Oh, no! Everybody’s favorite technology expert is under investigation for something. Stay tuned…

FBI, IRS Search Home of Sen. Ted Stevens

Agents from the FBI and Internal Revenue Service on Monday searched the home of U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens, an official said.

Investigators arrived at the Republican senator’s home in Girdwood shortly before 2:30 p.m. Alaska time, said Dave Heller, FBI assistant special agent.

Heller said he could not comment on the nature of the investigation.

The Justice Department has been looking into the seven-term senator’s relationship with a wealthy contractor as part of a public corruption investigation.

  1. bobbo says:

    Long term Senator, rich contractor, home expanded?


    Gonzales must be totally out of control what with prosecuting Republickcans!!! Crazy guy!

  2. tallwookie says:

    all elected officials are corrupt by definition

    Bring back the Monarchy & fiefdoms!!!

  3. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – Long term Senator, rich contractor, home expanded? Guilty!!!


  4. Phillep says:

    Hilarious. The first thing I learned when I got to Juneau back in the pipeline days was that anyone who wanted anything had to go to VECO. They owned every single state politician in the State of Alaska, and the locals in Fairbanks, Barrow, Anchorage, Juneau, and any of the rest that had anything to do with oil.

    Watch, these Sherlock Holmes wannabees in the FBI are going to discover there’s salt in the ocean, next.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    Where is Nifong when you need him?

    Oh, what’s that? This case has evidence?

    Fuck Nifong, we need a dedicated US Attorney.

  6. Steve Reno says:

    Expert yet another fake Terror Alert by Bush, et al, to get this off the front page…
    Last time is was moving in on a “sleeper cell” in Scotland to get them to move before they were ready. (Tony Blair’s parting gift to his BFF)
    Before that is was the gasoline pipeling gang.
    Before that the assinine liquids-in-bottles-on-planes when Liebermann lost his election.
    Others have a longer list. Expect something really looney this time.

  7. s says:


  8. Johnson says:

    I wonder if they found any money in his freezer?

  9. Jess Hurchist says:

    “Assistant Special Agent” doesn’t seem like a cool job title to me.
    Is he licensed to grill .. suspects?

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Gonzales must be totally out of control what with
    >>prosecuting Republickcans!!! Crazy guy!

    Who said he’s prosecuting, Bobster? With a flagrant flaunting of his “relationship” with Bill Allen, who reaped tens of millions of ill-gotten gains (and pleaded guilty to bribery), the guy HAS to be investigated.

    Now that ‘berto and Dumbya have gotten rid of all the federal prosecutors who are willing to prosecute Republican criminals, it’s less than even money that this will ever make it to the “prosecution” stage.

  11. Pmitchell says:

    that idiot deserves anything he gets, now if they will just investigate the one from dallas who were top recipients of ATT donations just before they came out against net neutrality

  12. gquaglia says:

    Just another example on why term limits are needed. The longer one stays in office, the better they get at exploiting the system. Too bad this old fuck will probably be dead before any of this goes to trial.

  13. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #2 all elected officials are corrupt by definition

    Then please write the definition in the space below, because all the non-rhetoric dictionaries say something else.

  14. Frank IBC says:

    #12 –

    A single six-year term for Presidents, two or at most three six-year terms for Senators, and maybe four to six two-year terms for Representatives sounds about right.

  15. James Hill says:

    Meanwhile, if you were paying attention, I talked about this weeks ago.

    Watch for his son to take the hit on this, not ol’ Ted.

  16. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #12 – #14 – I don’t understand advocates of disenfranchisement…

    We have term limits. They are called “elections”.

  17. Frank IBC says:

    Just one problem, OTFL. It may be in the interests of the voters of each individual district or state to keep corrupt fossils like Ted Stevens, et al, in office until doomsday, but it’s certainly not in the interest of the nation as a whole to do so. You miss the point of term limits.

  18. Frank IBC says:

    And I take it that you are absolutely OK with having Bush elected not once but twice, OTFL?

  19. gquaglia says:

    #16 voter apathy prevents elections from removing the career politician. That and the power of the incumbent prevent many qualified citizens from ever attaining office, especially the Senate. There is no reason anyone need to stay in office more then 12 years. Anything longer then that and they spend more time trying to get reelected and filling their own pockets, then doing anything they were elected to do.

  20. SJP says:

    I know Dave Heller. Great guy. I thought he moved to the east coast. I know he lived and worked in Alaska a few years ago. Whenever I see cheap shots at cops or the FBI on this and other sites I always think of Dave Heller. He is a great person and represents everything positive in law enforcement.

  21. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    17 – 18 – Just one problem, OTFL. It may be in the interests of the voters of each individual district or state to keep corrupt fossils like Ted Stevens, et al, in office until doomsday, but it’s certainly not in the interest of the nation as a whole to do so. You miss the point of term limits.

    I get the point. A population educated almost entirely on hearsay and assumption thinks that “throwing the bums out” is a good plan for everyone’s representatives except theirs.

    I thought it was conservatives that liked to make so much noise about state’s rights? I think the other 49 states might take issue with one state trying to guide their destiny.

    And I take it that you are absolutely OK with having Bush elected not once but twice, OTFL?

    I’m not okay at all with it, and I disagree that he was elected… But my objections are irrelevant. If the people elected him to a second term, then the people elected him to a second term.

    I do have a problem with the Constitution being amended after Roosevelt. That little tirade against the 21st Century’s greatest president prevented the third term of President William Jefferson Clinton, who was a windfall gain for this nation.

  22. iGlobalWarmer says:

    “President William Jefferson Clinton, who was a windfall gain for this nation.” – OFTLO, quite making statements like that, you made me fill my sinuses with coffee.

    Clinton was nothing more than a surfer. The Reagan-Bush years created the environment that allowed the dot-com boom to happen. Clinton rode the wave.

    (Woops, I forgot that Algore invented the Webtubes in his garage and we’re all supposed to worship him. Never mind.)

    Term limits all the way.

  23. Lewis Walsh says:

    Regarding those of you who commented on the Ted Stevens story: stop the moaning and take the One Term and Out Pledge.

    Despite the enormous resources leveraged against the public by special interests, there is a remedy for the corruption represented by the duopoly Democrat/Republican party.

    If one believes in participatory democracy, it follows that they must also believe that as many citizens as possible should have the opportunity to serve in public office. The One Term and Out Movement requires no time or resources. There are no financial contributions to be made no meetings to attend no speeches to endure. A citizen need only make the following pledge to himself then herald what he has done to others. If you are fed up with pay-to-play government and the duopoly party rule, you can take the pledge.

    The Pledge:

    With the recognition that there are huge numbers of intelligent, talented and qualified citizens who are prepared to limit their public service to one term, I hereby pledge that I will not vote a second term for any United States Senator or United States Congressman.

  24. Steve Reno says:

    No need for another fake terrorist alert – Saved by a bridge.


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