chihuahua_snake.jpg – Monday, July 23, 2007

A Chihuahua called Zoey may not sound like the toughest of dogs, but when a rattlesnake lunged at her owners’ 1-year-old grandson, she revealed herself to be pretty badass. By Chihuahua standards, at least.

Booker West was splashing his hands in a birdbath in his grandparents’ northern Colorado back yard when the snake slithered up to the toddler, rattled and struck. Five-pound (2.3-kilogram) Zoey jumped in the way and took the bites.

The dog required treatment and for a time it appeared she might not survive the snake bites she suffered earlier this month. Now she is reportedly prancing about.

I wonder if Paris Hilton’s chihuahua would have done the same?


  1. bobbo says:

    I thought Chihuahuas were bred as “ratters.” Glad this one lived up to the best of the breed.

  2. Dauragon88 says:

    Thats an awesome story. It sounds like something right out of one of those disney talking pet movies .

  3. Gig says:

    Paris’ dog would have done it but marked itself DNR first.

  4. Steve says:

    #3 The dog would have been better off marking her as DNR.

  5. Smartalix says:

    Man’s best friend.

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Good boy, good boy.

  7. mantaray says:

    I wonder if this story is BS. This whole notion of a rattlesnake slithering up to the kid, rattling and then STRIKING! sounds bogus to me. Rattlesnakes use their rattles as warnings. They don’t just attack, especially something too big to eat. Venom is a precious commodity that’s not to be wasted for no reason. Might gut tells me the snake was protecting itself from something that was bothering it. Sounds to me like the snake is the victim here.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, lets see here.

    Crawling on its belly.

    Rattling, something like a saber.

    Hiding in the grass like it owns the place.

    Picking on toddlers and miniature dogs.

    Attacks anything it feels like with no plan or regard for the consequences.

    Yup, sounds like a Republican. The snake must be a victim.

  9. glenn says:

    I’m with Mantaray @7 on this one
    Read this: “Monty Long heard Zoey yelp and went to see what was wrong.”
    Before you believe this:
    “rattled and struck. Five-pound (2.3-kilogram) Zoey jumped in the way and took the bites.”

  10. Seth avram says:

    Actually it’s almost not BS. The kid was playing in the backyard there was a snake and the dog placed herself between the kid and the snake and was then bitten. I saw an interview with the owners of the dog and the dog required about $1000 (US) in vet bills. Personally I thought the little yappers were only good for ankle biting and shaking. In this case thankfully the dog was there.

  11. mantaray says:

    I’m not saying that the story is “BS,” Seth. I’m just saying that the details smell a bit fishy to me. Sure, I believe that the event in some way happened and that a dog did get bitten in the process, but this whole notion of the rattlesnake “attacking” is right out of a bad B movie.

  12. Viktor says:

    Not likely snake behavior, as young humans do not resemble their food. Alternate headline: Clueless Parents Let Toddler Play in Rattlesnake Infested Yard.

  13. zia's mom says:

    I have had chihuahua dogs since I was a kid in New Mexico. Familiar with rattlesnakes there too. Rattlesnakes WILL bite with no warning if threatened. Snake was probably going for the water in the birdbath the baby was playing in. Chihuahuas are pound for pound very ferocious. My baby Zia goes after pit bulls and rottweilers. She doesn’t back off and she hardly has a tooth in her little head.

  14. shannon says:

    My 7 pound chihuahua was bitten in the head protecting my other chihuahua for a rattlesnake he is in critical condition he has had a blood transfusion and was almost out of the woods now 4 days later his brain is swelling. They are brave little dogs and great pets. Please pray for Sparky.

  15. Thats awsome. I bet my Chihuahuas could ward off a pack of snakes!

  16. gdfgq3ohogr says:

    i have chihuahuas and they will protect their owners and their family. i hope sparky gets better because he did a brave thing. i will pray non-stop till he gets better.

  17. gdfgq3ohogr says:

    hope everything goes alright and if you don’t have chihuahua then you don’t know anything about this subject.


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