So cute!!!!!!!
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huh ??….whatever !!!
They obviously gave her some Ecstasy.
Slow news day huh? What’s next John, posting pictures of your Webkins?
“So Cute”???
Are you serious! What drugs were being taken to get this onto
How to create a valley girl
haha that reminds me of my little sister, back when she was much younger….and much cuter…….
Whatever? Teaching the kiddie to ignore competing ideas at such a young age is child abuse in my book.
“Tell me More” would be more fitting. I pity this child and the incompetent mother raising her.
What’s next, “Monster Ass Kicking” ???
I’ve had to confront attitudes like this while legally defending a client against threat of physical abuse. It escaped me at the time where the children get this lack of respect for others and now I see. From Mom and Dad!
I didn’t know Gasparrini was a chick?!
#11, nope, just a guy. Check around the blog, there’s a picture of me somewhere…
Jesus Christ, they arent teaching her to ignore competing ideas. That kid probably saw some one do it and she emulated it, with out even knowing what it was really used for.
And how does this constitute as not being respectfull of others? That kid is obviously doing it because its making everyone at the table laugh. She isn’t doing it out of disrespect, she probably doesn’t even know what it means. It was just a chance to grab attention.
Calling someone an incompetent mother just because they think its adorable when her daugher harmlessly emulates her older peers (which by the way, is a completely natural part of early childhood) is in my completely honest opinion, rather stupid.
13- Do you have children. Learning this behavior before she understand it is not good. I would like to see the parents in 10 years or so, then I can laugh at them when they are frustrated and crying because of their defiant daughter. It’s this is the seed of the type of behavior that is making today’s kids so behavior challenged. They have no respect for anyone and are completely self-absorbed.
13–I understood the video as an adult teaching the kid to say whatever with the hand gesture. I took the adult to be the kids mother.
What does the term “whatever” with that hand gesture MEAN in your vocabulary?
Little things early in life can be very impactful. If you love your little kiddies, be more aware of what you do to their soft little developing minds. Its a terrible thing to waste.
“Whatever you say, say it with conviction.” Mark Twain
“Whateva, Whateva, I do what I want! I smoke crack, I do drugs, I drink alcihaal. I once killed SIX baby seals with my bare hands. I roll with 12 gangs. I do what I want!”
“It’s this is the seed of the type of behavior that is making today’s kids so behavior challenged. They have no respect for anyone and are completely self-absorbed.”
ahh yes, “Today’s Kids”. The demonization of younger people.
When books began to be widely published, older generations thought humanity was DOOMED because “todays kids” would learn more than they needed to know, and could potentially be smarter than their parents!
Then ‘todays kids” were practically having sex on the dance floor with their horrid “Waltz” and “Fox trot”
Then “todays kids” worked up the nerve and audasity to start marrying each other because they were in love *gasp!*
Then “todays kids” were all going to be creatively ruined by having recordings of music on records, instead of playing it themselves!
Then “todays kids” were again practically having sex on the dance floor by doing those trashy swing dancing moves.
Then “todays kids” were all becoming devil worshipers because of all of that damned demonic “Rock and Roll” music.
Then “todays kids” were AGAIN simulating fornication on the dancefloor with the “Twist” !!
Then “todays kids” were driving society in the mud by protesting the War, fraternizing with “colored people”, dressing in bright clothing and smoking marijuana
Then “todays kids” were all strung out on coke, and listening to crude hip hop, heavy metal music and having TEEN SEX! D:
Then “todays kids” were all training themselves to be mass murderers with their Mortal Kombat on their sega genesis consoles.
My point is that I am about 100% certain that your parents did things with you that your grandparents probably thought were absolutely atrocious. It seems though, that you have turned out just fine.
I am not saying that the kid’s behavior is totaly ok, I am just saying that this 30 second clip of a toddler goofing off with her family doesn’t automatically make her into some horrid stain on the future of america, nor does it make her mother incompetent.
#18 – I am not saying that the kid’s behavior is totaly ok, I am just saying that this 30 second clip of a toddler goofing off with her family doesn’t automatically make her into some horrid stain on the future of america, nor does it make her mother incompetent.
Man… your post just saved me a helluva lot of typing 🙂
That whole “Whateva” fad is annoying ghetto talk according to many, and don’t disagree. But as a culture, the speed with which we lower the boom of our self righteous holier than thou indignation upon others is breathtaking and foolish.
