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  1. Sayed says:


  2. Matthew says:

    So if you’re still smoking, it’s time to quit. Even if it takes you a week off work on all the sedatives that any doctor will gladly give you to help you quit then do it now. And it’s not you versus cigarettes, it’s you versus you.

  3. MikeR says:


    Calm down, have a cigarette and relax.

  4. ChrisMac says:

    They missed automobile accidents. It ranks way above drunk driving and would probably sit somewhere about #9

  5. JimR says:

    People who smoke end up killing other people with their bad habit.

  6. Sea Lawyer says:

    Smoker also have a lower average I.Q. than non-smokers, so maybe they just weren’t meant to keep living anyway.

  7. JimR says:

    It’s not the sandwich that kills you, it’s the saturated animal fat that kills you. Canola oil, for instance, is beneficial for your arteries.

    People are not evolved to eat so much meat. Unfortunately, heart disease kills off the abusers long after reproducing.

    The solution? Stop farming cattle and sheep.

    Yes, i am also a hypocrite.

  8. David Kerman says:


    The chart in no way is attempting to show that “terrorism isn’t bad” it’s merely attempting to illustrate how our risk processing is failing us by creating a very large perceived risk.

    In actuality one is much more likely to be struck by lightening than to be killed by a terrorist.

    Which is why we should not be throwing our freedoms and civil liberties aside.

    You might want to ask yourself, whom is gaining the most from keeping the general population terrified of terrorism.

  9. Sea Lawyer says:

    #8, only because until recently we’ve just been trying to not starve. I think that progress is its own downfall.

  10. I don’t think I trust those numbers, I am sure more then those that died in the towers have died since 2000, they say only 3K died from terorists, and the source they show has only the Sep 11 attacks. Also take a look at who put up the site, a anti-war site, so they might just be a bit bias.

  11. JoaoPT says:

    Where’s the war hazard toll???

  12. JimR says:

    The person who made that chart doesn’t understand the difference between low self esteem (fat and lazy) and a cognitive and vindictive and opportunistic murdering machine that sits in wait mixed among us waiting for a signal, or ready to just act on their own.

    3000 could become 3 million in a heartbeat.

  13. JimR says:

    Sea Lawyer, i agree but would qualify that with the fact that only some of the world is starving because the fat guys don’t share enough.

  14. Jeff Sauer says:

    JimR, #13, I couldn’t have said it any better.

  15. Matthew says:

    “3000 could become 3 million in a heartbeat.”

    But isn’t 3 million already 3 million?

  16. bobbo says:

    The chart is an excellent representation of “relative threats” with valid quibbles to be pointed out here and there.

    YES – – lets take the steps necessary to avoid terrorism blowing up 3 million people. Was the Iraq War for that purpose? Or in retaliation/justified by 9/11?

    GOUSA is so foolish, it can even be charted.

  17. hhopper says:

    But damn, I really love a good cheeseburger. (Not fast food.)

  18. bac says:

    Since 2001, there have been over 16000 murders each year. Figures can be checked at the FBI website.

    JimR#13 There could be more murders, more automobile wrecks, more cancer deaths and on. Then again there could be less. You probably could do with less fear.

  19. Improbus says:

    Does this mean we are going to have a War on Cows?

  20. ECA says:

    and how do Ignorance and Health care, solve MOST of this?

  21. Cranky Steve says:

    I love the 2nd hand smoke numbers. Totally bogus statistics. They have no way of measuring who dies of second hand smoke, assuming it kills at all.

    Once they start to see tobacco revenue dry up from all these anti smoking laws that have been passed, you’ll start to see the same blowhard politicians turn around and dismantle the laws. Their tax money is a lot more important than your health.

  22. natefrog says:

    #20, Improbus:

    Already been done, and we lost. Nevermind the fact that we also royally pissed off the chickens…

  23. JimR says:

    #19, bac is it logical then to give more credence to the “pending” flu epidemic? Why worry about that then with your logic? After all no one has even died of IT yet.

  24. KevinL says:

    UD is against:

    Religion (specifically Christianity) – Check

    War – Check

    Republicans – Check

    Catching pedophiles – Check

    Okay, we get it already. I guess it was JCD who is against catching pedophiles. My bad.

  25. JimR says:

    #22, Cranky Steve, “I love the 2nd hand smoke numbers. Totally bogus statistics. They have no way of measuring who dies of second hand smoke, assuming it kills at all.

    Ignorance is no excuse Cranky Steve. Here’s your proof.
    U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services

  26. natefrog says:

    24, JimR:

    Flawed logic, Jim. History has shown that mass pandemics have killed millions, even billions of people.

    Terrorism has killed a relatively small number of humans by comparison. Even if you add up all the people who have ever died as a result of terrorism, a pandemic is likely much, much worse.

    And take even the most horrific battles/bombings/whatever in history, and even the worst have only killed a small fraction of what a pandemic could. It’s simply not conceivable that one event could kill enough people to matter in the grand scheme of things. If it was possible, the weapon would have to be so utterly powerful that the existence of life on this planet would be at risk.

  27. Libertican says:

    Hopefully this will never happen, but I am curious as to how US residents would react to another 9/11 event vs. closing all fast food burger joints.

  28. Mister Mustard says:

    >>But damn, I really love a good cheeseburger.

    Aw man, don’t we all? Good ground sirloin, grilled medium rare, there’s nothing like it. I need to go fire up the grille.

  29. JimR says:

    Nate, several well placed viruses in water supplies, for instance, would produce the same results or worse as any pandemic. There are thousands of people intent on doing something like that.

    Your logic is that terrorists insurgents who WE KNOW are intent on killing as many people as possible at one time, will not poison the water because they haven’t done it before. Riiiight.

    Or using your analogy, your opinion is that before a pandemic there was no risk for the pandemic so why worry about it or remove the threat when you know where the virus is and what it’s capable of. Is that logical to you?

  30. JPV says:

    I’ve been saying the same thing for years.

    This chart very clearly clarifies the obvious point, that the war on terror is a ruse designed solely to expand executive power and rationalize American imperialist goals.

    People need to wake up.


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