“Not tonight honey, I have a cranial malfunction.”

Reuters – July 18, 2007:

Real love is hard to find for one Japanese man, who has transferred his affection and desires to dozens of plastic sex dolls.

When the 45-year-old, who uses a pseudonym of Ta-Bo, returns home, it’s not a wife or girlfriend who await him, but a row of dolls lined up neatly on his sofa.

The man, who says he has had sex with five women but prefers the dolls, is one of a gradually increasing, though secretive, group of Japanese men who have given up on women.

Here’s a video from Reuters:

  1. TIHZ_HO says:

    Very tame by Japanese sexual standards.

    Japan already have VERY expensive POOP clubs where the discerning POOP connoisseur can choose from a variety of POOP in all of its forms. An executive favourite, which requires bookings, is to make selections from a menu for pubescent girls to consume so that later…well you know…they ‘process it’ which is then taken by sushi chefs who arrange it tastefully for the eager guest. (Yes..WTF?)

    This is the other side of Japan.


  2. JoaoPT says:

    Ta-Bo YHB:-)

  3. SN says:

    1. “I want to see this guy’s face if a neighbor gets in and he catches him with one of the dolls”

    Great one Pedro!!

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    Well, at only six thousand US dollars, it’s certainly cheaper than a REAL woman!

  5. ECA says:

    No mother inlaw…
    No complaining,
    No father inlaw.
    No head aches…
    It dont cost anything AFTER purchase.. you dont have to buy anything for them to make them happy.

    But I think a goat or sheep would do the lawn for you, along with all the rest.

  6. Improbus says:

    $6000 still buys a lot of hookers … even in Japan. Fly to Thailand and have some real sex.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #2, TIHZ_HO

    I wonder how you came to know all this. I realize that there is someone out there who will satisfy almost any perversion, but to know such intimate details ???

  8. Chris Swett says:

    And people wonder why Japan is leading the world in research into lifelike robotic technology…

  9. Jägermeister says:

    I’m sure they have long and interesting conversations in his apartment.

    #8 – Fly to Thailand and have some real sex.

    Perhaps he can’t get a stiffy, so a plastic doll is the ideal companion… it won’t laugh… 😉

    #9 – …but to know such intimate details???

    He’s a researcher… 😉

  10. Jerk-Face says:

    10. ‘And people wonder why Japan is leading the world in research into lifelike robotic technology… ”

    We’ve had these dolls for over then years. Japan is just now catching up on our perversions.

  11. Matthew says:

    I see the future in these dolls, sexbots here we come.

  12. John *Missing No.* says:

    Interesting how most of those dolls look like adolescent children.

    Pedobear would be proud.

  13. Improbus says:

    If you are a doll no one can hear you scream.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #14, It is a little more difficult to mold the wrinkles.

  15. meetsy says:

    nice to see boys playing with dolls.
    Better than subjecting some poor woman to the guy. Let’s face it, poorly socialized males do not make good partners, anyway.
    Now, lets R&D some good latex-boy-toys for the women-folk. That way psycho girlfriends can take their aggressions out with abandon. All this without pushing any human to the brink of insanity. (Plus the boy-toy won’t ever leave her….so, maybe it’s a match made in heaven?)

  16. TIHZ_HO says:

    #9 & 11 LOL! Fair comment!

    Well…doing business in the Austral-Asian region for 23 years…you hear and seen it all!

    I personally never went ‘POOPing’ and not so inclined to either, I must add. I know about it from many Japanese / Asian business people whom I met over the years happy in talking about it – too much information though.

    Porn bondage, especially bound and gagged ‘Sailor suited’ young school girls are popular with Japanese men as well.

    #11 Thailand for sex? That’s a given, but the causal tourist keen on this sort of activity would not have a clue of what really goes on other than what they get from the sex shops catering to foreigners.

    Thailand is the place for wives though. Polygamy is the norm in Thailand with the Thai wives proud to work to support the husband – that’s right ‘proud’!

