1. John Scott says:

    Absolutely Not! This is not a medical office that everyone needs to be familiar with. Especially in middle school. Yes, I know some will feel that it will prevent teens from having sex or stop teens from having abortions which ever side of the fence your on about that. I’m not sure from the story if this was sex ed or what but this was clearing some teacher or school staff trying to make a personal statement.

  2. Oscar says:

    I think it’s in appropriate, but why would such a field trip be worth covering on the live news? Why is this so bad that a mayor must stop such a field trip? Isn’t this a form of censorship?

  3. Gasbag says:

    In my day it was just a trip to the Zoo?

  4. tallwookie says:

    deffinately appropriate – kids should know where these places are, they’ll be visiting them in a a few years anyway

  5. undissembled says:

    Fox News! Making news out of nothing since 1996. (also, embellishing and making things up)

  6. Cinaedh says:

    Aren’t there usually two sides to a story or is Fox exempt from even the lowest standards of journalistic integrity?

    I don’t think that ‘story’ could even be considered journalism. I’m not sure what you’d call it but it certainly wasn’t journalism as I understand it.

  7. me too says:

    I’m guessing if the next field trip were to a church or a apple store then the DU crowd would be against the school.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    I don’t get it. What is wrong with middle school age children visiting a medical clinic?

    Would you also ban them from seeing a Memorial Day gathering because it remembers the dead?

    How about stopping them from ever finding out that sometimes they shouldn’t let an adult touch them in certain places?

    Should we not teach them about Emancipation Day because it was wrong to enslave others?

    So, I still don’t understand why it was wrong.

  9. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #8 – Mr. Fusion,

    I’m with you 100%. I just don’t see the issue here. There’s no separation of church and state issue. There’s no teaching of non-science in a science curriculum. Planned Parenthood is about as conventional as one can get in family planning.

    In my health class (sorry, too long ago to remember my age at the time) we were taught about all available methods of birth control and their levels of effectiveness. We were taught about sex and the risk of pregnancy. I have never had unprotected sex in my life, largely because of that class.

    If kids don’t learn about sex, and both pregnancy and disease prevention, they will get pregnant and transmit AIDS. This is a life and death matter. Some might argue that the classroom is more appropriate than a Planned Parenthood office, but I can’t see why or what difference it makes where they learn, as long as they do learn.

    I wonder, could it be the same induhviduals that want religion taught as a science curriculum that are objecting to this? Or, possibly just less radical believers along the same logical line but to a lesser degree?

  10. ECA says:

    If these kids KNEW what this palce was…They should KNOW where it is…And MOM may have been there already.
    2. IF these kids had NO IDEA what was happening here….I DONT THINK they will understand it, ANYWAY..

    Mommy were you and daddy wrestling in Bed again last nite??
    No, darling we were HAVING SEX…

    Get off the Idea…THINK alittle bit….

  11. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #10 – ECA,

    And MOM may have been there already.

    Remember, if your parents didn’t have kids, it’s very unlikely that you will.

  12. Jägermeister says:

    I agree with the majority of the posters above… It’s a fully appropriate thing. I wish Fox got this worked up on other issues, such as religious indoctrination at a young age, religion in school etc.

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    Fuck no! Kids should not even be permitted to know that “abortion clinics” like Planned Parenthood exist. Let’s just inundate them with “abstinence only” sex education, and watch them die in back alleys from coathanger abortionists. God forbid they should learn about commie pinko fag stuff like condoms or birth control pills, so they will never have to visit an “abortion clinic”.

    After all, “abstinence only” works out so well. At least if you’re pedo dad who wants to take your daughter to a Virginity Ball.

    Not for nothing that most people with IQs in the double digits or above dismiss Fox “news” as a mouthpiece for dimwits.

  14. rasco says:

    I agree with #1.

    No, this is not approprate. Who sponsored the trip, the YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association) . I think this may have been an attempt to “scare straight” children away from abortion – “today we’re visiting a place where they take babies out of momies’ bellies”.

    I completely agree that sex education is a very important, but I think the possiblity of a hidden adjenda was more likely the reason for this trip.

  15. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #14 – rasco,

    I thought that too, at first glance. But, with planned parenthood being both a women’s health service and a heavy lobbying group for women’s health choices, I think they might have picked a less outspoken group if they had wanted to make that point.

