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$700 for what? God if a company sent you a bill like this you tell them to get fucked.
“run more like a business”??
This sounds exactly like the way Dumbya would “run” a “business”; piss away $200,000,000,000.00, then charge some veteran $700 for some “lost equipment” they can’t even identify.
Between this an the non-provision of body armor and the roach-infested VA hospitals the wounded come back to, I guess we know how Dumbya chooses to “support our troops”
No wonder he ran all the other businesses he was in charge of into the fucking ground. Let’s hope he can’t ACCOMPLISH that MISSION in the next 16 months with the United States.
I am SICK AND TIRED of people who think that government and business are one in the same, and can be run the same.
There’s a big difference between running something where your only concern is to make money, and the other is to serve the public.
What a total disgrace! Our govt. is an embarrassment!
“run more like a business”??
I wonder if the government is thinking about charging wounded veterans for heath care or forcing them to sign up with an HMO?
1. In the past, every BIT of military material that was sent over sea’s was revalued at $0.01 and DUMPED at sea, because it cost to much at that price to ship it BACK… It was a deal with the makers OF the PRODUCTS, thats why we dont have 20000 Old jeeps in this country, or 2000 Helicopters from Vietnam, and MANY other items…
They did this so the Goods would not be given to the Civilians, and cut profits.
2. With the Military Payroll, DUH….You expect them to pay ANYTHING when you dont even get Min wage???
OH of course it’s Bush’s fault! Spoken by someone who has NOT SERVED ONE SINGLE DAY IN THE MILITARY!!!!
I was living in a quonset hut in Korea in 1987 while in the 2nd Infantry Division that had holes all over the place which allowed the giant rats in at night. An outdoor shower for 100 soldiers that was heated by a 25 gallon hot water heater (guess how long the hot water lasted). I had friends die in Army hospitals stateside that were alot worse than Walter Reed. Mold every where, substandard equipment, etc. In 1996 at Ft Bragg, NC the floor of our shower in the barracks had rotted away. You had to stand on planks suspended over the dirt underneath our barracks to shower.
We rode around in M151 jeeps that had no tops, sides, armor, etc. We had Korean War / Vietnam (sometimes WWII) era equipment.
I could go on and on.
The military has had to do without basic necessities since Valley Forge. Most people in the military deal with it. We realize most civilians don’t give a shit about us until someone is threating them or their way of life. We are a convenient inconvenience unless they can use us for some kind of propaganda to bash someone in charge they don’t like.
Now I’m not complaining about the conditions I had to deal with when I served my 20 years. I believe it was Nietzche that said “That which does not kill me makes me stronger”. The crap I had to live through and endure while in the military did make me a stronger person. The crap that people whine about in this country makes me laugh when I realize 99% of those whining bitches have not stepped foot out of this country.
Do me a favor. Before you start bashing people like the President, you need to get off your ass, go to some other countries (some third world ones would be nice) on this planet for a about 6 months and then come back here and try bitching again.
When Bush was “in the military” he always had to suffer through shortages and make the best of it. I read that once he went three days without whiskey and cocaine. He toughed it out though.
#2 – Mister Mustard – This sounds exactly like the way Dumbya would “run” a “business”; piss away $200,000,000,000.00, then charge some veteran $700 for some “lost equipment” they can’t even identify.
My thoughts as well… $1.5 million is a piss in Mississippi compared to the overall cost of the war in Iraq. I’m not condoning guys who actually steal stuff in the military, but this is ridiculous.
#7 – point 1: Thank you for your service. point 2: Do you think that’s the way things SHOULD be, where war profiteers make off like bandits and those who serve get squat? point 3: It’s the American way to b*tch about things. It’s normal and expected and it’s in our grandest tradition. We see something that is wrong and we talk about it.
“When Bush was “in the military” he always had to suffer through shortages and make the best of it. I read that once he went three days without whiskey and cocaine. He toughed it out though.”
I heard when your buddy Clinton wasn’t “in the military”, while he was getting a hummer in the oval office with some fat skank he was simultaneously screwing our military by making sure that they suffered shortages with his shitty policies against the miltary.
Nice try.
Get a room you two!
I absolutely do not think that’s the way things should be. But unfortunately it’s the way things have been. It has truly never changed since Valley Forge.
I wanted my soldiers and soldiers today to have the absolute best equipment out there. But as long as politics are involved it will never change. That being said we still do MUCH better than anyone else on the planet with the equipment we have.
The loss of one soldier is too many for any operation but it’s a price that those in the military know all too well that must be paid from time to time. Sometimes it takes a crappy situation to show how things could be made better for our troops. Our troops are MUCH better off now than when we first started this conflict.
I’m no fan of ANY President that goes out of their way to shortchange the military (Clinton was the biggest prick to the military while I was in the Army), but lets not forget that this has been going on for over 200 years.
As for bitching, I agree. We love to bitch. But I generally don’t bitch about things I know nothing about. Too many people bitch about things simply as a knee jerk reaction and blame all the worlds problems on the President. I think that’s the height of ignorance.
dear R.P.
