Reuters – Wed Jul 18, 2007 11:37AM EDT:

BRATTLEBORO, Vermont (Reuters) – A Vermont town that is gaining national attention for brash displays of nudity — from teens in the buff to naked elderly people — awoke on Wednesday to an emergency ban on nakedness in most public places.

Officials in Brattleboro voted 3 to 2 on Tuesday night for a temporary 30-day ordinance prohibiting people from going about in the nude.

Public nudity made headlines last summer when the weather grew hot and a couple of dozen teens took to holding hula hoop contests, riding bikes and parading past stores wearing only their birthday suits. The disrobing has resumed this summer.

But many locals say it has gone too far. Some cite a case in which a senior citizen from Arizona strolled through the center of town wearing only a waist pack and sandals.

“We’ve received quite a number of complaints on this,”

  1. Dauragon88 says:

    Ahhh Naked teens and geriatrics, the true threat to mankind!

  2. Jim says:

    So it was fine until old people from Arizona had to ruin it. THANKS GRANDMA!

  3. bobbo says:

    Same thing happened in the Garden of Eden. Those in authority like to repress FREEDOM!

  4. tallwookie says:

    so i guess its illegal to be BORN nude now, eh?

  5. Mac Guy says:

    Oh get OVER it, people! Are we really that ashamed of our bodies?!

  6. qsabe says:

    I don’t particularly have a problem with my personally superb physic. Teenage girls, now that’s fine. BUT lets keep all those saggy old ladies off the street, and men, who cares, most of their pot bellies hang so low they are still covered anyway.

    Nudity for pretty people.. The rest of you, get in the gawker lane.

  7. Dauragon88 says:


    No, only allowing pretty people to walk around nude presents a completly new problem: rampant public sex 😀

  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #6 – Teenage girls, now that’s fine.

    Watch out qsabe, the guys in this thread – – have word for guys who say stuff like that…

    (But then, I have word for some of the guys in that and many other threads)

  9. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Of all the strange crimes that humanity has legislated out of nothing, blasphemy is the most amazing – with obscenity and indecent exposure fighting it out for second and third place.

    – Robert Heinlein, Notebooks of Lazarus Long

  10. Balbas says:

    Someone should get out to rural areas and quickly! A bunch of idiot dairy farmers have allowed cow udders to hang naked in the indecently naked way that cow udders hang. Sheer perversion, I say!

  11. ECA says:

    Is this AFTER the Boobs for bombs Protests??

    Time to place pampers on my Donkey??

    lets muffle the Mufflers???

    Its strange that BEFORE adam./Eve ate from the tree of knowledge, they are said to be BARE NAKED and God loved them(dirty old guy).
    And AFTEr they discovered they were naked and Covered themselves, God kicked them OUT of his Eden…
    Wouldnt you think we would want to be MORe closer to GOD???

  12. joshua says:

    Damn… we know where Aunt Sally, from Phoenix went on vacation this year. 🙂

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Oh get OVER it, people! Are we really that ashamed of our bodies?!

    Sure we are. Just look at the outrage over those non-Kate-Moss, non-heroin-chic women that doffed their tops at the Hillary/ Nancy thing. If you’re not a siliconized 36c-24-36, some nimrod (whose wife’s tits are probably sagging down to the floor as he bangs DC call girls) is going to make fun of you. It’s a cultural thing. Welcome to America in the New Millenium.

    On the other hand, if you’re a guy, it doesn’t matter if you’re in Times Square and your tits are dragging back in Hoboken. If you’ve got a fat enough wallet, you’re beautiful. Just look at Donald Trump and His Hair. Can you imagine Christie Brinkley going on TV with a do like that?

  14. slonkak says:

    This is total bullpoopy. I used to applaud the town for allowing public nudity, but not anymore. All of the prudes in the world need to be sent to their own island where they can wear their snowsuits all year long so they don’t have to see other people’s skin. The other commenters here talking about beauty and money also need to go to that island. Nudism isn’t about being pretty or being rich. Get a clue. I’m me, you’re you, and we accept that. I don’t consider myself a nudist, but I have visited a nude beach and loved it. It’s nice to meet people who like you for you, nothing else.

  15. tikiloungelizard says:

    There are sooooo many people who like to go naked. They’re missing out on a sure thing niche market for tourist dollars. I mean, I have no idea what Brattleboro has to offer me otherwise, but if I knew I could walk around without clothing and hang out with people of a like mind, I just might go there.


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