PC World – Feds Raid Video Game ‘Modders’ in 16 States — Are you kidding me? With drug dealers everywhere, murder, porous borders, terrorism the Feds are concerned about game mods?? Holy crap.

U.S. customs agents raided 32 homes and businesses early Wednesday, searching for hardware that allows pirated video games to play on the popular PlayStation 2, Xbox and Wii consoles.

According to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency, the search warrants were served in 16 states, including California, Illinois, New York and Texas, as agents looked for evidence of the importation, sale and distribution of the modification devices made overseas and smuggled into the country.

The so-called “mod chips” and “swap discs” targeted by the searches let gamers play pirated titles or counterfeit copies on Sony Corp.’s PlayStation 2, Microsoft Corp.’s Xbox and Xbox 360, and Nintendo Co.’s Wii video game machines.

“Illicit devices like the ones targeted today are created with one purpose in mind, subverting copyright protections,” said Julie Myers, an assistant secretary at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, under which ICE operates. “These crimes cost legitimate businesses billions of dollars annually and facilitate multiple other layers of criminality, such as smuggling, software piracy and money laundering.”

Next I supposed they will be cracking heads over unlocked phones. Great.

  1. Robin says:

    What about playing imported games? god this is dumb

  2. Jägermeister says:

    White collar crimes cost society way more than some mod selling businesses… but are they targeted? Rarely…

  3. ECA says:

    There MIGHT be 3-5% of ALL these machines have been MODDED…
    i find it funny that the machines can read a Music CD, but cant read Anything else.
    When a product is in YOUR HANDS, you have the right to make it do ANYTHING…PERIOD…
    Other wise we wouldnt be able to do ANYTHING with windows, except USE windows programs.(VISTA)

  4. tallwookie says:

    saw this on slashdot earlier today – this is really dumb
    I agree w/ ECA for once

  5. Rob R says:

    Julie Myers, assistant secretary at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security? You know, defending copyright protection isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about “Homeland Security”. So, we can’t keep 12M Mexicans from coming here illegally, but we’ll make sure Sony is taken care of…..

    Julie needs to get a real assignment over at Homeland Security, like working on actual security.

  6. ArianeB says:

    What a complete and utter total waste of federal resources.

  7. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    I hope some of you realize just how ominous a sign this is – we’re not talkin’ games here, this is genuine fascist police-state shit.

    A reminder for those who don’t know – and perhaps those who’ve forgotten: when the gov’t starts using force against citizens on behalf of corporations, this is how a true fascist state comes into being.

    And if you don’t care to take my word for it, here’s a tip from a guy who knew one or two things about fascism:

    “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”
    ~ Benito Mussolini

    Time to start gettin’ worried, ppls. ‘Course most of you’ll be too preoccupoied with diddlyshit to notice until it’s already waaaay too fucking late to do anything about it…

  8. Mr. Fusion says:


    You make a very scary and true point. Unfortunately the guys arrested will probably all cop pleas so they won’t even have a trial. It is too expensive to fight the federal government.

  9. Billabong says:

    When a business gives money to political parties you expect something for it.Nintendo M$ and Sony have all contributed to them.

  10. Robert says:

    You wanted Republicans, you got Republicans. Now stop your complaining, obey their laws, and be careful what you say.

  11. What next ?
    At least they were not doing crack cocaine or suicide bombers.
    A real good use of time.

  12. Uncle Patso says:

    What’s next? Let’s see….
    * Reading someone else’s newspaper (this is already a fine-able
    offense in several cities — pick a newspaper out of the trash bin
    and you can be busted)
    * Importing, making, selling or buying those chips that let you use
    off-brand ink or toner cartridges in your printers, faxes or copiers
    * Listening to iTunes music or watching a DVD on Linux
    * Showing people how to play songs on the guitar (Guitar “tab”
    sites are getting cease-and-desist letters)

    How long until you can be arrested for
    * Telling a friend about how to win a game?
    * Telling a joke you heard on TV or in a movie?
    * Revealing any part of the plot of a TV show or movie?
    * Saying “The President is a fink!” ?

  13. Uncle Patso says:

    But seriously, although the insanity of being unable to play any game from anywhere is clear, and the doctrine of Fair Use says we should be able to make backup copies, we know that between 90% and 99% of these mod chips are used almost exclusively to make illegal copies to sell or give away. “Backup copies” become “copying parties” where everyone gets their own copy of the latest game. This is completely beyond the pale of Fair Use.

    On the other hand, the claims of billions and billions of dollars lost are clearly insane.

  14. Brad Bishop says:

    Seems like a bad law to me. If I own a product why shouldn’t I be able to mod it how I like.

    The main part of this is ‘theft’. Buying a modchip and installing it (or whatever else you want to do) isn’t theft. You’re not actually costing Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo anything by doing so. If you’re playing imported games you’re actually trying to trade with them.

    It gets all mixed up with the ‘Well, there’s only one thing these kinds of products are good for..’ nonsense. What they are good for doesn’t matter. It’s the actual crime that should matter (pirating).

    This is all part of the DMCA nonsense which our misrepresentatives passed nearly 10 years ago. It’s just bad law and is unlikely to be repealed.

  15. Steve says:

    #11 Nice try but Republicans are not in charge of Congress right now. You wanted Democrats and you got Democrats.

    I believe the sole purpose of Congress is to screw we the people since it seems like that is what they are good at so I am pissed at both of the mainstream parties so don’t label me in either group.

