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Associated Press – July 22, 2007:
A Memphis lawn care company is showing a little skin in order boost business. The women of Tiger Time Lawn Care offer to mow customers’ lawns dressed in bikinis — a service that attracts more attention to the ladies rather than the lawns.
“Oh yeah, they honk and yell. They can do everything you can imagine,” said employee Blair Beckman, 21.
Beckman said the extra attention is expected, but she looks on the bright side.
“You get the attention but you also get a tan, which I need,” Beckman said.
Owner Lee Cathey said the bikini service makes mowing the lawn a lot more interesting — although the fee is slightly higher than their regular lawn cutting service.
“We had a couple of customers sitting in lawn chairs drink beer just enjoying the bikini cut,” he said. “The yards definitely get more attention when there’s a bikini on the lawn.”
Yay me!
Someone get me the phone number!!!!
I could get the guys from Diggnation to do a show from my driveway!!
I don’t think there is a way for me to comment on this (good or bad) without sounding like a chauvinistic douchebag…….
We had someone in the Kansas City Area doing this for several years now.
#1 901-487-9060
Here’s there website as well.
Finally, women can contribute to the economy.
I wish I live in Memphis now !
these chicks can blow my sidewalk anytime.
When I was in high school in Jupiter Florida, there was a gas station that tried this… it was awesome, then the Bible thumpers from Hobe Sound ruined it… Every service industry is made better by hotties in bikinis…
Finally, now the female illegal immigrants (senoritas) can get some work. Can you imagine the scene outside of Home Depot? Aye Chiwawa!!
Na, my wife insists I paid good money for our mower, I can darn well use it myself.
Besides, it sucks being my age sometimes.
Lordy, they can come mow my yard anytime. Hope they’ve insurance, I wear boots and eye protection when doing that sort of thing. Once you’ve had a rock go through your calf, you tend to be a little more defensive. But hey, young and immortal, why not?
#6 – Finally, women can contribute to the economy.
Sure is… just imagine all the guys jerking off behind the curtains while they’re watching the poor girl mow the grass… hey, those lazy folks will have to hire someone to clean the curtains. 😉
You horny bastards!
Thats why love the bible thumpers in D.C,
they only interfere with people who try to build strip clubs near their churches lol
#14 – Jägermeister – Behind the curtains? Damn…thats what I was doing wrong!
Good one, Angel – or as we say in sunny Singapore, touché!
• • • • • • • •
I’ll stick with the donut shop in Ft. Lauderdale where the girls – who, BTW, are not Left Coast war protesters – serve coffee and doughnuts topless.
Theres a couple coffee shops here in Seattle that do that …
I guess that some people would like their driveways mowed every single day!
#5 boots required? Now I’m imagining them in hot fetish boots……rowr……….
#5 boots required? Now I’m imagining them in hot fetish boots, or maybe some 60’s style go-go boots……rowr……….
#5 boots required? Now I’m imagining them in hot fet*sh boots, or maybe some 60’s style go-go boots……rowr……….
It’s official — everyone on here is a 13 year old living in their mom’s basement.
You all telling me that you would be okay with this if it was your daughter out there?
For those of you that have daughters, send me their names and numbers.