Publisher American Media will stop printing the Weekly World News which for 28 years gleefully chronicled the exploits of alien babies, animal-human hybrids and dead celebrities.

The company said in a brief statement it would end the print version of the tabloid newspaper next month but would maintain the online version (

The Weekly World News, which boasted it was “The World’s Only Reliable Newspaper,” reveled in shocking and almost always exclusive reports about extra-terrestrials, ghosts, scoundrels and scientific discoveries, such as the cure for lovesickness found on the walls of an ancient Mexican monument.

Bat Boy, the half-bat, half-human child found in a cave, was a regular feature. After the September 11 attacks, the tabloid reported he had been enlisted in the hunt for Osama bin Laden because of his special cave-dwelling skills.

Certainly, at least as reliable as Fox Snooze.

  1. Dauragon88 says:

    Damn, I’m gonna miss bat boy

  2. Bono says:

    Remember the story when they revived Abe Lincoln for a few minutes? That was ground breaking stuff.

  3. DaveW says:

    I’ll miss the darned thing while I’m in the checkout line at the market. I nearly lost it when I read the report a few years back of a fishing boat attacked by a giant gefilte fish.

    The best thing about this rag is that it makes the National Enquirer seem legit.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Currently, at least as reliable as Fox Snooze.

    Watch out, or Weekly World News may hit you with a libel suit for putting them in the same category as Fox Snooze.

  5. sdf says:

    HA, I never get tired of bat boy!

  6. rax says:

    A farcical pseudo newspaper bites the dust (or at least becomes Internet only)? *tear* they were ahead of their time.

  7. jack says:

    Come home bat boy, we miss you!

  8. lakelady says:

    I blame it on the defeat of Lord Voldemort.

  9. Eggman9713 says:

    #8, Awww, am I the only person on the planet who hasn’t started reading Deathly Hallows yet?

  10. jarry says:

    speaking of aliens, I bring you Alienating A Human clip.

  11. Dave T says:

    We used to read in high school every week.

    The best story was when the Chinese were going to do synchronized jumping and throw the earth off orbit. So we (the Americans) had to counter jump them at the right time to save the earth. Which we apparently did.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, No, I’m waiting for the Classic Comic book version.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    Bat Boy, come home. James Hill misses you.

  14. Brian Boru says:

    This is unconfirmed and I haven’t been able to discover on the web the Photoshop artist who really created Bat Boy, but I was told half a dozen years ago it was Bob Stevens, the photo editor at American Media who died in Boca Raton from anthrax inhalation about the same time Tom Brokaw was similarly sent nasty mail at NBC headquarters in New York.

    Must have read it in the Firesign Theatre’s “Natural Exaggerator,” or perhaps saw it in an issue of “The Toilet.”

    –Brian Boru

  15. OvenMaster says:

    Over two full years ago, I remember seeing the headline “World Ends Next Week!”

    We’re still here. My faith in them was destroyed.

    RIP, Bat Boy

  16. Cursor_ says:

    The absolute best headline from WWN was:

    Vampires Dying from AIDS-Tainted Blood

    Vampires are already DEAD.

    I won’t miss the rag on the wire racks, but the vampire headline was a real winner.


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