Click pic to watch video of Gonzales in action

Let’s see. Republicans worked hard to impeach Clinton over what he said about a blowjob. Will they be as vigilant about going after one of their own when the subject is domestic spying, which, IMHO, is a tad more important?

Gonzales Contradicts Prior Statements, Confirms Existence Of Other Spying Programs

Today’s testimony contradicts what Gonzales had said previously. In June, Gonzales claimed that both he and Comey were referring to the same domestic spying program. “Mr. Comey’s testimony related to a highly classified program which the president confirmed to the American people sometime ago,” he said.

If Gonzales’ testimony is accurate today, then he is confirming the existence of a new administration spying program.

  1. Dauragon88 says:


    Getting a blowjob = grounds for impeachment

    Starting a fake war, spying on citizens and putting the US in a bajillion dollar deficit = Re-election.

    I love my country 😀

  2. Steve says:

    Let’s see. Republicans worked hard to impeach Clinton over what he said about a blowjob. Will they be as vigilant about going after one of their own when the subject is domestic spying, which, IMHO, is a tad more important?

    Was that a rhetorical question? In the grand scheme of things I know which one is more important to me.

  3. Improbus says:

    Americans need to march on D.C. and burn it to the ground. Then we can start over with a new constitutional government.

  4. Dauragon88 says:

    3. They need to march on THE NATIONAL MALL and burn it down

    They better stay the fuck away from my house.

  5. Dallas says:

    The problem is that the unwashed masses have no clue what Gonzalez lied about. Therefore, it’s not an issue and hence a don’t care.

    However, they do know that a blow job involves placing a penis in a mouth and THAT was not in God’s pee pee owners manual. Therefore, it’s a big deal.

    Republicans do a great job of exploiting these basic observations of the voting public. Also, lies are not “lies”, they are “misunderstandings”. A blow job is pretty much a 1 or a 0 (for us technical folks).

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    Gonzalez should just ALWAYS give his standard answer: “I don’t recall”. Stick to the basics, ‘berto, and they will never catch you.

  7. Guyver says:

    1,2: That’s a tad bit partisan. Although liberals keep insisting what Clinton got impeached for was lying about getting a BJ, most ignore it was to set up Starr’s attempt to get to the bottom of the illegal campaign fund raising (aka Chinagate) as well as that administration carelessly allowing for propulsion technology to get to the Chinese who now have the ability to launch missles that can reach us thanks to the previous administration.

    But in either case, it sounds like there are those in the liberal community where they believe there are acceptable reasons for lying to a federal grand jury. Whatever the case, perjury is perjury. I don’t care what the reason behind it is. Don’t rationalize reasons for and against impeachment.

  8. Guyver says:

    6. It worked for Clinton in Whitewater.

  9. grog says:

    HA Alberto Gonzales could kill puppies., and so long as GW says he’s okay, conservatives will support him

  10. sdf says:

    obviously the neotards can’t defend this a-hole without a rip at clinton.

  11. Arrius says:

    #7 put it well. There is also the point that Clinton attempted to obfuscate the justice system, both generally and directly throughout Star’s whole investigation. Liberals do not win any points in the minds of the informed when they make ignorant statements about BJ’s.

    Anyway, kick Gonzo out. He sounds like a moron and not someone we need. If he lied on purpose send him to prison. There. How is that for treating all parties equal? I tend to be more conservative minded so there you have it. Go after this POS just like they did with Clinton.

  12. Sea Lawyer says:

    #1, I knew people who have since died. Trust me, there is nothing fake about this war.

  13. MikeR says:


    A liitle revisionist history?!?!?

    From the viewpoint of a non-American, here is what we saw:

    Partisan investigator spent years trying to pin something, anything on the Clinton administration. Best he could do was getting Clinton on lying about a BJ.

    I’m afraid that is the image presented to the rest of the world.

  14. Guyver says:

    13. Depends on what part of the world you were living in I suppose and who you got your news from. Chinagate and propulsion technology leaks certainly were not a figment of anyone’s imagination. Don’t forget the security breach at Los Alamos either which also had something to do with China.

