Microchips mulled for HIV carriers in Indonesia’s Papua — Interesting. Someday we will all be chipped.

Lawmakers in Indonesia’s Papua are mulling the selective use of chip implants in HIV carriers to monitor their behaviour in a bid to keep them from infecting others, a doctor said Tuesday.

John Manangsang, a doctor who is helping to prepare a new healthcare regulation bill for Papua’s provincial parliament, said that unusual measures were needed to combat the virus.

found by Aric Mackey

  1. edwinrogers says:

    The head of the Papua chapter of the National AIDS Commission, is named, Constant Karma?

  2. bobbo says:

    Grab your socks. I’ll give it about 20 years before everyone in america has a chip installed for contant monitoring and information retrieval of various types and purposes.

    Its simply the march of technology and all the benefits it offers without an appreciation of the risks.

  3. Bill says:

    You could use existing cell technology to RFID everyone and then track everyone via the net. And just where is J.D. right now?

  4. KVolk says:

    well at least if I have the chip installed I won’t forget it when I leave the house like my cellphone or PDA.

  5. Mike says:

    The fact that some people want to put microchips in everybody just shows how disconnected modern society is from nature; and how we are becoming conditioned more and more into some universal mob of people rather than individuals.

  6. ECA says:

    It dont matter if you use Micro chips, or if you Finger print, or even a FULL DNA scan of all these persons, I DONT CARE if you tagged them ALL with the letters HIV on their foreheads….
    They will spread this until EVERYONE has it.
    MOSt of the contagion is spread by Rape, and sex…
    You have 2 choices…
    Kill those infected…
    If you just TAG them, all you are doing is giving a REASON to be Biased. And NOt hire them.. Or to have OTHER condemn them and kill them for being UNclean.

    This is as bad as the previous post on Tagging ALL USA cits.

  7. ECA says:


    I also like the idea, of ‘SELECTIVE’….
    SELECTIVE means they are going to TRY and find ALL HIV infections?? even those NOT showing at the time? INCLUDING the RICH GAY males?? That are in Politics??

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    And this works how? People buy some kind of detector and take it with them to the singles’ bar, then scan anyone who tries to pick them up to see if they’re chipped or not? Sounds a little hokey to me, as a way to “change their behaviour”.

  9. pjakobs says:

    wear yellow stars, I say.


    from Germany

  10. tallwookie says:

    i think this is a good idea

  11. Why outcast people? Start a community of HIV carriers instead. Let HIV infected people have sex with HIV infected people– there’s enough of them around to find a suitable match. What about a personal site geared to them (www.HelloV.com ?).

    Hollywood is a community of herpes carriers. So we know that people can still feel loved if they are infected. Look at Tom Cruise. He as herpes. His wife has it too (see that picture of her with her face around her mouth with a herpes breakout?). STDs comes with the territory. The territory of STD humans is a very group.

  12. Cinaedh says:

    “Someday we will all be chipped.”

    They can put one of those chips in my corpse if they like but I don’t think I’ll be allowing one in my live body.

    I’m just absolutely shocked that Americans, if this blog is representative of Americans, can be so blasĂ© about the potential total loss of their freedom. Isn’t this the sort of thing all those handguns are supposed to prevent?

    Maybe we should all watch Braveheart a few more times!

  13. tikiloungelizard says:

    Indonesia doesn’t belong in Papua anyway. They arbitrarily divided the island of PNG right down the middle so they could exploit its natural resources, including hardwood tropical lumber. The people of Papua New Guinea have nothing in common with Indonesians, they’re more closely related to the aboriginal people of Australia. Indonesia OUT of Papua.


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