Run for your lives! — Mars Will Not Kill You — I post this because on Aug. 27 the planet Mars will be as close to earth as it will get in 60,000 years. And this morning I got one of these emails about how Mars will be as big as the moon in the sky. This sort of crap stems from lack of good science education in the USA and gullibility.

On Aug. 27, Mars will be closer to Earth than in nearly 60,000 years. This “close approach,” as it’s being billed, has some folks worried about potential dangers here on our planet.

One reader asks: “Will it be dangerous when Mars gets that close to Earth? It has me a little worried.” Others have e-mailed to say they heard there would be earthquakes or other disasters. One of the many rumors going around says the two planets will collide.

The true gravity of the situation is benign. There is absolutely nothing to worry about.

At its closest, Mars will still be nearly 34.65 million miles (55.76 million kilometers) away. The effectiveness of gravity is a function of mass and distance, so while the pull of an object is said to act across the cosmos, it does so with ever-diminishing effect. At great distances — such as between Earth and the other planets — the gravity of an object becomes little more than background noise, like the hum of a Cadillac from 20 blocks away amid the cacophony of a construction site in Midtown Manhattan.

Other readers say they heard Mars will look as big as the Moon. It will not. On Aug. 27, Mars will look pretty much like it looks now, shining as a very bright star-like point of light. With a telescope, of course, you can make it as big as your wallet allows.

  1. Aaron Figueroa says:

    Last time mars was this close they send down pods in groups of three and horrible menacing machines emerged….

    But that’s OK.. Fema will protect us…

  2. butcho says:

    Look like old news … few years late actually!

  3. highqham says:

    Yes, old news. The close Mars approach occurred on August 27, 2003. Our radio club held a Mars party where we all went to a dark area (hard to find in the LA area) with telescopes and enjoyed the view. Even with telescopes, Mars never looked close in size to the moon.

  4. My dream is that the world would unite to send astronauts to the Moon to paint two dots and a concave line on its surface so that from Earth, on a full moon it would look like this from all over the world:


  5. B. Dog says:

    Well, it’s true that many people I know, some with science degrees, were telling me about how big Mars would look. There is a very poor understanding of basic science in the country. It’s too bad. People that certainly look bright enough often have a medieval view of reality in their heads.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    I thought that this was a couple of years ago. Then reading the linked article it clearly says

    Mars Will Not Kill You
    By Robert Roy Britt
    Senior Science Writer
    posted: 09:46 pm ET
    17 August 2003

    But it makes for a good study of irrational fear.

  7. joshua says:

    The pods landed as predicted and they quietly covered up the fact it was 4 years ago and planted this story to throw off the Justice Department and the CIA as to their presence on our planet.

  8. Awake says:

    John again posts one of his incredibly forward looking and prescient articles in his blog.
    Next he will proudly predict that Apple may release a new product that might be a phone, and that Apple is also considering using Intel chips instead of PowerPC.

  9. Cripes…hey does this get debunked and become “old news” when the event itself is a month away!?!? I’m running the older article since it’s definitive AND relates to the upcoming event which will get a LOT of press between now and then.

    You guys suck.

    Read the posting guidelines.

  10. BubbaRay says:

    #10, John, the 2003 event was pretty cool. This year’s opposition won’t be as spectacular, but should still be exciting in even a small telescope (13cm or larger aperture.) Hope you enjoyed the picture in comment #5.

    Just for the record and for those interested:

    While viewing the above link, click the “Home” link for the whole site (just more fun on a Sunday afternoon.) Mars will reach opposition (closest to Earth) this year on Dec. 24. at some 55 million miles.

  11. Mister Mustard says:

    >>You guys suck.

    Hey! That’s the last time I’m clicking on your damned horoscope link!

  12. Mark Derail says:

    Smartalix, you like me, disappointed NASA missed this opportunity to send a manned expedition?

    #7 Actually that coincides with when MARS Chocolate bars are certified Peanut Free, so that, effectively, Mars can no longer kill someone.

  13. tallwookie says:


    Time to sacrifice a goat or a few muslims to god.


  14. ECA says:

    Dont even MARS ME…

  15. redwolf says:

    #10 – John – did you even read the Snopes link?

    The close approach happened FOUR YEARS AGO!

    Not August 2007, August 2003. In August 2007, Mars will be behind the Sun and not visible.

    The only thing notable about this post is that it was included in a series of e-mails at my office in which people were reminded to check Snopes before forwarding e-mails.

  16. But..but…but

  17. connor hanks says:



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