Are you all kidding me? I have some kids, and I am as guilty as the next guy of “stupid kid tricks” where you teach the kid to do something because it has an impact of the audience. I taught my kid, when he could barely speak, to recite the “to be or not to be” passage from Hamlet…and, sure, all the ignorant adults said “wow, he knows Shakespeare”…well, no…he repeats things like a parrot. This is just that. What the parents have chosen to teach (or the auntie, or whoever it is) is more a symptom of the problem, if there is one. I don’t see this kid learning much of any kind of aversion to competing ideas…the kids is just repeating things back because she gets a pat on the head when she does…
Lighten up. And, while we are at it, can we all lighten up on the posts that “don’t belong here”…what doesn’t belong? Who gets to say what can’t be here…jeez. If it ever comes to be that there is NO good content, then, sure, quit reading. But, if there is content you don’t like between that which you do…can’t you big-brained types just click past it? I’m sure there are fast food joints between the fine restaurants you all patronize…you don’t ask the city to have them removed…or, wait, maybe you do.
Can anyone remind me of why its wrong to discuss the pro’s and con’s of any behavior? or post? or idea?
Or should we just sit in a circle and agree with whatever is posted is just what the poster said it was.
#21, do you really think that is what was happening? wow.
22–I don’t know what the “that” is that you are refering to, although my own post at #21 is a response to about 3 or 4 other threads, and probably from different websites as well. My bad.
Still, I think it is “fun” to debate the pro’s and con’s of any given proposition since this is a comment blog?
One person sees that video and thinks “Thats Cute” and another thinks “Thats Child Abuse.” I don’t think one comment over the other is more valid—–there simply isn’t enough information. But I would hope the Its Cute crowd might be sensitized to the idea that maybe it isn’t so cute and the Child Abuse crowd should not be dead certain about that either.
But every blog entry should not be a book.
I taught my 3 year old little girl and my 4 year old boy to “throw the horns”. For those of you uninitiated in to heavy metal sub-culture, it is the hand motion with the index finger and the pinkie finger extended (like th Hook’em Horns from UT Austin). Does this make my kids Satan worshipers? Nope…it means they like it when they make daddy laugh.
Lighten up people. The girl repeats it because people laugh. As far as we can tell from the video the little girl has no idea in which context it would be used, much less how to use it to be disrespectful.
My kid is five and he has already picked up “whatever” from society. I, nor his mom, ever use it. The first time he said a few weeks ago I stared at him in disbelief. What the? As a matter of fact he also used the G word. I was teaching him the word ‘elevated’ (we were under the el–elevated subway line). He goes, “ohh, elevated– like God.” He stopped me dead in my tracks. um, heh, heh, um.. [i never mentioned that word to him, but i was scared shit about someone poisoning his mind with ideas that his immature mind is not ready for]…
Me: “oh. what is God, K?”
K: “God is life”
Me: “oh, alright. who told you that?”
K: “the teacher at school”
I left it at that and bought him a double-scoop of ice cream in the hopes that that seed of “God” doesn’t grow without my guidance.
Man of Leisure
K: “God is life”
Me: “oh, alright. who told you that?”
K: “the teacher at school”
And if your child said “Allah is life”… would you be having a word with the teacher? How about if the teacher informed your child “God is a scam”… a phone call to the Principal perhaps?
#18, Dauragon88
Very good post. My thoughts exactly, only you said it better then I would have.
#19, OFTLO
You noticed that too?
My Ma-in-law hates that I taught our daughter to call the red condiment “cat shit”, the yellow is “mouse dirt”, and the green is “real ass”. All words she had heard by three and quite understood by four, without mine or my wife’s help. We have the best kid any parents could ask for.
The kid is very cute. But you sure can tell the parents vs non-parents on the board, eh? She’ll grow up to be just fine. (well, until she’s a teen and she’ll be doing that stuff with feeling – but there’s no avoiding that really). She’ll grow out of it.
I kept thinking of that Steve Martin record – you know. “You wanna play a dirty trick on a kid? Whenever you’re around them – talk wrong. Then when he gets into kindergarten, whenever he needs to go to the bathroom he’ll raise his hand and ask “May I mambo dogface to the banana patch?”
#25 – you might be disturbed, but I hope and pray you’re not intending to raise a nihilist (you won’t get any grandkids that way).