    Again, not from personal experience 🙁 but from working in Jakarta for almost 7 years in the hotel / entertainment industry you get to see…well…stuff.

    Well I guess just sallied any reputation I was keen on building here! LOL!


  17. Pornomann says:

    Necrophilia anyone?

  18. Pat Benatar sang, “Love is a Battlefield”.

    Look at all the wounded single people today. For men, sex is a great motivation to get a girlfriend. What I’ve found is that women want to get to know you before they drop their pants. And this is where trouble sets in. After I get to know women, I don’t want to have sex with them because they don’t meet my ideal. But yet, I still want to have sex. This has caused a lot of strife in my life because I love women’s bodies but I can’t stand their minds most of the times after I get to know them. Last night I went to the China Club and it just wasn’t the same anymore. All those years that I fought to get a woman into bed that same night and now women were throwing themselves at me and I just walked away. I pick up on aura right away and they repel me. When I got home last night I felt like having sex but I don’t have $6,000 dolls so I did the next best thing. I ordered a $200 doll in human flesh. The sex was pretty good and getting her to leave my apartment was a cinch. She did leave behind a personal item: her bottle of lubricant. I tell you, once a woman always a woman even if she’s a prostitute.

  19. Jägermeister says:

    #16 – Mr. Fusion – It is a little more difficult to mold the wrinkles.

    LOL 😀

    #18 – TIHZ_HO – I know about it from many Japanese / Asian business people whom I met over the years happy in talking about it – too much information though.

    I’m sure it’s a reflection of their porn… Japanese porn tend to be quite twisted… the animated version even more so.

    As for Thailand… yeah, it’s the whorehouse of the Orient. A lot of Japanese business men travel throughout South-East Asia in order to satisfy their kinks. Well, on the other hand… so does a lot of westerners… *cough* Gary Glitter *cough*

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #18, Good reply.

    Sometimes when you put some experience to the comment, as you have done here, it adds a whole new perspective. Jag added a great comment in post #21 that I echo.

  21. jarry says:

    as strange and odd as this video clip was, whats funnyer is the clips that are recommended to you after the clip ends…


  22. bill says:

    Remember the ‘OTTOpilot’ and flight attendent in Airplane?

    Like in Startrek Veeger…. maybe we are witnesssing the next step in man’s evolution!

    I wouldn’t be able to sleep in his apartment…

  23. tikiloungelizard says:

    With all the cynicism and social pressures, I think it’s amazing that men and women get along at all anymore. Our expectations of each other are so vastly different. It ain’t just the Japanese: 80% of Italian men ages 18-30 live with their parents, many refusing to ever get married.

  24. sayuncle says:

    So women become lesbians, partner up and have kids artificial insemination and men shack up with dolls and have no kids. What an odd world.

  25. joshua says:

    #26….80% sounds a bit high….but I do know that the percentage of Italian men not leaving or returning home is quite high, in fact the highest in Europe.

    As far as this guy goes….I guess it could be worse….he could have 50 male sex dolls in the apartment. 🙂

    No offense Angel.

  26. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #20 – What I’ve found is that women want to get to know you before they drop their pants.

    Thanks for the insightful research and helpful tip there, Casanova.

  27. Dauragon88 says:


    “What I’ve found is that women want to get to know you before they drop their pants.”


  28. joe satriani says:

    It’s amazing to see so many people complaining about other people’s affair. It’s almost like poor children making fun of the rich. It’s pathetic and futile to practice such behavior.

    As for the random bashing on how young the dolls look, somehow I can’t help notice how many dolls have been sold. It’s almost like it’s not so undesired after all.

    Lastly, I can’t understand the logic in people. It’s almost like they prefer for traditional deviant behavior over modern-moderate changes in lifestyles and preferences.

    Makes me wonder why any of us were ever born. The only thing we’re good at is making sure everyone is a miserable as everyone else. Prove me wrong.


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