  16. ECA says:

    I cant remember all those names of Corps behind the Nazi’s and Italy….
    I rememebr seeing some interesting Names, but cant remember them…

    Give these folks a hint, ALONG with owners NAMES…
    THEN remind us WHY those folks NEVER went to jail..

  17. tallwookie says:

    #17 because they “knew things”… duh

  18. Milo says:

    pedro: Look up the history of Fanta and IBM’s tabulation machines.

  19. Norm n3ykf says:

    Behind the Nazi’s:
    Krups steel and our very own IBM.

  20. Manny C says:

    #15 – spoken like a true corporate schill. You’re premise is that if I CAN make an illegal copy, I AM making illegal copies. “Fair Use” has become a legal aphorism used to imply guilt before innocence. There is no denying that DMCA and Fair Use are Corporate Citizen laws – specifically intended to shore up a business model that can’t work in the current national and international environment. Sort of like Airlines, Steel, and Automotive initiatives of the past – see how well THAT went?

  21. Matthew says:

    Please keep in mind that these are US CUSTOMS agents, not Police SWAT or FBI, as indicated by the picture. Since it is the CUSTOMS division, one can imagine these are crimes against trade importation – not crimes against unlocking video games!! Indeed, the article indicates the officials were looking for acts of smuggling.

  22. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #11 – You wanted Republicans, you got Republicans. Now stop your complaining, obey their laws, and be careful what you say.

    Comment by Robert — 8/1/2007 @ 9:22 pm

    Who you talking to?

    I have never once in my lifetime supported a Republican… And I probably never will.

  23. Angel H. Wong says:

    Considering that the video game industry IS BIGGER than Hollywood, this type of things were bound to happen.

  24. gadlaw says:

    It’s been a while since I’ve read my Nazi history but offhand I would say that the major military and munitions corporations were behind the Nazi’s – they were good for business you know, very friendly to Corporate needs at the expense of the people and at the expense of freedoms. Kind of like now. There are many fine books on the subject right over there at your local library or bookstore. But by all means, remain ignorant and hostile instead of finding out for yourself.

  25. hhopper says:

    Lets face it. Corporations controlling police action SUCKS!

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #28, OFTLO,

    I have never once in my lifetime supported a Republican… ,

    Well I have. Twice.

    The first time my ma-in-law had knee surgery and I helped support her from the car into the house. The second was when my bro-in-law was too drunk to make it into the house, so …

    I have to tell you. It didn’t hurt. I didn’t have stomach problems afterwards. No funny itchy spots on my skin later. The sun even rose the next morning. I don’t regret either support even though my sis-in-law wanted me to leave her hubby outside.

  27. Todd Anderson, III says:

    #14 And, care to tell which corporations were behind the nazi regime? I’m curious about the thing. Ignorants want to learn.

    I would be only too happy to oblige. I submit the following for your edification:

    By the early 1930s, an élite of about twenty of the largest American corporations had a German connection including Du Pont, Union Carbide, Westinghouse, General Electric, Gilette, Goodrich, Singer, Eastman Kodak, Coca-Cola, IBM, and ITT. Finally, many American law firms, investment companies, and banks were deeply involved in America’s investment offensive in Germany, among them the renowned Wall Street law firm Sullivan & Cromwell, and the banks J. P. Morgan and Dillon, Read and Company, as well as the Union Bank of New York, owned by Brown Brothers & Harriman. The Union Bank was intimately linked with the financial and industrial empire of German steel magnate Thyssen, whose financial support enabled Hitler to come to power. This bank was managed by Prescott Bush, grandfather of George W. Bush. Prescott Bush was allegedly also an eager supporter of Hitler, funnelled money to him via Thyssen, and in return made considerable profits by doing business with Nazi Germany; with the profits he launched his son, the later president, in the oil business.

  28. grog says:

    so what the feds are saying is what? that when you buy something it doesn’t really belong to you?

    the only thing that will solve this problem is to simply quit buying these video game systems

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    And, care to tell which corporations were behind the nazi regime? I’m curious about the thing. Ignorants want to learn.

    Then look it up. Just quit asking mundane questions and then trolling over the answers. Geeze, that all happened 85 to 62 years ago. We have moved on.

    #11 Nice try but Republicans are not in charge of Congress right now. You wanted Democrats and you got Democrats.

    Not a very nice try. This just shows how little you understand about American Government. The President controls the administration of the Federal Government, including the Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Currently the President is a Republican. Much has been made recently about the politicization of ALL government branches by the President and his placement of Republicans in key positions.

    I believe the sole purpose of Congress is to screw we the people since it seems like that is what they are good at so I am pissed at both of the mainstream parties so don’t label me in either group.

    Sounds like someone didn’t vote. That makes you part of the problem. In my opinion, those that don’t vote shouldn’t complain.

    Customs also investigates copyright fraud, not just smuggling. So whether you make ten thousand knock offs of whatever in your basement or import them doesn’t matter, it will be Immigration and Customs Enforcement that visits you. Oh, and making ten thousand knock offs is a criminal offense.

  30. tikiloungelizard says:

    All this focus on copyright violations (RIAA, etc.) is because America doesn’t manufacture much of anything anymore. The economy is now based more on brain products, like intellectual property. The problem is that we can’t import enough brain power, and of course we aren’t growing much brain power. Have you visited a high school campus recently? My son was in one and it was appalling. Anyway, we’re slipping, so I suggest you learn Chinese.


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