Associated Press – July 22, 2007:

MARSEILLE, France — A woman has been arrested on suspicion of kissing a painting by American artist Cy Twombly and smudging the bone-white canvas with her lipstick, French judicial officials said Saturday.

Police said they arrested the woman after she kissed the work on Thursday. She is to be tried in a court in the southern city of Avignon on Aug. 16 for “damage to a work of art,” judicial officials said.

  1. Dauragon88 says:

    Wow. Was she really that moved by that painting?

  2. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Now that is an art lover…

  3. bw says:

    Gobs of interesting things out there and you choose to post garbage. Your blog is definitely going downhill.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #2, … or a vandal.

  5. Gig says:

    I’d never heard of the artist so I Googled him.

    They might have a hard time proeving that what she did damaged the art or for that matter even find where she kissed the painting.

    And “Leda and the Swan” looks exactly like my autistic son did when he was 6.

  6. JimR says:

    Psst… Apple iPhone sales figures are out. Just a suggestion.

  7. bobbo says:

    I want to say she was charged with “de-facing” the painting but she was actually adding her face to it?

    There must be a fine french phrase for that occurence.

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    I’ll bet the kisser of the “bone-white” canvas didn’t look like the girl in the photo. They would have bartered for her release, rather than levying criminal charges…

  9. Nickiy says:

    That is totally wacky crazy! First a woman kisses a freaking painting and then they charge her for that. I think that the shit has already hit the fan, you know what I am saying!

  10. Peter says:

    They should have told her to go nuts and then video taped it. Hot!


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