If you’re sleeping with a portable device next to your pillow so you will not miss an email during the night, you are not alone. According to AOL’s third annual “Email Addiction” survey, more Americans than ever before are using portable devices to keep tabs on their email throughout the day and night, and from virtually anywhere – bed, cars, bathrooms and even church.

Americans are emailing anywhere and everywhere. Fifty-nine percent of people emailing from portable devices are checking email in bed while in their pajamas; 53% in the bathroom; 37% are checking email while they drive; and 12% admit to checking email in church.

Forty-three percent of email users check their email first thing in the morning, and 40% have checked their email in the middle of the night. Twenty-six percent admit to checking email on a laptop in bed while in their pajamas.

Cripes! My computer checks my email frequently; so, it’s there when I look in. I don’t allow it to holler at me when it arrives.

  1. framitz says:

    hahahahahah An AOL survey?

    AOL user intellegence?

    No credibility what so ever.

  2. hhopper says:

    Geez framitz, way to kill a thread.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    Maybe I’m showing my age. I check my email every couple of days. I refuse to instant message and never read text messages on my cell phone. I just feel no need to keep in touch with that desperately.

    If you call me during the middle of the night it better be important. I mean like you need me to post your bail or your car died and you’re stuck in the middle of nowhere. Otherwise you might hear some words you won’t like. If you’re dead, well, that is too bad but I can’t help.

  4. joshua says:

    My friends think I live in the past because I refuse to have a cellphone, don’t own a blackberry or other portable device and answering my email is the last thing I do online before going off.

    I have a computor and last year was given an iPod for my birthday…..my only two **modern** tech devices. Oh, and for my Mom and Dad’s peace of mind I do carry on my hikes into the mountains my Mom’s phone with the GPS locator thingy, so if I fall down a mountain side and a cougar dosen’t eat the phone they can find my body. 🙂

    I actually enjoy not being reachable 24/7. There are few, if any reasons for a normal person(non-business) to need to be reachable all the time. Call me, on a landline, leave a message if you really need to, otherwise wait until you see me to tell me your news.

  5. ECA says:

    In online ALOT…
    But I refuse to have a cellphone, or those fancy Service on my main phone.
    IF I aint home…Call back.
    If someone died, I will find out.
    It dont do them any good IF I run to the site they died…

  6. tkane says:

    Hmm. Does leaving my PC on at night to listen to Shoutcast streams of Sleepbot count as addiction? The PC doesn’t have an email client configured.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, tkane

    But that will “waste” a lot of energy.

  8. OmarTheAlien says:

    I’m sufficiently insignificant that the world can continue to lurch along should I be out of contact. I have a cellphone, but no voice mail, and a landline, but just for the DSL. It’s unlisted and without an answering machine.

  9. Reach says:

    Some people go through life reaching/hoping for relevancy in the world. Some of those people are here, reading and replying to this post.

    ‘They’ are lucky if I check my apartment mailbox twice a week. I figure if it’s somebody I know, they’ll call me – hoping I’ll answer, ’cause they all know I give a shit about voice-mail and email.

    I’m important to certain people, I answer their calls. Everybody else if detritus hoping to pay the absolute minimum for super-awesome experienced computer assistance.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    >>There are few, if any reasons for a normal person
    >>(non-business) to need to be reachable all the time.

    I hate to tell you what life is like After College (AC), Tree Man, but there are few, if any, reasons for ANY person, normal or otherwise, to be reachable all the time. Maybe if you’re a transplant surgeon waiting for notification that the cadaver liver or heart is available.

    And if you look at the dipshits walking around with bluetooth ear phones yapping away like Chihuahuas, jut about NO ONE who is important in any way to ANYONE wears one of those things. Kinda like a high-tech, high-cost version of the fake cell phone antennas ppl used to put on their cars in the early nineties. “oooh, look at me! I’m like Donald Trump, but without the combover, the money, or the string of trophy wives!! But I’m really, REALLY important.”


  11. badger linux says:

    Some people have no lives
    AOL at one time was a very advanced marketing technogy innovative company
    The first to market functional products to real people
    compuserve was clueless
    Always in the tv ads- the grandmother “I send email to my grandchildren”, what could be done with the internet and alway always always the young 14 year old virgin in her bedroom with braces “I communicate with my friends”
    If you were breathing you got tons of free AOL install cds

  12. Dauragon88 says:

    I think my grand city of Washington DC was recently dubbed the most E-mail addicted city in the US of A. 😀

    I check my email alot, but I tend to use Instant messengers and my cell phone alot more to keep up with people.

  13. tallwookie says:

    I agree with #1


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