Ya just can’t make this crap up. Cripes!

‘Nerd’ taunt drove Navy man to arson

A Navy man who got mad when someone mocked him as a “nerd” over the Internet climbed into his car and drove 1,300 miles from Virginia to Texas to teach the other guy a lesson.

As he made his way toward Texas, Fire Controlman 2nd Class Petty Officer Russell Tavares posted photos online showing the welcome signs at several states’ borders, as if to prove to his Internet friends that he meant business.

When he finally arrived, Tavares burned the guy’s trailer down.

The feud started when Anderson, who runs a haunted house near Waco, joined a picture-sharing Web site and posted his artwork and political views. […] Investigators say Tavares boiled over when Anderson called him a nerd and posted a digitally altered photo making Tavares look like a skinny boy in high-water pants, holding a gun and a laptop under a “Revenge of the Nerds” sign.

Pyro-nerd about to become cell mate’s very ‘personal’ nerd

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    Wow. I wonder if he wore a diaper for that 1300-mile drive, like the astronaut lady.

  2. bobbo says:

    Just look at those “messianic eyes!” Weird.

    Mr Mustard, I apologize for saying “you are almost there.” Please don’t burn down my trailer.

  3. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    That photo appears to be of Erik Estrada at age 17 illustrating the effects of huffing paint thinner.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    To the guy who lost the trailer, I’m very sorry. Other than that, damn this is funny. Like I get pissed at some of the comments, but damn, you better live closer than a couple of miles if I’m a comin for ya.

  5. TIHZ_HO says:

    #1 No need LOL! That’s what empty beer bottles are for

    #4 Yeah same here! Who was it that coined the phase:

    “Truth is stranger than fiction”


  6. Bridges says:

    As they say – ” Let that be a lesson to you !”
    John C. Dvorak would be proud.
    Best not to insult nerds.
    Even though they can kick sand in your face Charles Atlas.
    Best not to insult nerds or their cats or pigeons.

  7. Gasbag says:

    Flaming the old fashion way

  8. JoaoPT says:

    That’s the face of a regular “Tuga”…

  9. BubbaRay says:

    Never, ever, mess with a nerd. One might send this (armed) through your front door next time it opens.


    I remember tying one giant kite to a friend’s van, and then watching the van being towed down the street. That cost me, but it was darned funny…

  10. Proof that in life you don’t mess with three things: a man’s property (wife/girlfriend included), a man’s beer or TV and a man’s mental image of himself– aka, the fragile ego.

  11. tallwookie says:

    doesnt the Navy give their recruits psych tests? holy crap

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, Bubba,

    Seeing a kite pull a van? That must have been one good size kite.

    One “payback” I learned about involved finding a road kill dog or cat. Get an inexpensive leash and collar. Attach the other end to the back of the victim’s car and push the road kill underneath. Then chalk it up to harmless fun.

  13. Angel H. Wong says:


    They do, but if the recruits let the psychologists give them a BJ they pass 😉

  14. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #14 –

    AYHB! 🙂

  15. hhopper says:

    Lauren – ROFLMFAO!

    BubbaRay – That R/C pilot is terrific. I wonder if it’s the same guy who flew the R/C helicopter.

  16. James Hill says:

    I’ve yet to piss someone off that bad. Gives me something to work towards.

    Look on the bright side: He’ll earn more in prison than with the Navy.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, James,
    He’ll earn more in prison than with the Navy

    Know something we don’t ???


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