Associated Press – July 27, 2007:

The label on Aquafina water bottles will soon be changed to spell out that the drink comes from the same source as tap water, the brand’s owner said Friday.

Aquafina is the single biggest bottled water brand, and its bottles are now labeled “P.W.S.” The new labels will spell out “public water source.”

“If this helps clarify the fact that the water originates from public sources, then it’s a reasonable thing to do,”

  1. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    And so is Coca-Cola’s Dasani…

  2. [i’m so weak, i’m so weak]

  3. Angel H. Wong says:


    And Evian.

  4. Anders says:

    Well, where would any water come from if not “from natural springs”…

    Bottled water is one BIG marketing hoax that far too many people have fallen for. Time for a change!

  5. DavidtheDuke says:

    Spongebob is a nice touch

  6. Jägermeister says:

    It doesn’t matter… People can’t taste the difference anyway…

  7. hhopper says:

    Those idiots were hilarious!

  8. chris says:

    Evian = naive spelled backward.

  9. Jeff says:

    The problem is that it is not just tap water. The water is purified through reverse osmosis. It is generally clean and very safe to drink. It is cleaner than tap water due mostly to varying standard on drinking water and the dirty, inefficient pipes that transfer the water to your home.

    You could of course install your own RO|DI (or RO) unit under the sink or (or if you want more work) simply heat the water until it steams, collect it and either use it as distilled water or add trace element back into it (for the nutrients you expect in drinking water).

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    >>And Evian.

    That’s an urban myth, Angel.

    Evian mineral water comes from the Cachat Spring in Evian-les-Bains (Suisse), on the south shore of Lake Geneva.

  11. JoaoPT says:

    #7 I beg to differ: I usually spend 1,29 for my fav brand of bottled water per 5 liter , instead of the 79 cents for the other brands…

    I’m a spender… only the finest things…

  12. Jägermeister says:

    #8 – Those idiots were hilarious!

    If you’ve not watched Penn & Teller’s Bullshit! series… do it. They’re debunking quite a few things.

    #12 – Angel – Nice web site

    Nice find. Angel… you really look like a girl. I bet quite a few straight guys have tried to pick you up, right?

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Angel… you really look like a girl.

    You horny bastard, Jägermeister

  14. Slappy says:

    Make it cold enough and you won’t know the difference anyways.

    Local bottler near me (dannon), I know where it comes from.

  15. Jägermeister says:

    #15 – You horny bastard, Jägermeister

    LOL Yeah, right… 😉

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, jag,

    I just knew you had a wink for Angel,


  17. BobH says:

    FYI… in NC, to be sold as “Spring Water”, the bottler must prove to the state the water is ‘spring water’. The law is somewhat flexible as to how the H20 gets from the source to the bottle as apparently tapping the aquifer and bypassing the bubbling out of the ground step is OK — as is running the liquid through additional filtration. The good news is, in North Carolina, spring water is sufficiently authentic the discriminating drinker can detect piquant notes of Bambi in the bottle.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    I’m sure most of you also refill your bottled water bottles with tap water. I confess We do it. Not for the snob appeal, but so we can have something to carry the water in if we go on a trip.

    We also freeze the small ones. That way they keep whatever cold and can be drank when thawed.

    Our well water has to be among the finest anywhere. Why would we want to substitute some second rate city water for this.

    #10, Jeff,
    I’m sorry to tell you, but that is seldom the case. Test results have shown tap water to be higher quality then bottled water.

  19. BobH says:

    Mr. Fusion—

    You’re better off with a container that can be thoroughly sanitized in the dishwasher where it’s subjected to high heat.

    Once you have a safe container, what’s on tap is usually fine.

    It should be mentioned wine is a fine alternative to quaffing pure H20 from a plastic jug. And attractive glass wine bottles can be recycled as lamps — although the ever increasing bright light of your environs reveals your penchant for grape hydration.

  20. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    H2O trivia: Didja know that Perrier is taken from Source Perrier flat? That the water and the CO2 are trucked seperately to the plant, where they’re recombined before bottling?


  21. joshua says:

    I just read a week or so ago that bottled water that has been through all the various types of filtration is **dead** water. Everything that is good for you(as well as the bad I assume) is removed….making tap water actually healthier because of the things added by law.

    I didn’t think to source the article, so it could be a load of one sided crap…

    Out west of Phoenix, where our ranch/farm is, we have well water from the largest aquifier in the state and when we have it tested as required by law, it gets top marks….and you REALLY can taste the difference between it and the city water. Memebers of our family that live in metropolitan Phoenix come out once a week and take home several 5 gal bottles each to use.

  22. Smartalix says:

    NYC tap water is the best anyway.

  23. Agnostic says:

    #23 True, tap water contains dissolved minerals that you need and other things to help prevent organisms from growing, although it always isn’t failsafe.

    I was drinking a local brand of bottled water once and I read the back label. Water Source: Erie County Municipal

  24. Jägermeister says:

    #18 – Mr. Fusion

    Damn, you’re onto me… 😉

    #24 – Then again, bottled tap water is a blessing when you travel abroad.

    You might want to check out this page:

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #23, joshua,

    “Dead water” ???

    I rate the Phoenix city water as among the worst I have ever tasted. I can understand using bottled water in that case. That is because most of Phoenix’s water (as I understand) comes from Lake Powell via a canal and then sits in reservoirs under the hot sun. That makes this surface water and thus must be more highly treated to remove harmful bacteria.

    For Americans, municipal tap water under EPA regulations must meet higher standards then does bottled water under FDA regulations. Any elements available in water, municipal or bottled, are an inconsequential part of our diet. We drink water for the H2O. Dissolved minerals are too insignificant to be any health factor.

    For the majority though, this is just silly. Municipal water must pass much more stringent standards than does bottled water. How many people know that fecal coliform and other contaminants are tolerated in bottled water whereas it isn’t in tap water. Municipal water must be constantly monitored and tested. Bottled water is not nearly so stringent. No wonder the bottlers use so much tap water for their product.

    If your municipal water tastes bad, try bottled. If it doesn’t, then why pay $1 / bottle for someone’s else’s tap water?

  26. BubbaRay says:

    #21, BobH, There’s just nothing on Earth like turning fine wine into water.

    And to quote W.C. Fields, “I don’t drink water, fish f$&k in it.” 🙂

  27. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    O T

    Well, Angel has been outed!!

    Doncha feel better now, Angel? Out of the closet at last – you no longer have to live a life of denial and deception, now that your deepest darkest secret has been made public knowledge…

    Don’t worry, we won’t judge you. Diff’rent strokes, and all that.

    Just think, from here on in you can walk with your head held high, not having to give a tinker’s damn who knows it.

    I would never’ve thunk it: not only a cat owner – but a iMac owner, too!!

    Welcome to the club… 🙂

  28. Jägermeister says:


    Wow… now… that’s maturity, Lauren…

  29. C0D3R says:

    It’s worth mentioning the advice to “drink 8 glasses of water per day” for some health benefit is apocryphal and supported by no clinical evidence. The adage that the healthy hydration volume total shouldn’t include carbonated beverages or and drinks like coffee is also unsupported by medical evidence (and there is evidence to the contrary.)

    If it feels good, drink it. But forcing fluids for some health benefit can be wasted money at best and brand you an uniformed lemming-like kook at least.


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