– Gas Explosion Rocks Dallas — Why does the King of the Hill TV show come to mind?

Several explosions and a large fire rocked an industrial company near downtown Dallas Wednesday morning. A truck behind the business, which is a welding supply Co.

As long as it wasn’t propane.

Found by Bubba Ray Martin

  1. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Funny how I’ve never heard of this happening with wind, solar, or tidal power. Yes, I know this wasn’t a power plant. I just like to twist everything to make my point. Still though, Of the three I listed, the worst catastrophe I can really imagine is a domino effect of wind turbines falling into each other. So, if we space them far apart, we should be fine.

  2. Todd says:

    there is video of the explosions, and fragments @ I am reminded of Halflife2 when I watch it. Pretty cool. I only hope that no one died, that would really make me feel guilty about watching with such enthusiasm.

  3. BubbaRay says:

    You can’t believe the devastation — there is no traffic flow now N/S from Houston or San Antonio to Oklahoma, from El Paso to Texarkana or Shreveport E/W, the entire Interstate system is messed up. The “funniest” TV interview was with a man due in court this morning (the main Dallas court building is less than a mile away) and he was ecstatic that his hearing had been postponed.

  4. Les says:


  5. iGlobalWarmer says:

    #1 – Wind turbines kill innocent birdies.

    As long as no one was killed, big explosions are cool.

  6. Steve says:

    #1 You twisted it very well this time since it has nothing to do with “energy” production.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    Hhmmm, all that gas? Now what jokes can I make about gas, …

  8. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #5 – iGW,

    Yes. And bats. Global warming is already killing many more than the turbines will. Birds arrive expecting caterpillars to eat only to find that they came and went 2 weeks earlier. Birds are adjusting their migrations due to warming, but not as quickly as the caterpillars are adjusting their hatch time.

  9. BubbaRay says:

    Aerial views of downtown Dallas this evening show zero traffic on the mixmaster and outlying Interstates, where I-30, I-45, I-35 and several loops all come together. Eerie.

    Imagine D.C. without the government — that’s what it looked like. Some people ran out of gas in traffic backed up for twenty miles in all directions. I’d hate to be the guy who watched a giant acetylene tank hurtling like a rocket directly for his car….

  10. sdf says:

    #7, as long as it’s not about propane. propane is an odorless, tasteless gas I’ll have you know

  11. hhopper says:

    Damn, first floods and now an explosion. What’s next BubbaRay?

  12. BubbaRay says:

    11, Hop, At least with all the rain, the lake levels are back to normal and the bass fishing has been excellent. Who knows, maybe we’ll get some of those great UFO’s 🙂

  13. matt taylor says:

    my girlfriend could see the somke from her office at 635 and 75.
    at least people are not saying its a terrorist attack!
    darn thoes welders!

  14. tallwookie says:



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