I wonder what was the alcohol level of the witnesses of this event.

Town centre brought to a halt by UFOs – Metro.co.uk: More than 100 people had a close encounter of the X-Files kind when they saw five unexplained flying objects hovering over a town centre.
The UFOs lit up the otherwise clear night’s sky above William Shakespeare’s birthplace of Stratford-upon- Avon in Warwickshire.

Tom Hawkes, 30, took pictures from outside the One Elm pub.
He said: ‘Three had formed a triangular shape and one was to the right.
Then another one came hurtling towards the rest at what looked like a very fast speed.
‘But as it neared them it suddenly slowed and stopped altogether.
‘The objects were there for about half an hour. It was very eerie because they didn’t make any sound and they stayed still before moving slowly beyond the horizon.
‘It was the most extraordinary thing I’ve ever seen and the way in which everyone gathered in the street to watch them reminded me of a scene from Independence Day.’

  1. Lauren the Ghoti says:


  2. You know it’s funny, people are always looking outside themselves to find something magical, unexplained and mysterious. I have a “HOLY SHIT!” everyday when I stop to think about myself in my body. That alone is the only prayer I have to say everyday. Look at yourself in the mirror and see that you are in your body. Say the following prayer:

    HOLY SHIT !!!

    (and you will be Saved)

  3. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #1 – Lauren the Ghoti,

    ROFL!! Quick, order some peanuts and beer. Oh, and take me to your lizard. No, that was a different ship. Personally, I want the Starship Bistromath.

    Oh wait, those were large yellow and lumpy. Anyway, these things were there for a half hour, right? Anyone hear the official statement on them? Anyone know what was in their beer? Anyone know if they were really outside the pub or merely inside and hallucinating?

  4. James Hill says:

    Sounds like the stealth blimp NATO has been playing around with for a few years. Same thing few over St. Louis a few years ago.

  5. Major Jizz says:

    I smell a waste of tax money in there somewhere.

  6. AdmFubar says:

    hhmm any reports of a mysterious severed hand laying around???
    Did anyone call Torchwood???

  7. jdm says:

    Why is it that nobody ever has a shoulder-fired personal UFO investigation missile when they need one?

  8. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    With this occurring concurrently with the Thames flooding, Any Minute Now I expect some loony to pop out of the woodwork. He will put 2 and 2 together (and come up with 22), loudly proclaiming that it’s utterly impossible for this to be mere coïncidence…

  9. Max Exter says:

    Look, Britain. You can have it one way or the other, but NOT both. So what’s it going to be? Flooding, or alien invasion?

  10. OmarTheAlien says:

    With all the technology, and all the hundreds of thousands of people absolutely stoked on the subject, there should be, some where, in focus, sharp color, high resolution images of UFO’s. They ain’t here, they ain’t coming, and the reason for that is this: Any species that develops a certain level of technology will destroy themselves by said technology. Look around, does the human species appear viable? If we don’t pollute ourselves into extinction then we’ll simply kill ourselves with computer controlled big assed bombs, computer controlled to ensure that even after the last human is vaporized the exchanges will continue until even the air is toxic.
    Kind of like Mother Nature’s Universal Anti-Virus Protection.
    And hell, I’m an optimist.

  11. John Paradox says:

    With this occurring concurrently with the Thames flooding, Any Minute Now I expect some loony to pop out of the woodwork. He will put 2 and 2 together (and come up with 22), loudly proclaiming that it’s utterly impossible for this to be mere coïncidence…
    Comment by Lauren the Ghoti — 7/25/2007 @ 9:34 am

    Of course it’s not coincidence! How do you think the UFO’s handle their toilets?


  12. mike says:

    They’ll be here soon enough; don’t get your panties in a bunch now men, we’re all in for some BIG surprises…


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