A Qatar sheikh held up a British Airways flight at Milan’s Linate airport for nearly three hours after discovering three of his female relatives had been seated next to men they did not know.

When none of the other business class passengers agreed to swap seats, the sheikh, a member of Qatar’s ruling family, went to the pilot, who had already started the engine, to complain, an airport official said.

The pilot ordered him and his traveling companions, the three women, two men, a cook and a servant, off the plane.

Which was great; but, the whole disaster took 3 hours to sort!

The London-bound flight took off nearly three hours behind schedule Thursday evening and around 50 of the 115 passengers missed connecting flights.

It’s egregious hogwash to demand that rules, access, be changed on the spot to favor your religion or customs, whatever.

  1. SN says:

    I’m shocked he doesn’t own, or at least rent, a private jet.

  2. xwing71 says:

    Love the pic that goes with this story. A bunch of loonies. Having your own beliefs is fine, and if he didn’t like the situation, he should have made it clear WHEN HE BOUGHT THE TICKETS. If he’d pulled that stunt in America, he’d be headed to the federal pokey.

  3. Jerk-Face says:

    I think this is a setup. First, a sheikh was flying business class with his family and entourage?! Business class?! Think about it.

    Second, a sheikh doesn’t have his own private jet?

    Third, someone from his entourage must have purchased the tickets and must have known the seating arraignment before they boarded.

    I think this whole thing was to make the west look bad in the middle east. “Oh god they force women to sit with strange men, can you believe it?!”

  4. bill says:

    “I think this whole thing was to make the west look bad in the middle east.”

    HUH? first, of all who cares? Secondly, the sheikh should not be allowed to fly on a comercial airline.

    How does he think the inocent other passenger feels having to sit next to one of his relatives.? Or doesn’t that matter.

  5. Michael says:

    You’re right number four. White people should have the right to not have to sit next to the scary brown people.

  6. Jerk-Face says:

    4. “HUH? first, of all who cares?”

    Huh? Apparently the ability to read it lost on some. I specifically said, “I think this whole thing was to make the west look bad in the middle east. ” Thus, people in the middle east would care.

    And as to your second point:

    “Secondly, the sheikh should not be allowed to fly on a comercial airline.”

    I’m not sure how your subjective opinion on the sheikh’s ability to fly commercially has anything to do with what I wrote. In fact, after this incident I wholeheartedly agree with you.

  7. JoaoPT says:

    I think this all story is bogus

  8. hhopper says:

    #5 – Just the scary brown people with turbans.

  9. Rob R says:

    This has nothing to do with being Arab or Muslim. It’s about being rich and spoiled. Brittany did the same thing, I believe, a couple of months ago on another airline.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    They should have kicked the dumb fuck and his entourage to the tarmac as soon as he opened his mouth.

    If he doesn’t want his female relatives sitting next to men, he should charter a lesbian flight. Howard Stern could probably help with that.

  11. Rob says:

    Kudos to the pilot for booting him right off the plane. I’m not sure that would have happened here in the US…

  12. Peter Rodwell says:

    First, a sheikh was flying business class with his family and entourage?! Business class?! Think about it.

    Probably the flight didn’t have a first class section. A lot of short European flights just have business and cattle classes.

  13. joshua says:

    This isn’t surprising about a BA flight. They don’t give a rats as* about offending you once your ticket is paid for……. 🙂

    Still my favorite airline to Europe and back, because if you aren’t a sheikh’s as*…the service is excellent.

  14. BdgBill says:

    Muslims should not be allowed on airlines.

  15. OmarTheAlien says:

    Hey, the Sheik has a point; sit one of his comely little brides next to me and we may enjoy a moment or two of conversational bliss before wheels down.


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