Of course it’s bush’s fault other than the fact that he’s commander in chief he also a moron. All of the things you ranted about are all the presidents fault (from Washington on) . Its their job to get the details right not just sit in their office and make grand pronouncements about the glory of war. As for the poor guy the armies after maybe some good lawyer will help him sue the government for stupidity above and beyond the call of duty
>>OH of course it’s Bush’s fault! Spoken by someone who has NOT
To steal a phrase from Robert DeNiro, “Are you talking to me”? Been there, done that, and all I can say is that I thank God it wasn’t during the Dark Ages of Dumbya.
>>I was living in a quonset hut in Korea in 1987
Maybe your viewpoint would be different, if you had been living there in 1952, when there was a WAR going on. Not sure what was happening in ’87. The hookers any good?
>>The crap I had to live through and endure while in the
>>military did make me a stronger person.
Did you have to fight and die in a war sponsored by Halliburton and a guy who seeks nothing more than to resolve his Daddy Issues on the backs of the American public? Hmmm?
>>he was simultaneously screwing our military by making sure
>>that they suffered shortages
Ummm, t believe that was the Republican “lawmakers” who did that. You know, the ones with the magnetic “support our troops” stuck to their limos?
Can’t blame a guy for trying to get a blow job, but to sacrifice American young people’s lives so your fucking vice president’s stock portfolio will allow him to compete with Bill Gates and Warren Buffet?
Immoral, unethical, and it should be illegal.
Of course, who the fuck cares about laws when you’re Dumbya? You just get Monkey Gonzalez to overrule them, and then claim he “cannot remember”. And if you disagree, we’re going to wiretap your bitch ass.
Actually, it’s the unit commanders who are to blame here for not accounting for these as operational losses.
The reason why the requirement to refund the government for missing gear is so you can’t get issued several thousand dollars worth of field equipment and then expect to turn around and sell it to the surplus store out in town (or eBay these days) for easy money.
But how this is being handled also shows a procedural problem within the Army’s bureaucracy for recouping these loses.
Retired Paratrooper – Thank you
From reading this list of crap from a bunch of whining, do nothing buttheads I thought I was the only one on here with military service that actually gave a shit. No, I didn’t have it as hard as my Father did during the Korean War (no wait, insert whining butthead “Police Action” here) but I endured a few dangerous jobs and cold showers.
I agree that some of the idiots that write here may want to put on a uniform (Peace Corp or military) and go visit some of the exotic lands and see the people of the Third World. I have been to refugee camps that make you want to kiss every inch of ground in the USA.
By all means complain, that’s one thing this list is good for, a bunch of left wing whiners when it comes to anything about our country.
>>I thought I was the only one on here with military
>>service that actually gave a shit
No, there are a number of us here. And most of us think that Dumbya’s reign has been a fucking abortion in every sense of the word.
Sorry to hear that you had to endure a cold shower. Count your blessings though. You could have been wounded in Iraq because you had no body armor, and the then come back to the states to rot away in one of Dumbya’s “support our troops” underfunded VA hospitals.
It’s all good! Word up, dawg.
This is why you shouldn’t pay taxes. Someone needs to starve some politicians.
So were is the money going? If it is not going for equipment or to take care of the soldiers, then who is getting it?
May be the solution is to cut the military budget in half to see who will scream the most, then we will no where the money went.
I am sure George Washington and his men had some good times since there was no national military budget.
>>If it is not going for equipment or to take care of the
>>soldiers, then who is getting it?
Can you spell “Halliburton”?
Anyone who uses a pseudo of Retired Paratrooper… isn’t!
Run like a business?
I thought businesses could fire people for mis-use of work equipment but could not charge for it absent proof of fraud and so forth. Can get pretty gray pretty quickly and probably depends on the state you are in?
Hope I never get charged for things I blew up.
At least our government is consistent. America has given amnesty to Draft Dodgers 100% of the time after a war. We also have screwed our Veterans 100% of the time, and the first march on Washington DC was over Veterans being cheated. Given the current draft dodging moron in the white house it’s only surprising in that they didn’t put the guy in jail – yet.
Do something to stop the war today!
#23, Milo,
My thoughts exactly. It would seem that this dipshit wants to blame every politician except for the current Commander-in-Chief for ills our army is facing. Chalk it up to one of those 27% who still approve of the President.
I deem in funny that There is trucking concerns over there…WHY??
I thought they were bring back OIL to the USA.
where is it?
Why is the US Paying haliburton and Others BETTER pay then our OWN military?
Why is the SUPPLY side, which Should be Part of the military, a Paid FOR corporate service??
>>Why is the US Paying haliburton and Others BETTER pay
>>then our OWN military?
Dick Cheney doesn’t have stock in the US military.
the Military used to Supply its own PX..
The military used to supply its OWN repairs, and training…
Supplies for Our military, are being shipped TO Iraq, from Private industry..NOT on military SHIPS…
It now Farms it out to Corps…
Dear #23 “Anyone who uses a pseudo of Retired Paratrooper… isn’t! ”
Well dumbass, I’m retired AND I’m a paratrooper. Pretty hard to comprehend isn’t it? Your dipshit buddy #26 had a hard time figuring that one out as well. Not surprising based on the dumbass uninformed comments from you clowns.
Nap time is over. Back to class kiddies.