BBC: Bush’s Grandfather Planned Fascist Coup In America — This situation was discussed previously on the blog HERE. It was mostly Democrat party leaders in conjunction with some creepy big name industrialists behind the idea of ousting Roosevelt. If you read the docs there is zero mention of Prescott Bush and I wonder if this just isn’t a desperate Bush bashing exercise.

A BBC Radio 4 investigation sheds new light on a major subject that has received little historical attention, the conspiracy on behalf of a group of influential powerbrokers, led by Prescott Bush, to overthrow FDR and implement a fascist dictatorship in the U.S. based around the ideology of Mussolini and Hitler.

In 1933, Marine Corps Maj.-Gen. Smedley Butler was approached by a wealthy and secretive group of industrialists and bankers, including Prescott Bush the current President’s grandfather, who asked him to command a 500,000 strong rogue army of veterans that would help stage a coup to topple then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

According to the BBC, the plotters intended to impose a fascist takeover and “Adopt the policies of Hitler and Mussolini to beat the great depression.”

I’m suspecting a similar scenario emerges around 2013.

  1. moss says:

    The Brits shed new light? The Congressional committee that investigated the general’s testimony corroborated virtually all of it. And did nothing.

    Of course.

  2. edwinrogers says:

    If there is a single shred of truth in this then by many accounts he was in good company.

  3. joshua says:

    Roosevelt was barely sworn in if these dates are correct. He hadn’t had a chance to screw up yet.

    When was it that the veterans had their march on Washington and McArthur led the troops that routed them?

    I think the BBC is letting it’s bias show again.

  4. moss says:

    joshua – go to your friendly neighborhood library and read “War is a Racket” – written by one of the few ever to be awarded the Medal of Honor twice – and the Brevet Medal when it was the highest honor in the Marine Corp.

    Then, someone likely has the Congressional testimony online. Read, dude, read. Don’t let your hangups over the Beeb hold you back. It ain’t the messenger’s fault.

  5. MikeN says:

    2013? That would make Bush Calvin Coolidge!

  6. Brenda Helverson says:

    Kitty Kelly’s book on the bush Crime Family talks about the planned coup against FDR, although she treats Prescott bush as a minor player – sort of a lap dog, like his son.

    Joshua, there was little ambiguity about FDR before he entered office and the Hoover-loving power elite were terrified of him. Please recall that the earlier Roosevelt was a trust-buster and resentment still lingered. Power rarely gives up power voluntarily, and they have long memories. It took until Nixon to finally kill the New Deal.

  7. Ilya says:

    With the Cheney/Bush junta despised by more and more in the US (not to mention around the world) and louder calls for impeachment here, all the Satanic Cabal need do is create another 9/11type scenario, declare a national emergency and implement marshal law.
    Then they’re in power INDEFINITELY.
    Think it can’t happen? Think it won’t? Oh, I’d say it Will happen…..and soon!

  8. dwright says:

    Are you serious? Roosevelt was an early admirer of Mussolini and Hitler spoke well of Roosevelt and his nationalist policies.
    What are we talking about here, a fascist takeover of a fascist president?
    If there was talk of it, it’s because there was a large consensus until the war of the rapid change in our form of government and the coming death of most things constitutional.

  9. Thomas says:

    Suppose for a moment that everyone’s wildest accusations are true: that grandfather Bush was a diehard fascist and wanted to overthrow the American government. So what? Granted, it is interesting from a historical perspective, but it means diddily squat in relation to George W. Just because Jack Kennedy was tied to the mafia does not mean his sons were. Just because Henry Ford was a fascist sympathizer does not mean their descendents were. As #7 stated, so what if it’s true?

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    So many people commenting that have no idea what the hell they are talking about. They must have gotten their History lessons from the back of trading cards or youtube.

    FDR a fascist,
    FDR (a Democrat) the same as cousin Teddy (a Republican),
    Mussolini and Hitler speaking well of FDR,
    Nixon killing the New Deal, like we don’t still have social security, unemployment insurance, workman’s compensation, …
    Corroborating some evidence becomes “virtually all”,

  11. Jeff says:

    I like the business plot better.

  12. jccalhoun hates the spame filter says:

    I don’t see that it matters either way. I’m not responsible for what my grandfather may or may not have done. Those that hate George W will hate him no matter what. Those that like him will like him no matter what.

    If I’m going to dislike the current administration I’ll dislike them for the things that they proudly commit to doing and not the rumors.

  13. Sea Lawyer says:

    Interesting fact: Smedley Butler was also big time into the temperance movement. Did you know that around the turn of the 20th century, officers could face court martial for public drunkenness?

  14. #5 — EXACTLY!

  15. @9 — Oh really. how about sending some documentation for this BS of yours. Where are the Hitler quotes?

