Drop your weapon!

Inmate found guilty in masturbation trial – 07/25/2007 – MiamiHerald.com — This state is crazy.

Alexander’s attorney argued that the prison cell was a private place and that what Alexander was doing was perfectly normal.

”Did other inmates start masturbating because of Mr. Alexander?” McHugh asked Veal. “Did you call a SWAT team?”

”I wish I had,” Veal answered.

Veal, who has charged seven other inmates with the same offense, insisted that she was not against the act itself — just the fact that Alexander was so blatant about it. Most inmates, she testified, do it in bed, under the blankets.

Veal said this was the third time she caught Alexander, and she had had enough.

In the end, it took a jury of four men and two women only 45 minutes to find Alexander guilty. Broward County Judge Fred Berman sentenced Alexander to 60 days in jail.

found by Aric Mackey

  1. chris says:

    What the hell else are you supposed to do in jail?

  2. Eggman9713 says:

    #1, apparently you don’t know about the book Paris Hilton was writing while in jail. Pass the time and get richer when you get out, that is the American way, dammit.

  3. jz says:

    So the guy is whacking off, and this prison guard bitch is offended. Um, how about not looking?

    Calling in a SWAT team because a guy is jerking off? I find that guard’s conduct much worse than the prisoner’s. There is no way that chick is qualified to be a prison guard.

    I cannot believe the taxpayers in Florida want to spend the money to keep someone in jail for 60 days for beating off.

    “Defense attorney Kathleen McHugh faced 17 prospective jurors and asked point-blank who among them had never done that particular sex act.

    No hands went up.”

    Nothing hypocritical about that.

    “”It has been a hot topic so to speak in our department,” Hall said. “In those cases that are egregious, where there is some sort of intent to deliberately expose themselves, those cases will be reviewed further in the courts.”

    If this is a hot topic, then it sounds like there needs to be far fewer people working in Florida’s prisons.

  4. R.Narcisse says:

    Veal, STOP Catching him then. The Man need relief.
    Please, your 3rd time catching him you say. You know you like it. You just feel shamed that you do so you punish him to wash away your guilt.
    If i were a C.O. and i saw him jackin’ off i’d call him a nasty f*&# and move on. He the one that got to lay in that S%#@ and clean himself .

  5. TIHZ_HO says:

    When at the urinal, remember boys, if you shake more than three times your playing with it and God kills a kitten.


  6. Dora says:

    Does she have nothing better to do but spy on the masturbation habbits of the inmates?
    force them to masturbate under the blankets?? what’s next, force shame for breathing?? and yes, for men it is a necessity. But women, nowdays, do not want to understand, they want to feminise everyone to satisly the “women are better” lie.

  7. Can the inmate put curtains up on his bars? Nonsense! No man masturbates under the covers in his own home– if he’s married, he does it in the shower but in prison you definitely don’t want to do that. As long as the guy is not aiming at her, he should have the right to masturbate exposed.

  8. Smartalix says:





  9. bobbo says:

    “More WHACKY news!” Good one.

    Well, exhibitionism is criminal anti-social behavior and jail is supposed to rehabilitate and socialize the criminals.

    At $40K per year, I wonder what the guys original “violation” was? Hope it wasn’t mental illness which could have been treated at half the cost in a half way house.

  10. Gig says:

    # 3,4 & 6

    I may be wrong but isn’t it pretty much job one in the prison guard job description to watch the prisoners?

    and #3, she didn’t actually call in the SWAT team. It is pretty obvious that the lawyer was making a joke and she did the same right back at him.

  11. Arrius says:

    #10 Yes, it is the correctional officers job to watch the inmates.

    For the rest of you: Imagine someone standing where you could see them, they watch you, they touch themselves. No worries right? Just look the other way right? Its natural, nothing else to do, no worries right?

    Say your mother or sister decides to be a correctional officer for any motives that suit her, it would be ok for a convicted criminal, someone she has to exert authority over, to watch her and have her witness their jacking off? Be honest. Please, no lame arguments like ‘well she choose to be there’, cops choose to be cops and no one dismisses cop killers, “Oh well, Cop choose to be there so he had it coming”

    Get a clue. Prison cells are public areas. You can be discreet if you care to and you can be obsene if you care to. If this lady went through the process to charge the guy he was likely intending the act to be hostile towards her. “Jacking off on someone” (jacking off while looking at and potentially being looked at by that persoon) is *MENT* to be hostile. True that this guy has urges and seeing a potentially cute officer might stimulate him towards actions, but how he chooses to preceed makes it sexual harassment or not.

  12. hhopper says:

    This should have had this banner on it too:

  13. Gig says:

    Here’s a photo of the crank yanker in question.

    He really needs to get that thing on his face looked at.

  14. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    “I’m rough, I’m tough, I can do anything a man can do, I can keep hardened criminal thugs in line.

    But that mean man did a nasty thing and damaged my delicate sensibilities! Boo-hoo!

    Nice. Nothing like hypocrisy.

    • • • • • • • •

    #11 – Arrius

    “Say your mother or sister decides to be a correctional officer for any motives that suit her…”

    I got some bad news for you, amigo. Anyone who goes to the trouble of taking a job as a prison guard either knows up front that they’re going to see and hear some of the worst things human beings are capable of – or they’re a moron.

    Mother? Sister? Who gives a rat’s ass? What makes them special? It’s OK for men, my brother, my son, to put up with shit, but “women, being inferior, have to be protected from things that aren’t nice,” right? If my mother, or my sister, or my daughter is that delicate a flower, she sure as fuck is not going anywhere near a goddamn prison, let alone go there 40 hours a week. Despite what you say, it does go with the territory. It is a de facto job requirement, to be exposed to nasty behavior.

    She needs to find another job, the stooopid beeyutch.

  15. Thorndike says:

    cripes, I’d be in prison for years!

  16. Arrius says:

    Lauren I was myself a prison guard and yes, we all expected to see some bad things. I like, by the way, how I preemptively addressed the lameness of the very argument you went on to use.

    Being directly targeted for sexual harassment is even something they prepare you for but your solution to the issue seems to be ignore it and things are fine.

    If you are interested in educating yourself on the subject you might like to learn that the way they you are trained to handle the situation is to file a report, which this lady did and is being mocked for. Anyone that has been in a position of authority over others knows that you cant be placed in a situation where your authority is attacked without some cost, either to the offender or to your authority in the future.

    Everyone out in the ‘free world’ treats criminals like refuse. Put it in a can and forget it because some man will come pick it up when I’m asleep and thats the end of it. Well, unlike trash, these humans have to interact with other humans everyday. The overly politically correct world is inflicting its neurosis on the prison culture more and more and someday we will all have unmanageable prisons as a result.

    In the old day, should anyone be interested, this would have either 1. Not happened, or 2. The inmate would have been stomped into the ground for his violation of civility.

  17. Bwahahaha says:

    I’ll bet she was fugly!

  18. Angel H. Wong says:

    I would like to meet the parents of that woman and learn how they effectively managed to castrate her mind.

  19. Ron Larson says:

    “I’m tuning Japanese, I’m really turning Japanese, I really think so…”

    If case you don’t know… that song is about masturbating in jail.

  20. Kristin says:

    You bone heads way up there have no clue what you are talking about. You go watch some nasty horn dog of a prisoner play with his dick and you tell me how its all right. No one wants to see it.

    and he could have done it when she wasn’t RIGHT there. he was trying to be a smart ass and proove some point.

    AND SHE DIDN’T ACTUALLY CALL THE SWAT TEAM. the defence attorny was making fun of the guard.


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