Every week I get to update this story and it only gets worse.
Cans of recalled food are bursting, swollen with bacteria that cause botulism.
The bursting cans were among those being held by Castleberry’s Food Co., which last week announced a massive recall that now includes more than 90 potentially contaminated products, including chili sauces and dog foods.
News about the bursting cans gives new urgency to warnings from federal health officials to get rid of the recalled cans from pantries and store shelves.
Spot checks by the Food and Drug Administration and state officials are turning up recalled products for sale in convenience stores, gas stations and family-run groceries.
The FDA has found recalled products for sale in roughly 250 of the more than 3,700 stores visited in nationwide checks, according to figures the agency provided to The Associated Press.
FDA recall info is here. This is a deadly problem and contaminated cans are still out there.
You are what you eat, to coin a highly original phrase.
Anyone who buys cheap food to save money has their priorities all fucked up, I’ve been saying it all my life. Events like this prove that I, and others who’ve been preaching the ‘quality food’ gospel, were right all along…
Can’t they just relable them “Botulism” and sell them to Al Qaeda?
You are what you eat can’t be applied to food anymore, they just did a recall on sesame seeds here in canada from Quebec. how the hell can you make Sesame Seeds bad.
#3…jarry…read the label…bet there’s a bunch of crap in those sesame seeds.
I was at the bakery yesterday…picked up a loaf of *fresh* italian bread…my favorite…mom makes it..flour, salt, yeast, water…best bread in the world…..at the bakery…it had 23 ingrediants. Most of this stuff is because the goverment mandates it…..or they add it for longer shelf life.
#4 – To me, most bread made in the US stinks. I think most bread is sold for sandwitches, and that takes a special textrure. People get used to that sort of bread (somehow, don’t ask me) and want the other bread in the store to taste the same, with a similar texture. (bleh)
But, take a look at the ingredients of “enriched white” flour sometime. That’s not all wheat.
[totally off topic]
#4, Joshua, you’re lucky. Moms and Grandmas make the best bread. From scratch. Watch it rise. Smell it baking. Slice it. Real butter. Dangit, now I’ve got to go make some. 🙂
[on topic]
Jumpin’ bacteria, are these guys in trouble — scroll through this list:
The only thing the feds mandate about bread is notifying the public about [most of] the crap commercial bakeries add. You needn’t add crap and many bakeries don’t.
A few countries – notably France – have rules about what qualifies as a specific bread. Just like appellations for wine grappa, etc..
Some of the larger bakeries have responded to public demand and actually make bread without all the crap – you’d think they’d resist doing so, but actually they’re quite happy, since their costs are lowered by needing fewer ingredients, and yet they get to charge considerably more than they do for the plastic bread, because it’s a “premium” product… but that’s being done with a lot of different foodstuffs now, might as well get used to it.
Why do people assume wheat as in bread is good for you? Please don’t tell me you people are buying into that whole grain is good for you nonsense.
From this site, http://tinyurl.com/ywl9v8
you can see that 1 in 133 Americans has celiac disease, which is absolute intolerance of any wheat.
[edited: comments guide]
You can read more here: http://tinyurl.com/c6ssj
as the giant mechanized food chain breaks down…you’ll start seeing more and more of this. Watch what you eat….support local farmers, and expect to pay more for quality. Eat less. That’s what smart people are doing….the dumb ones, can have exploding cans of hot dog goo. Who says Darwin wasn’t right?
On the list, the following “Dog Food”:
Chinese Take Out with Sauce with Vegetables and Chicken Dog Food
I went cross-eyed when I saw that product name.
General rules and observations on canned chili. If your can of chili starts to look like a steel grapefruit, don’t eat the chili. Put the cookware you were planning to use over your head and an oven mitt over your groin area, and back out of the room. Or, if you open your cupboard and inside everything is covered with something similar to a baby’s first one and shrapnel, well, you just got lucky I guess. Contact Castleberry’s Botox-in-a-lunchbox division at 1-800-CHIL-IED and maybe they will send you a Team Castleberry Hazmat jumpsuit or at least instructions on how to disarm any remaining cans.
#9, jz,
…you can see that 1 in 133 Americans has celiac disease, …
And 132 of 133 people do not have celiac disease. For us, wheat products are a good source of nutrition.
While I feel for those with any digestive problem, I don’t see the need for the vast majority to be denied a healthy food for their sake.
Wheat and other grains have improved man’s life immensely. It is much easier to preserve than meats, has higher yields per acre then meat, and has most necessary nutrients. It is a fairly dependable food source. It may be easily transformed into several different types of food as well.
#12…Awake….you and me both….I saw that and had to shake my head and read it again….all I could think of was…WTF!!!!!
Guess that stuff is for those shit’s-too dogs. If I tried to feed my guys something like that I would be on the menu.
#9…jz….I agree with Fusion…I’m sorry for those that can’t digest wheat, because it’s a wonder food. White flour can be a killer, but the less processing the bettter for you when it comes to wheat.