  16. trat says:

    Have a look where the Bush’s money came from.
    Everyone always assumes that it was papa bush will oil wealth
    Yet papa bush went to ivy league schools
    Rather amazing the origins of the family’s wealth if you dig.
    But then again its all coincidence and a few shards as well.
    But then again how would gore of handled or not handled the present days.
    The more things change the more they stay the same.

  17. joshua says:

    As Fusion said above, the 2 Roosevelts were of the same family (5th cousins), but thats were the similarity ended. Though FDR did look at Teddy as a hero of his for his progressive views and trust busting policies. Neither was a Fascist, not even close. And FDR was no Communist as the right likes to say. He was a Liberal, period. His idea’s on wealth distribution were radical for the time when business was almost God-like, but hardly Communist.
    Since I have never been overly fond of early 20th century American history, I had to go read up on some stuff, including the wiki article on the Business Plot. While brief, the article had multiple sources from all sides of the issue to look at.
    I have to apologize Moss….you’r right, this isn’t the BBC….though it’s the kind of thing they will engage in, and , while I enjoy reading them, I am aware of their biases and try to keep them in mind.

    While I will admit that there have been and probably will be secret plots and conspiracys by and against our government or officials….I’m not a grassy knoll fanatic. I can, without medication, take things at face value and just shake my head at those who insist that no matter what, we are surrounded by vast right-wing, left-wing, and middle-wing conspisoy’s (someday i will learn to spell that eff’n word).
    I have my serious doubts based on what I read this evening that this plot was a real thing. Everyone involved seems to have some hidden agenda. The one person who is not heard from on this, happens to be the one who would have had the most to lose….Roosevelt!!! I couldn’t find any kind of public or private statement by him on any of this, which leads me to think he just didn’t buy it. Not only that, but 1933 was not a time when people would have been angry enough(business leaders) to contemplate something like this. 1934 to 1936 would have been a much more likely period when business and others would have been worried about what Roosevelt had in mind…..during the so- called second New Deal legislation period. This was when he really started to lay out the policies bringing in Unions and Social Security and forming agencies that would make life a bitch for businesses around the country. He also proposed(not sure if he got them or not) a top tax rate of 91% for individuals and business, as well as a business savings tax. Hell, those kinds of tax rates and taxes would cause people to plot even today.

    So, while Butler may have believed he was being asked to perform a coup…..I honestly think it just wasn’t real. And even though the committee said they found him credible, I wonder why. But when you look at the individual members of the committee’s back ground, and tie it into events of the time, you can see why they did what they did… seems many of them also had their own agenda’s as well.

    So…I vote no….on the question of did it happen and I could never find anything other than one small mention of Prescott Bush, because of stock he held in a couple companies that may have been doing business with Nazi companies. In fact, I got a surprise when I read about ole Prescott….turns out he was a Teddy Roosevelt progressive in many ways…and a moderate conservative on other issues. He was a founder of the United Negro College Fund, and Planned Parenthood and several other sort of Liberal froups….also was not trusted by the conservatives, and was known as a Rockefeller type Republican(even though they hated eachother personally). Kind of made me wonder what happened to the family gene pool after him.

  18. dwright says:

    Well at least we turned the question around and have a few defending Roosevelt for not being a fascist. Someday you will look beyond the sentimentality and see these “great leaders” for what they really are.
    By their fruits you shall know them.

  19. Sounds The Alarm says:

    #19 – Typical. You get asked for proof and you just state scripture.

    I have one: “Know a bull shit artist by his bullshit” Sounds 1: 1-1

  20. Frank IBC says:

    Oh, I thought that this was going to be an Uncle Dave story. 🙂

    Interesting story. I knew about the eldest Bush’s sympathy towards Nazis and their lackeys, but I didn’t know it went this far.

  21. Frank IBC says:

    On the other hand, couldn’t you have linked directly to the BBC4 article instead of going to PrisonPlanet? Ugghh…

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #19, dwright

    “Ten Thousand comedians out of work and you’re trying to be funny”

    Fusion 3:6

    “Eff you”

    Cheney 176:97

    “I have no specific recollection of that”

    Berto 53:3

    I love quoting scriptures.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    I am quite sure that Richard Nixon did not share the same ideas or outlook as did Khrushchev or Mao. Or, a little more extreme, just because I drive a Ford, doesn’t mean I endorse Henry Ford’s union busting tactics.

    To paint Prescott Bush as a Fascist sympathizer because he had some dealing with them or a traitor because he might have been upset with the “commie” FDR is a stretch. Politics isn’t a everything or nothing choice. Mussolini made the trains run on time and Hitler got Germany moving out of the depression and they may be favorable remembered for that (unless you have objections to how they did it). That does not imply anyone has to love all their policies though.

