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  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    #59, bobbo

    Geeze !!! I am so glad I finished my coffee earlier. That would have me snortling coffee though my nose all day. Thank you for saving the effort to google bullshit. I really do have shit to do.

    (geeze that is funny)

  2. Sounds The Alarm says:


    Mine was 31B until I was medicaled-out of the Army in 1985.

    They did the same thing to some of my friends that were 42F, but they were sys admins not developers.

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Hey, you asked and I provided.

    Uhhhh, no you didn’t, Paddy. You provided a list of admirable traits, and implied, in the traditional neocon evidence-free way, that they somehow describe Sean Hannity and his anti-intellectual right-wing hatemongering.

    If you think Hannity’s “writings” (wtf has he ever written? CAN he even read and write?) exhibit “great intellect”, I think you need to repeat your Special Education grade over again. I’ve heard Hannity described as a lot of things,but nobody has ever accused him of being an intellectual.

  4. Myrddin Emrys says:

    Whoa! There be lots of name calling here; here’s mine, Hannity is working for and serving the greater good of Zionist interests.

  5. Stan Johnson says:

    Thanks for the post, funny cartoon! That’s how I feel sometimes!


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