Hollywood Pros to Launch Video Site

When it makes its debut Tuesday on the Web, My Damn Channel will become the latest attempt by Hollywood professionals to cash in on the huge popularity of online video.

Comedian Harry Shearer, filmmaker David Wain and music producer Don Was, among others, also hope to find creative freedom seldom offered by traditional media companies.

The site is the brainchild of former MTV and CBS Radio executive Rob Barnett, who believes Internet audiences want to see professionally produced shows other than network TV fare.

First of all the site is loaded with too much gimmicky animations. The videos do not work without yet another download from Macromedia (why??). And the embed code is good but look (above) at the lame video promoting the channel. When all is said and done this is too slick to work. There is a nagging public sentiment that when content is too gussied up it means the content itself isn’t any good. This site may bear that out.

  1. Dauragon88 says:

    oh my god… if I hear another “if you ________, the terrorists win” joke I swear, I will strap a bomb to my chest and……..wait a minute………

  2. bobbo says:

    I don’t think there is any “cashing in” from the internet–not Hollywood money anyway?

    Its new, its exciting, its not exclusive. I would be surprised if they weren’t, but showBUSINESS is half business and the money thing will control in the end.

  3. GigG says:

    “There is a nagging public sentiment that when content is too gussied up it means the content itself isn’t any good.”

    Where exactly are you seeing or hearing that sentiment? Is it among the Internet savey like yourself or the folks that read People magazine?

  4. faustus says:

    what he means is… ppl ain’t gonna sit through a bunch of hoohaa waiting to get to what they might want to see… might being the key word here… ppl online have a very short attention span… thats why i think youtube worked…. it was easy to find stuff and then email it around to ppls on your email list… this already is looking like something yahoo threw up

  5. Then again, I could be wrong. (I don’t think so).

  6. I say they should go for it. I probably won’t pay any attention to this particular project, but whether it succeeds of fails, somebody else can take the idea and improve on it and give us something that we’ll actually use.


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