“What? You wanna raise? Sure thang, give me a second to reload…”

Associated Press – 7/31/07:

A financially strapped owner of a car dealership told authorities he was under stress when he killed two employees because they kept asking for pay raises, police said Tuesday.

Rolandas Milinavicius was charged in the shooting deaths of Inga Contreras, 25, and Martynas Simokaitis, 28. All three are from the eastern European nation of Lithuania but had been living in Atlanta, authorities said.

Milinavicius, who was having financial problems, told police he shot the two Thursday after they kept asking for more pay, said police in East Point, which is just outside Atlanta.

Milinavicius, 38, turned himself in two days after the shootings and confessed to the killings, telling them he was under a lot of stress, East Point police Capt. Russell Popham said.

  1. flyingelvis says:

    …taking the idea of knocking off a little bit more to a new level.

  2. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – LOL

  3. He should have just taken a lesson from my industry: create a cumbersome and inflexible payscale that leaves employees forced to get a new job when they want more money.

  4. SJP says:

    Being fired is so stressful. Had he fired them, they most likely would have committed suicide. Same end; but just watch…some ladder climbing prosecutor will want persecute this small business owner. Somebody call Chaney.

  5. bobbo says:

    I’d like to know what his personal income/expeses were? Sounds more like coke up the nose?

    He should have just shown the books and said “When you sell more cars, you will get more money>” He wasn’t keeping it all for himself was he?????

  6. Anonymous Coward says:

    I’ll bet they wish they stayed in Lithuania.

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    What a cheap guy.

  8. joshua says:

    He had to shoot them both….or violate Equal Opprotunity Laws….equal rewards for equal labour.

  9. OmarTheAlien says:

    I related the story to my boss and he started looking at me a little weird. I don’t think this is the week to ask for a raise. But I did start hinting about for a new company vehicle, and no, we don’t sell cars.

  10. F Dowling says:

    Talk about Jerk Bosses.
    Were those employees productive and earning his car lot money and profits ?
    Was his business doing poorly due to his poor management skills ?
    A drinker ?
    For all the graphs and charts of these types ( I predict that if current trends continue that the sky will fall) I have ever yet to see a graph or chart of the cost of turnover of experienced staff or productivity after management comes to work with a worker.
    Talk about delusions of grandor.
    Most people survive in their jobs in spite of management.
    In this case they did not survive.

  11. iGlobalWarmer says:

    Where do you think the word “fired” came from?

  12. tikiloungelizard says:

    I like how the last part of his name is “vicius”. How appropo.

  13. Ben says:

    hmmm! New twist that Trump could add this to his celebrity version of his show!

    You’re fired!


  14. angel says:

    Shocking news form now on I won’t be asking for any raise to my dealer on my Ferrari oxygen sensor, don’t want to die yet…=)


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