
    The Arizona Republic – Jul. 29, 2007

Police reportedly found Ronald Marquez, of Phoenix, shirtless and choking his granddaughter as her 19-year-old mother, naked and bloody, looked on. The bloodied girl was gasping and screaming as her mother chanted and held a religious picture of some kind, police said.

Police said officers heard yelling from outside the house, gained entry through a back door and rushed to a bedroom. Two officers forced the door open slightly to find Marquez sitting on a bed blocking the door, police said. The man held the girl in a headlock with one arm as he was squeezing her torso with his other arm, causing her to gasp and scream, police said.

Investigators later learned the man was trying to “squeeze the demons out of the young girl,” […]

One officer made his way into the room, confronted Marquez and touched him with a Taser, which apparently had no effect. A second officer followed. The officers managed to free the girl, and handed her out the door to a family member. An officer touched Marquez with the Taser a second time and eventually handcuffed him, police said.

Marquez soon developed shortness of breath and officers performed CPR until medical crews arrived.

Marquez was pronounced dead at the hospital

Ahhh, the old Taser comes through again. It’s becoming pretty obvious that these things are more dangerous than they at first thought.

  1. Rich says:

    Is it just me, or is this blog becoming more like the “National Enquirer” every day?

  2. Dauragon88 says:

    Aaaah you gotta love exorcism……

  3. Calin says:

    The tazer still isn’t as dangerous as that 9mm

  4. Mac Guy says:

    Hey, in this case, lethal force was justified. Crazy Grandpa was lucky just to get the tazer. Honestly, he could have been shot. At least the officers showed restraint from drawing their sidearms.

  5. Mac Guy says:

    #4 – Most LEOs carry .40 S&W sidearms. Glock 22, Sig P226, S&W… Very few LEOs use 9mm. That’s the military you’re thinking of (Beretta 92-FS Brigadier).

  6. Big Dubyah says:

    I agree with you Mac Guy….I think we are better off without that nut trying to “exorcise” anyone else.

  7. Calin says:

    Either way, the point stands. The tazer isn’t even as dangerous as a Beretta .22 neo at close range.

    For that matter, I doubt it’s a dangerous as the baton most of them carry.

  8. tallwookie says:

    the taser isnt as dangerous as whatever “religion” he was practicing

    holy crap religious ppls are crazy wacko

    that nekkid 19 yr old chick part was a nice touch tho

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    While I am usually no big fan of Tazers, in this case it was warranted as the best choice for the situation.

    A baton is not an effective weapon in a confined space.

    Using a firearm when the child, mother, and other officers were so close, in a violent confrontation is just asking for trouble.

    Asking nicely apparently didn’t work.

    The man was choking the child. Since time was of the essence, the officers had to react quickly.

    Physically restraining the man in an enclosed area may have resulted in more injury to the child.

    The fact the man died is truly unfortunate. On the face I don’t see any problem with the police reaction in this instance.

  10. ArianeB says:

    They should make this part of the taser training: Using a taser twice should be considered lethal force.

    Lethal force in this case sounds like it was warranted. But, I hate hearing about police officers using tasers for crowd control or things that do not justify such force.

  11. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Gimme that old time religion … it’s good enough for me.

  12. Jägermeister says:

    Involving kids in religious activities before they’re old enough to realize what’s going on is child abuse.

  13. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #14 – Jägermeister,

    Good point. I don’t know which is worse, the emotional torture of “you’re so bad you must be possessed by the devil” or the actual physical choking.

  14. hhopper says:


    But somehow amusing.

  15. Dauragon88 says:


    Somehow amusing is good enough for me 😀

  16. Timbo says:

    Probably, a quick word of exorcism on the man would have stopped the whole thing!

  17. Jägermeister says:

    #15 – Misanthropic Scott

    I think the emotional torture… it will last a lifetime.

  18. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Eventually, sensible people, on their own, come to realize what I have been preaching for decades:

    “Involving kids in religious activities before they’re old enough to realize what’s going on is child abuse.”

    And that includes telling impressionable, immature humans that fairytales are true, before they’re capable of reasoning.

  19. JimR says:

    #20, i agree!

  20. Timbo says:

    So it turns out the boy had autism. I have been studying reversing autism by chelating the mercury and aluminum out of the body.
    Google ” b6 magnesium ”
    Google ” dmsa chelation ”
    I’m also checking out rebuking the poisons to inert them – something Christians can do. We are already doing that with chemo “therapy” and other medical poisons with good success. This is SOP at christianhealingmin.org where I volunteered for a while.

  21. Angel H. Wong says:

    And that’s what happens when your HMO refuses to pay for psychological help.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #22, timbo,

    Geeze man, you are scary. Practicing medicine without a license is illegal. Using home remedies is dangerous. Relying on anecdotal stories for authentication belies any sense of decency. But then any group calling themselves “christian” doesn’t believe in scientific methods anyway.

    Maybe we will read about you killed someone with your quack medicine.

    #23, Angel,

    You never cease to crack me up. Man, you have quite the wit.

  23. Lindsay says:

    The police “exorcised” gramps!

  24. Timbo says:

    Mr. Fusion should be thankful he is not fighting ASD. He could have done the research and found that there are parents who are getting results by chelation. All the psychiatrists are doing is doping the ASD folks for life. They have no answer except coping skills.

    I hope he doesn’t try to repress people out of fear and ignorance.

  25. joshua says:

    After reading the story through(Arizona has a lot of these flakes, something about the heat)….and then reading HHopper’s comment at the bottom, I’m not sure if this post was to inform us of a nut job grandpa or a chance to knock Tasers.

    I would say the officer used a lot of restraint(something in short supply among many Arizona police), by using the taser only twice.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #26, Timbo,

    Research doesn’t include something written by just anyone. It doesn’t include anecdotal stories about what worked for a specific family. It doesn’t include praying or hoping for a miricle.

    Research is about finding what works, how it works, why it works, who it works on, what are the dangers or side effects, and being able to repeat the conclusions. Anecdotal evidence may be a starting place to research, but it isn’t the end place. If no one is researching a specific treatment then maybe it is because it has been shown not to be promising. And there is no conspiracy that the Drug Companies are stopping the funding for a cure or good treatment.

    If you have any relative research done by a recognized scientist then I will review it.

  27. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Now, now, Fusion. Somebody said, and quite sincerely no doubt, that they’ve “gotten results.” That’s good enough, isn’t it? If people would just accept the uninformed, highly biased, unscientific impressions of gullible, desperate people as proof, think of all the money and trouble we could save, instead of wasting it on some egghead “medical research” nonsense that no one understands anyway…

    Somebody said it,
    I believe it,
    That settles it.

    Simple! So lets welcome back the Dark Ages!

  28. Name says:

    u believe that shit?

  29. awesome thoughts you’ve discussed on this page. This is so


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