1. ECA says:


  2. moss says:


  3. Rakarich says:


  4. BubbaRay says:


  5. Mr. Fusion says:


  6. Ho-Lip Tex says:


  7. cranky steve says:

    it’s been 10 mins since watching it and I am still crying from laughter.. When the guy asks the cop to scratch his balls, I lost it. What a classic video.

    Maybe this is the key to teach kids not to drink and drive. If you do and get handcuffed, not you or anyone else can scartch your balls.

  8. Alan says:


    OK, I know. But all the good one-word comments were already used.

  9. red says:

    “Combative nature?” Seriously?

    I didn’t think police states would go this far.

  10. dwright says:

    Watching it made me scratch my balls.

  11. Mister Mustard says:

    Yeah, that’s always a good strategy when you get pulled over by the cops: ask them to scratch your nuts. If that doesn’t work, offer to give them a blow job for twenty bucks.

    Unless they’re holy-roller evangelists or right-wing family-values neocon republicans, your ass is in jail for the night.

  12. CRAP says:

    [edit: comments guide]

  13. Balbas says:

    Recall how in jury duty you’re asked by the judge not to show any emotion? Wonder how the jury on this guy faired?

  14. Dude says:

    Funny as anything!


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