1. Mr. Fusion says:

    #30, Every true veteran I’ve ever met played down their experience. If you need to use your enlistment as a crutch to back up your argument then you either didn’t serve or were dismissed as unsuitable.

    I’m retired AND I’m a paratrooper.
    Nope. You are and you were. You can’t be both. Its called English grammar. Which just goes back to my post in #26. Your blustering anger is giving you away. I know of no vet who would talk like that.

    I do understand there is quite a bit of controversy about mental health care for our vets. That is a shame and criminal. Our vets deserve better care then that. Any soldier who saw his buddies brains blown all over his uniform deserves, at a minimum, the same level of mental health care as someone who had to sleep in a Quonset Hut.

  2. Retired Paratrooper says:

    “I’m retired AND I’m a paratrooper.
    Nope. You are and you were. You can’t be both. Its called English grammar. Which just goes back to my post in #26. Your blustering anger is giving you away. I know of no vet who would talk like that.”

    You apparently don’t know any military vets. You must be thinking of veterinarians.

    Try telling a retired 80 year old Marine that he is no longer a Marine. You’ll be picking your teeth off the ground after he pummels you. Same goes for paratroopers. There is no such thing as a FORMER Marine or FORMER paratrooper. It has nothing to do with grammar Mr REMF (you might need to look that one up). I forgive your ignorance because that is what it is. Ignorance on your part. I have a friend who is 85 years old, jumped out of a Wellington bomber into Yugoslavia before D-Day, was an original member of the OSS, and has 3 combat jumps under his belt. I would dare you to tell him he’s not a paratrooper anymore. But again, you’re ignorant about military culture. Now you have been schooled a little.

    As for using experience as a crutch, you apparently don’t read anything in posts except for the stuff you don’t agree with. I simply pointed out a few things that show how the government has taken care of the military during my 20 years and 28 days. If you have a few weeks I can go into great detail about things my soldiers should have had and never did. Simple day to day quality of life issues right down to combat gear. But I’m sure you will blame every single problem on a Republican or Bush. Your types are so narrow minded. You need to get out of the house, do something with your life and stop believing everything you read on the Intarwebbage.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    But I’m sure you will blame every single problem on a Republican or Bush.

    No, I would blame you. When I work I use the tools my employer gave me. The only time I will refuse is when to so would be illegal, such as drive an unlicensed vehicle. If you didn’t think the tools you were given were sufficient then quit. It is the poor tradesman who blames his tools.

    I have a friend

    Congratulations. How much do you pay people to be your friend?

    jumped out of a Wellington bomber into Yugoslavia before D-Day, was an original member of the OSS

    I’m beginning to see something suspicious here. The Wellington was a British plane. The OSS was an American agency. While there was some sharing of information, the OSS ran their own operations. Also, the Yugoslav resistance didn’t need OSS help, they were receiving British military help.

    BTW, My father learned twin engines on a Wellington before going on to Bleneims and later Mosquitoes before ending the war in Halifaxes. He flew combat. Most of his friends at the start of the war weren’t there at the end. Not only has he never complained about a cold shower, he has never complained ONCE about where they lived, how many men he shared a room with, the food they ate, the aircraft they used, the ground crew that kept them in the air, the protection they got from Fighter Command, the missions assigned by Bomber Command, or the itchy wool uniforms they wore at 20,000 ft. He did complain about being away from my mother though.

    My uncle commanded a tank troop. I never heard him complain about a cold shower, living in a Quonset Hut, using old material, insufficient munitions or food, the heat in North Africa or the cold in the Netherlands.

    Another uncle never complained at all. He never came home.

    As for using experience as a crutch, you apparently don’t read anything in posts except for the stuff you don’t agree with

    No, I read your entire post. I think you either didn’t serve or are greatly exaggerating your service. I do think you whine too much to have ever been in combat.

    But I’m sure you will blame every single problem on a Republican or Bush

    No I didn’t and haven’t laid blame anywhere here. But, I will just for you. This is a Pentagon problem. Not a political problem. Some Procurement Officer has demanded accountability from his clerks and isn’t getting it. Hence the little guys are being hurt.

    Yet, after some time complaining about how rough you had it, you wrote,
    Do me a favor. Before you start bashing people like the President, you need to get off your ass, go to some other countries (some third world ones would be nice) on this planet for a about 6 months and then come back here and try bitching again.

    For your information, we are not discussing ANY third world country. Bush is the Commander in Chief of our military and appoints the Secretaries of Defense, Navy, Air force, and Defense as well as the political underlings too. He is the one to answer as to why America’s servicemen and women are suffering. This subject is about OUR MILITARY !!!

    Sir, you are a fraud.


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