Marine corporal Shavon Striggles practices for war and driveby shootings

Gangs Spreading In The Military

On July 3, 2005, Sgt. [Juwan] Johnson went to a park not far from his base in Germany to be initiated into the ‘Gangster Disciples,’ a notorious Chicago-based street gang. He was beaten by eight other soldiers in a “jump-in” – an initiation rite common to many gangs.[…]Johnson died that night from his injuries.
“I feel like I didn’t prepare him enough to deal with this and I should have,” his mother said. “But how would I have known there were gangs in the military? I could have had that talk with him.”

Evidence of gang culture and gang activity in the military is increasing so much an FBI report calls it “a threat to law enforcement and national security.” The signs are chilling: Marines in gang attire on Paris Island; paratroopers flashing gang hand signs at a nightclub near Ft. Bragg; infantrymen showing-off gang tattoos at Ft. Hood.

The rise in gang activity coincides with the increase in recruits with records. Since 2003, 125,000 recruits with criminal histories have been granted what are known as “moral waivers” for felonies including robbery and assault.

A hidden-camera investigation by CBS Denver station KCNC found one military recruiter was quick to offer the waiver option even when asked, “Does it matter that i was in a gang or anything?” That is well within military regulations.

“You may have had some gang activity in your past and everything … OK … but that in itself does not disqualify…,” the recruiter said.

Another causality of Bush’s war is the military itself.

  1. ECA says:

    RIGHT into battle with them…Forget Germany…

  2. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Podesta tells me this is just another racist attack on black culture.

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    If the military is teaching its recruits to shoot pistols tilted sideways like some kind of gansta B-flick, no wonder we’re not winning in Iraq! Nice bling, though, and I love the Jesse James-style do-rag/ mask.

  4. MikeN says:

    Another casualty of talking down the war. It becomes harder to get good recruits. This is more of a repeat of Vietnam than I thought. Then the rejection of ROTC led to taking nutjobs like Calley and MyLai.

  5. Improbus says:

    That is no way to hold a pistol. Not if you want to hit something, that is. What a dumb ass.

  6. Podesta says:

    ‘Gangs’ don’t necessarily mean black folks, Lauren the Bigot. The military’s chronic gang problem has been white supremacist groups. If you could have passed the test, would you have found time for Aryan Nation’s meetings between KP and policing the grounds?

  7. Smartalix says:

    Bush has despoiled the country, our economy (paper numbers don’t really count), our military, and our reputation in the world. That man’s entire life has been a litany of being given anything he ever had of any value then pissing it away in the method most beneficial to himself and his cronies (and puppetmasters).

  8. Podesta says:

    [duplicate comment]

  9. Podesta says:


    [Please use for overly long URLs. – ed.]

  10. Biff Smith says:

    #3 – No, the military does not teach recruits to hold a pistol that way, see below

    #5 – You are right, you won’t hit anything shooting like that, the reason they hold the gun that way is for drive-bys. You only have to roll the window down a little and the slide will still clear, save an inch or two from holding it “correctly”.

    As a Senior Enlisted Sailor I agree that the quality of recruits is on the decline in some respects. The core is still here though, the high quality Sailor who wants to serve his country and will be around. The gang entrants are getting pushed out everyday. We kick out the trash as soon as we can, the solid players will always remain. This is just another blip on the radar.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    #2 – Podesta tells me this is just another racist attack on black culture.

    This has just as much to do with hispanic or black culture as George W. Bush and the republicans has to do with white culture.

  12. OvenMaster says:

    “Another causality of Bush’s war is the military itself.”
    This was caused by Bill Clinton’s gutting of the miltary in the 90’s with base closures and staff reductions. Bush Junior inherited armed forces that were much smaller than even Bush Senior had, and now Bush Junior is relying on National Guardsmen and reservists to carry out military objectives instead.