  24. Frank IBC says:

    Here are some of the views of Alex Jones, proprietor of

    Alex Jones describes himself as an ex Paleo-conservative. His philosophy has strong libertarian and constitutionalist strands. He is against globalization. Jones is a strong opponent of the Neo-Conservative movement, which he considers to dominate the current Bush administration. He asserts that there is a “phony left/right paradigm” in American politics that hides a fundamental “unity of agenda”, which is promoted by the “elites” who, according to Jones, hold political control over the world. These “elites” are claimed to be behind a plan for a global government that will condemn all of humanity to a capitalist gulag, which he describes as a “global plantation” or “prison planet”. In the United States he has stated that this “gulag” will be enforced by martial law. Jones is also skeptical of human causes of global warming and the “War on Terror”, claiming they are hoaxes perpetrated by “globalist elements” to advance the aim of a world government.

    Alex Jones claims that “elements” within the United States government are promoting this aim by weakening national sovereignty, using International Institutions such as the World Bank. Jones often refers to the international institutions, the military industrial complex and the Illuminati as globalist forces.

    The March, 2007 issue of HUSTLER Magazine features an interview with Jones about 9-11, in an article entitled ‘Was 9-11 An Inside job?’.

    In Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State, Jones claims that Communism was a plot by international banks in the early 1900s to oppress the Russian serfs. He further claims that Communists in the West today are funded by corporations. Although the claim about international banks is considered implausible by most historians, this corporate funding was researched and documented extensively by the late Professor Antony Sutton, and has been acknowledged by academic figures such as Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski and Professor Richard Pipes.

    John Birch Society
    Jones has expressed solidarity with the John Birch Society, whose mission is “Less Government, More Responsibility, and — With God’s Help — a Better World.” The John Birch Society is against a unified world government and is rooted in Judeo-Christian principles. More insightful may be the John Birch Society’s stated opposition to what it describes as collectivism. Also in the 1960s, The John Birch Society opposed aspects of the Civil Rights Movement and opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

    From his site[18]: “In the battle against the New World Order, Alex Jones could aptly be described as a brash, young Patrol Torpedo boat commander….John McManus, the President of the John Birch Society, could just as aptly be described as a battle hardened Fleet Admiral….On April 27th, via “The Alex Jones Show”, the PT Boat Commander and the Fleet Admiral finally met, and discovered that they are in the same Navy, taking orders from the same God, and fighting the same war against a common enemy”

    During that same interview Jones told him: “I want to work with you guys, to see you grow.”
    McManus replied that he was: “looking forward to seeing the relationship continue”.

    [edit] Attack on the USS Liberty
    In Terror Storm, Jones gives his summarized analysis of the attack on the USS Liberty in 1967:

    “In a nutshell, this is what happened. President Johnson had personal control over the ship, parked it in the Mediterranean, made a backroom deal with Israel to attack it, with an order to kill all aboard. Then the attack on the ship was to be blamed on Egypt, the US would enter the war, and take over the entire Middle East.”

  25. DaveW says:

    Hasn’t G. W. Bush et al already moved this country in a decidedly fascist direction? If it weren’t for the fact that our trains are always late, I’d say they had succeeded!

  26. Angel H. Wong says:

    Didn’t Prescott Bush also stole Jeronimo’s skull just for fun?

  27. Ted Sbardella says:

    I for one welcome our Fascist Overlords.

    I bet it will be Petreaus. I would vote for him to be our dictator. I think really my life would be pretty much the same. Work ,sleep, write cranky email, avoid ninja assassin on the way home from work.

  28. Thomas says:

    So, the short version is that he’s a certifiable loon.

  29. mark says:

    25. Frank IBC- and your point?

  30. joshua says:

    #24…Fusion…actually you hit the reason given in the article I read of the Business Plot, for the plot. We were deep into the worst depression in our history and big business was pissed because they didn’t see the goverment doing anything worthwhile to get us out of it…..but when they looked at Italy and especially Germany, they saw fascist goverments bringing their countries out of the depression faster and stronger than we were. It wasn’t that these guys were fascist, but they saw that form of goverment doing great things for business and the economy in their countries, and felt that maybe thats what we needed as well. This was conjuncture of course.

    No where did I find anything that suggested that Prescott Bush admired the Nazi’s. He was on the board of some company’s that his father-in-law owned that were trading with Dutch companies that had been taken over by the Nazi’s….and those companies, like all companies in the US at the start of WWII, that were dealing with the Germans, or Italians(who we were NOT at war with yet) were taken over by our goverment until after the war, then returned to their former owners. That was Bush’es connection to the Germans.
    Some of you really need to do what I did and read up a bit on this stuff, you might be surprised who the good guys were and the bad guys were in the 1930’s and 1940’s. P. Bush was, or so it seems, a pretty decent person….who’d a thunk it??


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