We’ve previously written about Christian extremists in Denver Colorado and Washington DC.

Associated Press – July 26, 2007:

A dozen Christian men were convicted Thursday and sentenced to up to 14 years in jail for beating to death and beheading two Muslims to avenge the government executions of three Christians in Indonesia last year.

Five other Christians received eight-year terms for burying the pair, who were set upon by a mob as they drove though a Christian neighborhood on Sulawesi island a day after the Sept. 22, 2006, executions of Fabianus Tibo and two other Christian militants.

  1. Misanthropic Scott says:

    The etching under her should have said, “Let us prey!!”

    So, religion is peaceful; god is love; and, I have a bridge for sale, no checks please, cash only, and in small bills.

  2. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Oh, and of course, never forget to ask, “Whom would Jesus behead?”

  3. ECA says:

    You 2 got it…
    I wonder at the Ideal of Being Christian.
    What does it take?
    Be like those that Persecuted them When they were a Just coming out? Or turn the other cheek??
    Cant they see that there are as many Factions in the Muslim religion as there are in Christianity???

    Lets have some fun…
    since the Muslim faith was started 300-400 years AFTER Christ…
    Lets Go back 300-400 years and LOOK at what was going on, in Rome?
    Lets look at the history of the Lutherans…
    And may others…
    Lets look at the church and Slaves,,,
    Lets look at Church and OTHER COUNTRIES, and missionaries…
    And all the destruction that was caused…BECAUSE SOMEONE, didnt want to Listen to the STUPID WHITE MAN…

  4. Jess Hurchist says:

    #3 “And all the destruction that was caused…BECAUSE SOMEONE, didnt want to Listen to the STUPID WHITE MAN”

    Sorry – seem to have missed something significant. Which STUPID WHITE MAN was it that no one listened to?

  5. tallwookie says:

    Remember folks – its not terrorism if its christianity!

  6. Sounds The Alarm says:

    #1 – God is love. Its people that are assholes.

  7. undissembled says:

    Why couldn’t people be smarter 2000 years ago?

  8. undissembled says:

    Shit, why can’t people be smarter TODAY?

  9. Cinaedh says:

    After all those hundreds of years of Christians going after each other in Ireland, it’s kind of refreshing to see them going after Muslims again.

    I guess we just have to remember evolution doesn’t happen overnight or simultaneously for all members of a species.

    Some are evolved, some are evolving and some haven’t evolved at all.

  10. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #3 – ECA,

    Check your history on those dates please. Mohamed was born around 570 AD. Lex Luthor was born in 1517, so couldn’t have founded Luthoranism any earlier than that. Other protestant sects came later, I think. Early Christianity was pretty exclusively Catholic.

    There are a couple of issues with calling Christ a stupid white man. First, some may be offended (oh horrors). Second, to call him stupid implies that he actually existed. Check out the film The God Who Wasn’t There available on netflix for details. There’s also some really good info in part one of the film Zeitgeist, http://www.zeitgeist.com.

    Parts 2 and 3 of Zeitgeist have failed to hold up to my scrutiny. I haven’t tried too hard to validate Part 1 mostly because I don’t care enough. I do find it amusing though. Jesus == Horus (an Egyptian Sun god from around 3,000 BC). There are also no historical accounts of Jesus as a flesh and blood human, despite much in the way of historical writings from both Romans and Hebrews of the time.

  11. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Sorry!! Link correction!! The link for the Zeitgeist film is http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/

  12. Sounds The Alarm says:

    #10 I’m sorry – did you say “Lex Luthor”?. You do mean Martin Luther, right?

  13. Raff says:

    Onward Christian Soldiers…

  14. iGlobalWarmer says:

    True believers in any religion are scary. Next we’ll hear about followers of Algore beheading SUV drivers…

    #12 – I think Scott actually meant Lex Luger….

