You are what you f_? People can psych themselves into thinking any crazy thing or other.

Carnivore sex off the menu

A new phenomenon in New Zealand is taking the idea of you are what you eat to the extreme.

Vegansexuals are people who do not eat any meat or animal products, and who choose not to be sexually intimate with non-vegan partners whose bodies, they say, are made up of dead animals.

The co-director of the New Zealand Centre for Human and Animal Studies at Canterbury University, Annie Potts, said she coined the term after doing research on the lives of “cruelty-free consumers”.

“When you are vegan or vegetarian, you are very aware that when people eat a meaty diet, they are kind of a graveyard for animals,” she said.

  1. Dauragon88 says:

    “I’m a level 5 vegan, I dont eat anything that casts a shadow”

  2. undissembled says:

    What religion do vegans tend to be?

  3. Ryan Vande Water says:

    So, like…… are you allowed to eat things that SMELL like fish? cause, if not, then I don’t think I am one of those vegansexual thingies.

  4. Atomic Bitchwax says:

    If god didn’t want us to eat animals, why did he make them out of meat?

  5. Dauragon88 says:

    “When you are vegan or vegetarian, you are very aware that when people eat a meaty diet, they are kind of a graveyard for animals,” she said.

    Ummm….I think she means the toilet……

  6. CowParts says:

    Cows are made of dead plants, unless they eat chickens,
    what’s more vegee than that?-)

    Stop them plant killers….

  7. Jägermeister says:

    Despite what some scientific studies (it would be interesting with a more recent study… which deals with grownups instead of kids) claim, I’ve not met a single vegan or vegetarian who’s intelligent.

  8. Mike says:

    What a bunch of freaking wackjobs!!

  9. KVolk says:

    I think the lack of meat in their diet is atrophying their brains.

  10. Huh? says:

    Not only has every vegan I’ve ever met been a complete tin foil hat wearin’ nut job, but damns they is ugly too! That woman is downright scary lookin’.

  11. Mike says:

    As my 8 year old niece once said to me, “I’m a vegetarian; I only eat hot dogs and Chicken McNuggets.”

  12. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #4 – Atomic Bitchwax,

    What do you mean by us and them?

  13. Nicky says:

    This is totally insane! I guess that the veggie diet has turned their brains into peanuts. There’s no common sense in that last thesis. We’ve been a cemetery for dead animals! Totally stupid. Well, you stop destroying the plants then. You will leave the planet with no oxygen.

  14. Raff says:

    “When you are vegan or vegetarian, you are very aware that when people eat a meaty diet, they are kind of a graveyard for animals,” she said.

    Shut up, you compost pile!! Why don’t you go make some methane?

  15. Mark Derail says:

    Trust me guys – if your wife becomes vegetarian (not vegan) you will follow and obey if you want dessert.

    After a few years, you totally lose the ability to digest rotting beef in your stomach, it makes me sick for days.

    Eggs, shellfish, fish, I do eat – meaning I’m not Vegan.
    Don’t get this wrong – I love the taste of a good 10oz charbroiled steak – always did – always will.
    Smelling it alone (from my neighbour’s BBQ) is good enough for me now.

    Vegans are like the extremists of the vegetarians – you have to be one to sleep with one – makes perfect sense.

  16. Calin says:

    I had a friend once tell me that cutting out meat altogether changed the flavor of his lover’s manseed. That’s why they stopped being vegetarians.

  17. Ann says:

    If I were PETA, I’d hide these two away, they aren’t good poster children for a vegan lifestyle, however, if I were the association for cattle ranchers, I’d plaster that photo from here to kingdom come!

    Mark, rotting flesh? Come on, do you have to throw science out the window to justify your lifestyle choice?

  18. Atomic Bitchwax says:

    What do you mean by us and them?

    I couldn’t follow your link so I’m not sure what was there.

    I will say that there is no “us” and “them”.

    It’s just “us” here. If you want to try to talk the worms out of eating my rotting flesh, go ahead, but I think you’ll be wasting your time.

  19. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Well, y’see – there’s no shortage of stupidity all around us today, but what we got here is smug, self-righteous stupidity, the kind that makes you wanna slap yor mammy. Knowwhutimean?

  20. Wait.. If they refuse to have a partner that has had meat of animals.. And yet plants themselves are more than eager use the decayed remains of both plants and animals.. What is to say the mushroom or spinich they just ate with their vegan dinner didn’t consume some poor dead animal to grow?!

    Does that means they will live a life alone?!

  21. Jägermeister says:

    #22 – What a sad statement. This just means is time to find dessert somewhere else. I didn’t know there was only one candy store around? Is that all the leverage you have? Again, just sad.

    Couldn’t agree more.

  22. 230_Volts says:

    …but said they did not want to have sex with meat-eaters because their bodies were made up of animal carcasses
    Einstein’s quote about stupidity comes to my mind as I read the “newsarticle”.

    #22 They say that at candlelight every woman is beautiful, even vegansexual. Especially, *that* one.
    Yeah, Nicole has the charms elsewhere, I suppose. Ehm…

  23. Todd says:

    We don’t want them to breed anyway.

  24. bobbo says:

    Seems to me that turn-around is fair play.

    I’ve not been associating with fruits and nuts for quite a few years now.

  25. cheese says:

    Does it count if her parents ate meat? Wouldn’t she be made of them, too?

  26. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #21 – Atomic Bitchwax,

    Then we’re in agreement. Humans are animals too. (Do vegans avoid oral sex since they’d be “eating” meat?)

    Anyway, google Terry Bisson Meat and you may find other links to the short story. It is perfectly safe for work. It’s a very humorous science fiction short story that is tangentially relevant to the point and an old favorite of mine.

  27. Mark Derail says:

    Man, you guys crack me up !!!
    To each his own opinion – I sure aren’t sad, we’ve been together 19 years.

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    That woman is downright scary lookin’.

    Beauty has nothing to do with diet. I’ll bet your mother looks worse. Or even yourself. If you ever come out of the basement.

    you totally lose the ability to digest rotting beef in your stomach, it makes me sick for days.

    That is why I prefer Department of Agriculture inspected beef from a busy store. It is usually pretty fresh. Try it, it probably tastes as good or better then that rotting crap.

    NOTE, Humans are omnivores, we eat both flesh and plants. Yet our teeth are generally herbivorous while our digestive tracks are closer to carnivorous.

    What a sad statement. This just means is time to find dessert somewhere else. I didn’t know there was only one candy store around?

    No it isn’t a sad statement. If you feel sex is the only bond that holds a marriage together then you must be single or soon to be again.

    but what we got here is smug, self-righteous stupidity, the kind that makes you wanna slap yor mammy.

    LOL, I couldn’t agree more, even if I’m not into slapping my mammy. Or if you mean my reply right above this, slapping pedro’s monkey

    I’ve not been associating with fruits and nuts for quite a few years now.

    Yet you regularly post comments here. And make quite a few replies too.

  29. Angel H. Wong says:

    #18 Mark

    No wonder you’re a mac user.

  30. Angel H. Wong says:

    People with no sex life have these sort of excuses.


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