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I think they might have picked a less outspoken group

    Like what? The Ladies’ Auxilliary? The Manchester Tea Tasters’ Club?

    wtf is wrong with PP? Are “women’s health choices” really so controversial, outside of the neocon “fuck me up the ass, my crystal meth addict of love” right wing nutjobs who try to paint them as an “abortion clinic”?

  17. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #16 – Mister Mustard,

    I think I may not have been clear. I was merely stating that if they had the agenda of showing kids that abortion was bad, they might have taken them elsewhere, rather than to an outspoken national organization.

    I like Planned Parenthood a lot. I have nothing at all against them. I don’t find them controversial at all, hence my comment about them in #9. In fact, their opinions are about as mainstream as one can get, or were before the nation took a step to the riiiiiight and crimped their knees in tight (or actually many steps to the right and stuck their knees into vices to hold them together.)

  18. bobbo says:

    To be fair and balanced, this trip should be followed by one to genetic birth defect care unit, or to the slums of Calcutta? More than two sides to every issue.

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    >>To be fair and balanced, this trip should be followed by
    >>one to genetic birth defect care unit, or to the slums of
    >>Calcutta? More than two sides to every issue.

    Those are all the same sides of the issue, Bobbo. Families (and parenthood) should be planned. Or at least wanted.

    The only people who think Planned Parenthood is “controversial” are the pro-life guys sitting outside with the 30.06 rifles, ready to mow down those fuckers handing out condoms and BC pills where they stand.

    Been to a PP office lately? They have metal detectors and guards who put the TSA to shame on the way in.

    God bless the Manchester YMCA. If they’re seeking donations for the next field day, I will donate.

  20. bobbo says:

    19—ok, Planned Parenthood, one of the few single sided issues on the Good Old American scene. I can work with that.

    Do you think that dumbass Mayor is an 30.06 owner, or just a pimp hurting the kiddies so he can win the next election?

    Real scum – – -right there on the radio holding public office!

    How does FREECOM survive? ((I won’t listen again but thought I heard YMCA wont be doing this again? = = = “whatever!”)) But of all the “religious” groups out there, yes YMCA seems to try.

  21. tallwookie says:

    lol #11, good one!!

  22. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Do you think that dumbass Mayor is an 30.06 owner, or
    >>just a pimp hurting the kiddies so he can win the next

    I think he’s just a pimp. Remember, Manchester is home to the Manchester Union Leader (later known as the Union Leader, then as the New Hampshire Union Leader); one of the few certified John Birch Joe McCarthy papers in New England. Being anti-family planning gets votes in Manchester, I guess.

    But not to downplay the 30.06 aspect. They’re out there, they have high-powered rifles (and hand grenades and 40-caliber Glocks with high-capacity magazines), and they’re willing to use them.

    Try going INTO a PP office some time. It’s easier to get through security at La Guardia with a towel on your head, a Koran in your hand, murmering “balal oola bala bwana oola…dynamite in my sneaker” than it is to get into a PP office. X-ray, metal detectors, security guards, the whole nine yards. The family values/ pro-life crowd is willing to kill however many it takes to rid God’s kingdom of sourges like condoms, birth control pills, and sex.

  23. ECA says:

    something a few of you may have missed….
    Look at the header…
    MIDDLE SCHOOL….We are talking about kids OVEr the age of 12…I hope.
    If you havent Explained LIFE to your kids…Then let the schools do it, and shut up.
    If you want to pass the Buck, you have NO SAY, in who teaches your kids, to DO THE JOB.

    Ok, fine…You DIDNt teach them and the SCHOOL dont, and you have a PREGNANT 14 year old….WHO’s Fault? And NO pointing FINGERS at the kid, or the school.
    want to Solve the problem?? Send your kids to a Farm/ranch for 5 years of their life…AT LEAST.
    You are not raising Kids to be kids…. MAny religions believe that when kids hit 12-14 they be considered ADULTS, and treated as such. to make there OWN mistakes and LEARN from them.
    Did you LEARN everything from your parents??? Did you go out and DO THINGS yourself and LEARN?? Opps, I shouldnt do that??


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