  13. Nik says:

    #12 – Clinton closed bases that just did not need to be in operation. In the early 90’s, I was assigned to Naval Air Station South Weymouth (13 miles south ofo Boston, MA) It had ~5,000 annual air operations (13 operation per day) The base had no function other than being a hide out for naval officers who couldn’t hack commanding a deployable unit. There were numerous bases that were just like this place. They should have been closed. And by the way BRAC still goes on today under your beloved Bush Jr.

    Gang activity isn’t just in the Army/Marines and quite frankly, this is one I don’t blame on our President. These guys come in for military training and take it home to teach their fellow gang-bangers. It isn’t fun to have opposing gang factions in the same unit, always breaking up fights. Instead of tossing blame on someone else (commonplace in the U.S.) how about we blame the individual gang members who CHOOSE this lifestyle.

  14. Raff says:

    There was plenty of gang activity on post when I was in the army back during the first gulf war. Looks like they are good and established now eh?

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, OvenMaster

    Yup, it must be Clinton’s fault for getting a blowjob. Forget that the military started their reduction under Bush Sr. Forget the Republicans controlled the budget process for six of the eight years of Clinton’s Administration. Yup, this is all Clinton’s fault.

    Effen morani hate monger.

  16. hhopper says:

    Gangs are one of the most serious threats to this country. They’re now in places where a few years ago they were unheard of. All the cops that are busting folks for pot ought to be out busting gangsters.

  17. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #7 – Pod-person

    “‘Gangs’ don’t necessarily mean black folks, Lauren the Bigot.”

    In modern-day America, and in the American military, as the article makes clear, yes it does. Black – and to a lesser degree, Hispanic – gangs are the single most violent and deadly subculture in this country, by far – and you know that as well as we do.

    You and the Reverend Al aren’t fooling anyone these days, except for fools.

    ‘Denial – It’s not just for breakfast any more!’™

    Go take your Marxist antiwhite racist propaganda somewhere else, commie moran.

  18. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Oops. Forgot to mention this, Nifong manque.

    What was that other horseshit you were spewing? Oh yeah:

    “The military’s chronic gang problem has been white supremacist groups.”

    From the article:
    “Military regulations disqualify members of hate groups from enlisting, but there is no specific ban on members of street gangs.”

    You couldn’t utter a true statement if your life depended on it.

    [edit: see comments guide]

  19. Podesta says:

    From the article that should have also been cited in this entry:

    [edited: link contains the quote]

    I’m quoting at length because of the problem with white supremacists in the military is a longterm and deep one. To ignore it is to be irresponsible. The one case of gang members killing another gang member is troubling, but it can’t hold a candle to the problems caused by white supremacists with military training such as Timothy McVeigh.

  20. Seth says:

    I don’t think letting people with records enlist is a big deal. I had two felonies when I enlisted in the Army at 17 years old before this war even started and haven’t had so much as a speeding ticket since.

    Not everyone grows up in suburbia with good parents. The military is long known to be a place for people with no other place to go to make a decent living and make something of themselves.

    The problem in my opinion isn’t recruiting kids with records but keeping an eye on current soldiers. Once you get recruited it’s not a free ride. You can get kicked out at any time from Basic to ACAP. We need seniors to not look the other way to these things like I’ve often seen happen.

    I say let them join but give them a short rope. Let’s face it. Johnny with his father making 6 figures isn’t joining the Army at 18.

  21. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Recruiting people with records – generically? – sure, why not?

    But when you know it’s a record of violent crime, beit gangbanging or flake milita violence, then it should be obvious that these are the very last people to whom you want to give extensive training in how to kill other people, then bring back to America.

  22. Elwood Pleebus says:

    Maybe the head honchos watched The Dirty Dozen too many times?

  23. joey says:

    well what about the white supremacists, they are going into the military also, to get training for their planned attacks against non-whites inside this country. they are being instructed to insist on infantry assignments so they can get experience with the same tactical situations they would face in attacking individuals inside the US. this should scare you too… this country is in some ways more prone to major breakdown than yugoslavia was before it broke up–miracle if nothing happens. dvorak you should talk about this too…


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