Cory, dangerous sex fiend

‘Let the punishment fit the crime’ is so unfashionable these days. And let’s just trivialize the whole idea of sex offenders so that real creeps and rapists can hide in plain sight. In some jurisdictions public urination is considered a sex crime. Does anyone ever think that perhaps SEX itself should be an aspect of sex offenses?

Butt Pat Could Get Boys Jail Time

Two middle-school students in Oregon are facing possible time in a juvenile jail and could have to register as sex offenders for smacking girls on the rear end at school.

Cory Mashburn and Ryan Cornelison, both 13, were arrested in February after they were caught in the halls of Patton Middle School, in McMinnville, Ore., slapping girls on the rear end. Mashburn told ABC News in a phone interview that this was a common way of saying hello practiced by lots of kids at the school, akin to a secret handshake.

The boys spent five days in a juvenile detention facility and were charged with several counts of felony sex abuse for what they and their parents said was merely inappropriate but not criminal behavior.

“It’s like a handshake we do,” one girl said, according to the police report.

Check out the school staff here.

  1. bobbo says:

    I have to admit that the “Exuberant Greeting” never works for me either.

    Don’t schools have hall monitors anymore?

    Rules?, yes rules. We know who loves them.

  2. whipjacka says:

    I wish my school’s secret handshake was to smack a girl’s booty.

  3. Misanthropic Scott says:

    First point, this sounds like it was consensual, so, I’d just ignore it rather than make rules against it.

    Second point, it’s a step in the right direction toward learning from bonobos. Anyone know what they do for a “handshake’?

    And, their handshake may be a significant part of the reason that intraspecies lethal violence has never been observed in bonobos.

    Make love, not war!! – Ancient bonobo philosophy.

  4. bobbo says:

    3–One girl was quoted as saying she was uncomfortable and someone filed a complaint about it? I’d bet the principal ((the guy who aint your “pal” having left all principles of child guidance behind)) called them in because of entrenched bureaucratic fear of acting like an adult.

    Obviously–the behavior was inappropriate as was the response to it.

    I’d look to a replacement of the schools management.

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    Would someone please make this kid write ” I will not slap girls on the ass” 50 times on a chalkboard and then drop it…

  6. Dauragon88 says:

    Damn, when I played grab-ass with my lady friends at school, the thought of being arrested never crossed my mind.

    Also if some boy slaps a girl on the butt, and her response is “Whats up?” instead of “AAAAAAHHHH!!!” *mace*, where the hell is the sexual abuse?

    and why aren’t girls who participated in trouble? didn’t they did the same exact thing in return?

  7. Dauragon88 says:

    aaah, i skimmed over the part about he girl complaining about feeling uncomfortable.

    but, still. slapping a girl on the butt at 13 = sex offender?

    give me a break!

  8. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #5 – OFTLO,

    ROFLMAO!!! I may never get the image of jesus crucified on a pogo stick out of my head. I love it. I’m putting it right next to the image of a bungee cord hanging. (Mentioned in a comic strip ages ago, possibly wizard of id.)

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    Jeez. When I was in junior high, guys used to snap girls’ bra straps. That would probably warrant the Hot Needle in Oregon.

    This is turning into something like the Roman Catholic church…the more something is prohibited, the worse the way the urges eventually come out. Prolly the kids who DON’T get arrested for felonious pre-teen shenannigans will end up being serial rapists when they’re 20.

  10. jdm says:

    Public and private schools have always been a haven for narrow-minded, bureaucratic, control freaks. Look at the Dolores Umbridge character in the latest HP movie. Do you think J.K. Rowling had to look farther than her own public school education to find a pattern people like that? Give them a little authoritative backing and power and they’ll eventually have everyone in cages or sealed in plastic.

  11. iGlobalWarmer says:

    And the band kept playing as the morons marched on and on…..

    When you see nonsense like this you realize, global warming, wars etc. are probably OK because the human race really does deserve to go extinct.

  12. hhopper says:

    With all of the problems in our school systems, this is the least of their worries. Give me some slack!

  13. And you wonder why home schooling is on the increase.

  14. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #11 – iGW,

    That’s twice we’ve agreed on something recently. Are you coming over to the misanthropic side?

  15. Check out the school’s web site home page.
    Does that look like the makings of a wet tee-shirt contest to you?

    What would her Nanny think?

  16. mopster says:

    were in hell is there BRAINS on this one?
    The DA should be sent back to school so he can remember
    what he did when he was that age .better get a rope
    he probley should have been hung!

  17. morram says:

    I’m betting Debbie Casner gets a lot of hallway hellos!

  18. iGlobalWarmer says:

    #14 – As long as I get to maintain Maximum Carbon Footprint (TM) continuously up to my own extinction, hopefully a long, long time from now. 😉

  19. rogermet says:

    The link near the bottom of this post has a “Check out the school staff here.” with all their email addresses.
    I would suggest sending the staff or at least the principle (& vice principle, they tend to be the ones with the inferiority complex that would take this to this level).
    And let them personally know what you think – encourage others to do the same .

  20. Angel H. Wong says:

    It makes me wonder if MySpace is going to ban these two kids.

  21. SJP says:

    Can’t wait to get down there to say hi!

  22. MikeN says:

    For nanny state, this is hardly the worst. I’d put the food restricters ahead. They’ve already killed off the supersize meals at McDonalds
    Then there’s California seizing property you keep locked away for several years,to protect lost items.

  23. John Paradox says:

    he probley should have been hung!
    Comment by mopster

    As a former ‘English Major’, and fan of Blazing Saddles, I must submit that the correct past tense of ‘to hang’ as in lynching, is “hanged”.

    If he’d been hung, well, that would be another thing entirely.



  24. hhopper says:

    Common sense seems to be missing from our modern society.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #23, JP,

    That is one conjugation that has irritated me, and I was NOT an English major. I have had people swear up and down that it is correct.

    Another is the past tense of to drink is not drunk. It is drank !!!

  26. Actually, these fine upstanding ( age appropriate pun (:-) ) examples of budding testosteronically ( ¡ dang good word !) induced vigor, were most probably just patterning their behavior on the projected literal meaning of the name of their school – Patton Middle School.

    Allen McDonald, El Galloviejo®

  27. Mister Mustard says:

    >>And you wonder why home schooling is on the increase.

    I thought it was so kids wouldn’t be explosed to the corrosive influence of Darwinism (and science in general).

  28. John Paradox says:

    Another is the past tense of to drink is not drunk. It is drank !!!
    Comment by Mr. Fusion — 7/25/2007 @ 8:28 pm

    In my case, ‘drunk’ IS past tense.
    Where’s that pot thread?

    They’re affecting their effect there.


  29. Uncle Patso says:

    I suppose these guys will be going after Jimmy Carter next — after all, didn’t he once admit to having lusted in his heart?

  30. Kathy says:
    here is the principal’s email address! i sent my view + added all of your other posts!!

    this is absolutely ridiculous!! I work in a prison where there are REAL
    SEX OFFENDERS!!! They did NOT start out by playing grab ass in school!!


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