As if dressing girls up to make them look like adults for beauty pageants as if they were dogs in a dog show by mothers like Patsy Ramsey isn’t weird enough and the child isn’t naturally beautiful enough (based on their perverse standards), we have companies like this who will retouch (although that seems too mild a word for this level of work) your child’s photo into “perfection.” Believe it or not, the photo on the right started out as the one on the left. Here’s what was done:

*Mouth Replaced
*Hat custom designed to match outfit
*Bangs trimmed
*Lashes added
*Stray hairs removed
*Eye liner added
*Facial powder added
*Skin blended
*Cheekbones defined
*”Doll Eyes” added
*Photo changed from color to black and white
*Background changed

“Age progressions,” completely replacing mouths, replacing eyes with “dolls eyes,” and so on makes certain no one will recognize the child if they were ever to see them in person. Although some are for adult’s photos, the majority on the website are of kids who’s function in life seem to be as toys for their parents to mold into contest winners. The most bizarre part is the name of the website: Natural Beauty Contest. Anything but.

  1. tallwookie says:

    it would be cooler if she had some cat eyes and some tentacles

  2. itate says:

    Gah! Some of the sample photos are freaky looking, almost scary.

  3. undissembled says:

    Apparently, the goal is to have a child that looks like a porcelain doll. Or a bad Japanese cartoon.

  4. Jetfire says:

    The Dolls eyes are really creepy. Did you look at the cost? 40$ and they take PayPal. This has to be some low budget operation because some of those retouches look like crap.

  5. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    This is one for those sexist throwbacks who still think that being sick & twisted is something men have a monopoly on…

    Can you say “Patsy Ramsey”?

  6. ECA says:

    Pedophile romance….
    Look at whats happened in the past…
    LEAVE the kids alone.

  7. Steve says:

    I judge some of these pageants with my wife. I can tell you that neither of us judge “Daddy’s Little Hookers” very high when they walk out on stage.

    My favorite is a mother who told her daughter to run around and shake your money maker (her butt) for the judges.

    I know doctors and lawyers that have done them (When they were young) and overall it was a good experience for them but they didn’t look like little porcelain dolls or hookers.

  8. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Kids at that age need to learn about coöperation – not competition.

  9. sdf says:

    Magazine editors have to start their career somewhere

  10. Gig says:

    “naturalbeautiescontest” Oh, the irony.

  11. Matthew says:

    Astounding just how 2 dimensional the face looks after that processing. But in their defense the ones you posted are “total makeovers” and I would blame the parents for deciding to replace facial features.

    if you click the more samples link there’s a woman in a wedding dress and the resulting picture looks much better than the original – the levels are adjusted and the driveway is removed from the background. And there’s this one while still overdone took a crappy photograph and cleaned it up a bit.

  12. Matthew says:

    On second thought, maybe some of these originals might have actually been retouched to make them look worse. They seem pretty crappy for being professional photographs.

  13. hhopper says:

    Matthew – Look how much better the photo can be made with no Photoshopping at all… just adjusting the various levels of light and color.

    temp.jpg temp2.jpg
  14. Chris says:

    It’s like the cheerleading team for the local high school soaking wet and doing a fundraiser carwash. These things succeed on the dollars of pedophiles.

  15. gquaglia says:

    I personally find glamor shots of children and pre teens creepy. It not nature for them to look that way.

  16. gquaglia says:

    It’s like the cheerleading team for the local high school soaking wet and doing a fundraiser carwash. These things succeed on the dollars of pedophiles.

    Pedophile are attracted to prepubescent girls, not full formed teenagers.

  17. snichael says:

    Yikes!!! I think this is the same guy who did the “Batboy” photo for Weekly World News! Guess he has to do THIS now that they’ve gone out of business!

  18. Kevin says:

    Village of the Damned!

  19. JoaoPT says:

    Ever saw the glamour, 11 years old photos, of America’s eternal virgin…Brooke Shields (…oudated, I know…)…those were creepy.

  20. JosephBlanx says:

    Calling all pedophiles! Calling all pedophiles!

  21. SN says:

    Who wants to bet that he’s not using a warez copy of Photoshop? Any takers?

  22. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    How ’bout we send Chris Hansen and a camera crew over…? Maybe he could shame this PS “artiste” into offing himself.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, Mathew,

    Sorry, I disagree. While there is a lot of taste involved in judging beauty, I seriously think the touched up photo is poorer.

    The eyes are wrong and look artificial. The skin is too pastey, making her look almost corpse like. For that extreme a close up the angle is wrong. The hair looks more like a wig. Yup, she now resembles something from the Dead Zone.

    Now, I understand that sometimes you have to work with what you are given. That doesn’t mean you need to go overboard though. Sometimes only a minimum of touching is necessary. Sort of like what Hopper did by only increasing the light level.

  24. esmee says:

    they look like 90 year old ladies with about 50 pounds of streaky messed up makeup on and on top of that they look like hussies!!!!!!!!!! hehehehehehohohohohoh they look rediculus

  25. Well I’d rather not leave something that is going to anger anyone by me being too opinionated that might see my comment lol so I’ll just say it was a good read and who knows maybe I’ll leave something a little more substantial later on. reply by: Hair Products


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