times are drawing to an end.

  10. joshua says:

    #9…bobbo….I can remember my Grandmother going to the market in Arizona with her own bag. My Mom said that really was not unusual back in the 40’s and 50’s in the U.S……and many older people did it until they died. I seem to remember her having a couple canvas like bags she always toted along with her.

  11. tallwookie says:

    “the customer may not alway want a plastic bag”…

    Well to goddamn bloody bad you old british hag, dont like it get the hell out

    We’re in my world now grandma

  12. bac says:

    Would people shop in a store that did not provide bags? The customers would be forced to bring their own bag.

  13. Rich says:

    That’s five minutes of my life I can never get back. Plus thirty seconds to comment. (smacks self).

  14. Daniel Howes says:

    I use plastic bags on my bicycle seat after it has rained. So Think about that.

    That lady could of improved her strength by carrying the milk by the conveniant handles, and saved herself 6 bucks by not purchasing a canvass bag.


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