This next one is kinda creepy.

You can see more here.

  1. aliens! says:

    I for one welcome our new non-Newtonian overlords!

  2. joshua says:

    Those video’s are just too cool. I especially liked the Japanese one….when they all started screaming I kept waiting to hear…..Godzilla, Godzilla is coming. 🙂

  3. T Robertson says:

    Why does this remind me of Dick Cheney.

  4. Iamanassholetoo says:

    I did experiments like this many years ago while in the Military.

    We were bored.

    We had some speakers with plastic cones that were waterproof.
    We experimented with various liquids poured into the cone then various audio frequencies were applied to the speaker.

    We didn’t have video in 1972 so I don’t have documentation.

    The patterns created by different combinations of viscosity, frequency, and harmonics was fasinating.

    Like taking a trip without the drugs.

    We were bored and this was a lot of fun.

    It also beat the hell out of painting the break room over, and over, and over… I wonder if the paint contributed to the fire that burned down building T-407 at Bergstrom AFB a few years later…

  5. Mark Derail says:

    Geez, that’s so old!

    Two years ago, for my son’s Grade 7 science project, I reproduced the corn starch and 120Hz with a computer sub-woofer and a simple MP3 player.
    Simply get a WAV generator, lots of free ones.

    Total cost of project :
    – tin / metal plate at dollar store, 1 buck
    – a spoonful of cornstarch, zero
    – 19.95 for powered computer speakers L + R + Sub, re-used!
    – 19.95 for an cheap-o 256M MP3 player my son still uses
    – contact cement at dollar store, 1 buck
    – free wave tone generator off the Internet

    Take apart sub-woofer, place speaker pointing upwards. Glue plastic stuff around it so it’s stable on a table with the speaker up.
    Glue pieces of plastic only a 1/4 inch from speaker that will hold plate.
    Get it level.

    You only need like 2-3 drops of water for one tablespoon of cornstarch. DON’T USE FLOUR unless you want a sticky mess !!!

    Play around with different tones, between 80hz and 220hz for cool effects. Set volume as loud as possible.

    The crazy worm things appeared for us when the corn starch was fairly thick, but evenly humid, at 120hz, full volume.

    As they grow into the air, you can touch them, squeeze them, break them off.

    Have fun, it was a great week-end project. We used red food dye also later just to see red worms, add green drops to the red, etc.

    Get a free wave

  6. Iamanassholetoo says:

    I forgot to mention; I sure WISH we had thought to try cornstarch in water! A whole different effect is possible.

  7. Dallas says:

    Pretty cool. I wonder if some day this would lead to yest another form of storage technology !

    It seems one can store a form of a persistent state from basically cheap material – a characteristic needed for storing 1’s and 0’s.

  8. ECA says:

    Introduction of interference to sound waves into a solid object…
    Into a stable atmospheric medium….

    Otherwise know as WHY you can hear radio in your fan.

  9. BubbaRay says:

    If you want to play “Mr. Wizard”, you could try this:

    Turns out this tech is actually useful in oilfields and drilling, which is where I first learned about it from a geologist.

  10. tallwookie says:

    #2 – drugs are more fun

  11. HMeyers says:

    So that’s the origin of life in video #2 … interesting.

  12. AdmFubar says:

    Reminds me of the Dr Jearl Walker’s Flying Circus Of Physics. Dr Walker was a professor at a local Cleveland college, all who attended his classes came away loving physics. His presentations were very animated and hilarious. The local PBS station made a series of shows of his classroom teachings, (antics)… I belive they were aired nationaly on PBS. for more on this see

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    The second one looks like a bunch of fat Republicans wrestling in white mud. Ugh!

  14. John Paradox says:

    a bunch of fat Republicans wrestling in white mud. Ugh!

    The Presidential Candidates?


  15. Tippis says:

    …so that’s where shoggoths come from.

  16. Tanqueray says:

    Its alive!!!! ITS ALIVE!!!!!!

  17. mojotaker says:

    A biological explanation here, This is why Living things like music. If you listen to good music you feel good. (good rhythm and whatever constitutes good music)

    And when you listen to bad music, and noise, you dont feel good.


  18. patrick says:

    Who knew cornstarch and water could be that interesting.

  19. Slappy says:

    That has to tickle the nutsack when immersed in it.


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