  15. ECA says:

    10, that was refferal to the missionaries, and armys of MEN running around trying to baptize Anything that WALKED. Including ALL of the americas…
    As to the dates, you probably got a better idea then I, and that would Push back my consideration back, FARTHER.

    the idea, even the CONCEPT, that is “MY GOD” really gets me upset… ITS NOT “MY GOD”….And I dont care by WHAT NAME he goes by, as LONG as his precepts and thoughts as carried into BEING. And there is only 1…

  16. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #12 – Sounds The Alarm,

    I said Lex Luthor. It was a joke. I thought that might be obvious given that I even deliberately misspelled Lutheranism as Luthoranism. So, since I obviously went to the trouble of looking up his birth year, I think you can assume I knew the difference between Lex and Marty.

    #14 – iGW,

    The real problem with ecoterrorism is that it is environmentally unconscious. I think I’ll stick to the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement.

  17. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – The etching under her should have said, “Let us prey!!”


    #5 – its not terrorism if its christianity!

    It’s called spreading the gospel.

    #6 – God is love. Its people that are assholes.

    You better read the old testament. This invisible dude – or more correctly, his proxies – creates religious assholes.

  18. Sounds The Alarm says:

    #16. I’ve seen just this same err made unintentionally, so I make no assumptions.

  19. Dauragon88 says:

    Let the crusades begin!

  20. Jägermeister says:

    #19 – Let the crusades begin!

    The crusader in the White House started those on March 20, 2003.

  21. TIHZ_HO says:

    We’ll be right back to the Crusades after this short word from our sponsor…

    Did you know that in Indonesia the unrest between the two faiths while it is an ongoing thing outside of the island of Sulawesi such as in cities such as Ambon and Cirebon its not as bad as it seems?

    Hi, I’m Troy McClure, you might remember me in from “Chinese Beijing cardboard steamed (imitation) pork steamed buns is not as bad as Castleberry Food Co USA ”

    Indonesia, with a population nearing that of America its not hard to have a report of these incidents more often than not, but they aren’t as widespread as it appears in the media.

    For example: Is someone in danger of getting shot as soon as you get out of the airport in America? Well outside of some US airports yeah…ok, but not all of them, alright?

    Many people who have never been to America are convinced they will hear gunshots all around. Well some US cities…ok, but not all of them, alright?

    I was there in Jakarta during the riots and while it was bad – no doubt about it – a lot of the horrific stuff was ‘rent-a-mob’. As reported by the media Indonesian Chinese businesses were targeted by the riots. Indonesian Chinese are responsible for 75~80% of the economy so it would seem that way wouldn’t it?

    Trivia – The word Amok is a Malay word (similar to the Indonesian language or Bahasa) which means “furious attack” so that’s were the term ‘Run Amok’ comes from. 😉

    Now back to the Crusades which is already in progress…


  22. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #18 – Sounds The Alarm,

    #16. I’ve seen just this same err made unintentionally, so I make no assumptions.

    Now that’s scary!! Unless, perhaps by breeding stupider we can get out of the mess we’re in. Maybe we should try to breed for no thumbs as well.

  23. Steve Moody says:

    No philosophy can be judged by its misuse.

    While beheading Muslims is an illogical outcome of Christian philosophy, if Atheists had done this, it would be one of many logical outcomes of Atheistic philosophy.

  24. Marc Perkel says:

    Licky they weren’t caught with Pot too. That would have got them the death penalty there.

  25. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #23 – Steve Moody,

    In what way does your warped brain convince you that atheism encourages beheadings??!!?

  26. Marc Perkel says:

    Lucky they weren’t caught with Pot too. That would have got them the death penalty there.

  27. KevinL says:

    Stupid Global Warming! If it actually existed.

  28. Dauragon88 says:


    Dude, give me your dealer’s pager number, cause you are obviously been smoking some really good shit

  29. clancysdaddy says:

    can i pray to whats on the alter instead

  30. Luke Oliver says:

    The truely intelligent comments must have been posted on the wrong blog…shouldn’t have wasted my time.


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