Found by Chris J

  1. fox news sux says:

    Published by the Fox News Channel (an oxymoron in and of itself) – what a surprise.

  2. Don Moore says:

    If you can’t have fun, then there no reason to pay attention to these folks until Labor Day 2008. It’s about time the Conservatives figured out how to make things funny.

  3. Tom McMahon says:

    Sometimes we all forget what an absolute gold mine of comedic material that the Clintons bring to politics.

  4. Mikey Benny says:

    Agree or disagree, that was pretty funny. Let me preemptively say that in my opinion, anyone who gets angry about this needs to lighten up; you’re taking all of this a bit too seriously.

  5. julieb says:

    I’m all for poking fun at politicians. But that just didn’t seem funny.

    Why can’t conservatives do humor?

  6. bobbo says:

    That was one of the better ones I have seen, but it is “curious” how that 30 minute conservative comedy news show ((that this bit seems taken from?)) usually leaves me uncomfortable?

    Can a sense of humor be “liberal” or conservative? Sure seems to be. What I find is the conservative comedy bits make fun of people in need, and thats not funny. This bit makes fun of Hilliary, one of the powerful, and hence, it is funny.

    Its a version of why talk radio is conservative. The cons want to be preached to about things they already believe. Liberals are the opposite ((yes, only generally speaking)) hence the audience will never be there and we have to recognize the real difference between the two “philosophies.”

    On topic, what happened to those rollicking Nazi sit-coms of the 30’s? Maybe only the Jews can do comedy? ((“Springtime for Hitler” and so forth?))

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    Mildly (very mildly) amusing. I’d give it a 1.75 on a scale of 1 to 10. If Fox “news” really had anything to do with this, I just pray they don’t try to take over the Comedy Channel. Hoo boy.


  8. Just like Nancy Reagan ran the White House when Ronnie was president, Bill will be running it when Hillary Clinton is in the White House.

    My first choice is still Michael Bloomberg (but being he’s a Jew he’s in the same boat as Obama).

  9. Dauragon88 says:

    I think I managed to giggle a little while watching that.

    No, wait…….that was gas

  10. Tanqueray says:

    Yea can’t watch fox news in any form whatsoever.

  11. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #3 – Tom McMahon,

    So, presumably, for real comedic value, you’d want to bring back Dan Quayle?

  12. Rooting for Tony Snow's Cancer to win says:

    FockSnooze is funnier when it’s not trying to be funny.

  13. Zaw says:

    Its fun and all but when is the media going to represent the Public and ask them more DIRECT QUESTIONS to them damn politicians, until then I’m not watching any news.

  14. Jaim says:

    Republicans can’t do science, so they invent “Intelligent Design.” They’re even worse at humor, so they need FOX to make up shows for them.

    IMO, that’s what’s funny.

  15. Roc Rizzo says:

    This seems to be part of Fox Noise’s new hour long “comedy” show. It was so boring that they cut it to a half hour. This is the first I have seen of it, and I can tell why. It’s just NOT funny. Not one bit.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, Scott,

    Are you suggesting with that link that Quayle does speak Latin?


    I too found this boring. It took me a few minutes to realize that this was actually a skit and not a real Fox Spews news item. Like it took until about post #7. It is so typical Fox Spews reporting.

  17. tallwookie says:

    all I gotta say is that was pretty badass !!! – i laughed

  18. Awake says:

    Even the laugh track sounded bored.

  19. KVolk says:

    dang think if this had happened in New Zealand….

  20. tallwookie says:

    no vote is rational – they’re all made in a fit a rage

  21. joshua says:

    I found the blank space under the post headline hilarious myself.

  22. joshua says:

    Don’t look now Dave….but it seems someone stole your video. 🙂

  23. JoJo Dancer says:

    This would of been a whole lot funnier had the Fox News logo NOT been on there. Knowing it was their own satire peice made it strange and less funny. Why is a “News” channel spending time/money on people who write skits and not on people who actually report the news?

    Very creepy stuff. Sorta like CNN being the Michael Bay of News Stations.
    “Kaboom!, Bam!, Terror Alert!, Strike Now!, War!, Death!, Global War!!”

    Geesh, I was so much safer as a teen not knowing any of this crap. What a jip growing up turned out to be. Doh!

  24. Cursor_ says:

    #8, Let’s remind everyone again, Nancy was NOT in charge. It was George Bush.

    The ex-head of the CIA is NOT, I repeat NOT, going to play second fiddle to a sleepy, c-list actor. George Bush was our OUR only five term president. And we can thank his dad Prescott for that. Heil Bush!


  25. Uncle Dave says:

    #23: What are you talking about? It’s still there.

  26. DieFundie says:

    Faux News from Faux News. Wow some brainstorm there huh?

    This show is nothing but character assassination and straw man bullshit. Honestly, if you found those bullet points funny in any way, you haven’t been paying attention. You ate the red pill long ago. Wake up and smell the fascism in the republican party, doch?

  27. scott says:

    Love the laugh track. It helps you understand when they think they’re being clever.

  28. joshua says:

    #26….it wasn’t there last night (early A,M,).

    Ok… it’s not funny, too bad it wasn’t done with pro’s…… and maybe some comedic writing.

    The reality is, Hillary DOES have this effect on a great many woman. They basically don’t trust her. The polls say they think she’s smart, and even right on issues, but there’s something that other woman just don’t like. It’s why her negatives are so high. She actually has more support among men percentage wise than woman.

  29. Barbara Clinton says:

    Looks like conservatives are starting to get that show sucks, too – check out this editorial:


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