    I can understand why you want to say the impression the “rest of the world” got was this was simply over lying about a BJ. I’ll assume you probably got your news from CNN, at least that’s what I got when I lived overseas. If so, all you got for the most part were Democrats playing down perjury and obstruction of justice charges as it being “all about sex”. Revisionist indeed. 🙂

  15. MikeR says:

    13 – The Starr investigation had nothing to do with “Chinagate” – it started over a supposedly shady real estate deal and the death of Vince Foster. That didn’t pan out so they moved on to Jones and then Lewinsky. Again, best they could do was BJ.

    As for “perjury and obstruction of justice charges” – please. Clinton’s biggest mistake was talking to them about it. He would have told them to go climb a tree.

    Why should Clinton have been impeached over “Chinagate”? Makes about as much sense as trying to impeach Bush for Sept. 11 attacks.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, Guyver,

    I realize grammer is pretty lose and informal around here but,

    Although liberals keep insisting what Clinton got impeached for was lying about getting a BJ, most ignore it was to set up Starr’s attempt to get to the bottom of the illegal campaign fund raising (aka Chinagate) as well as that administration carelessly allowing for propulsion technology to get to the Chinese who now have the ability to launch missles that can reach us thanks to the previous administration.

    That ranks as one of the worst sentences I have ever read. What is your point?

    Anyway, I am quite sure Bush and the whole Republican party is very happy they don’t still have the Special Prosecutor. There would be a lot more Republicans behind bars right now if there was.

    BTW, the illegal foreign campaign contributions were returned. Now I suppose it was Clinton’s fault that there was a spy running around Martin. And for your information, the Chinese already had missile technology when Reagan was President.

    Remember, Clinton lied about a private sexual act. Bush lied and people died. Keep justifying.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #15, Douglas

    I challenge anyone to watch that creep lie to Dems and Republicans alike and say this is just liberals playing politics.

    So very true. The ,

  18. Angel H. Wong says:

    As you can see, Latinos can be as sleazy as white folk, so my theory for all that antiimmigrant rap is jealousy because hispanics get a much better tan than the average white guy/gal.

  19. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    I, for one, welcome our new corrupt-but-well-tanned overlords…

  20. Arrius says:

    Angel H. Wong actually said something funny finally.

    #13 I can overlook your oversea’s impression of the events during the Clinton years. Not being here (I assume) our daily news and the nuances of law and politics is not likely something that translates well, or make it overseas at all. I would expect the same to be true about our news or information about other countries’ politics.

    I am personally sick of hearing Clinton’s name mentioned when we discuss the more diguesting aspects of Bush. The point, I believe, is that Clinton had been such a self-serving person many people had a viseral dislike towards him. Bush has created this viseral dislike towards himself through his repeated stupidy in many areas, his questionable upbringing and whatever else you care to recite.

    Comparing one to the other doesnt change that they both seem to be revolting people. Clinton was a criminal that by comparison looks clean next to Bush.

    The AG looks like some of the ambitious Hispanics that I have known living in Texas. Given what I know of Bush, and what I have seen of this man, he is a scummy person no doubt. I’ll support impeachment just like I supported it for Clinton.

  21. iGlobalWarmer says:

    Clinton getting a BJ is no big deal. Clinton getting a BJ in the Oval Office is blatant disrespect to the office of POTUS and the spirit of the US itself. That is a big deal.

    The Republicans went on a fishing expedition and managed to trick Clinton into lying. Just politics.

    The Democrats went on a fishing expedition and managed to trick Libby onto lying. Again just politics.

    All that being said, Gonzales has to go – if nothing else, there’s now no way he can be effective as AG. Beyond that, as was said earlier, perjury is perjury – which applies to the two examples above also.

  22. Mister Mustard says:

    >>just politics …. again, just politics

    No, the Bill Clinton BJ was “just politics”.

    What Bill does with his willie and his cigars are matters better dealt with between him and Hill. “Blatant disrespect” is not a crime.

    When Scooter Pie (who was obviously just a sacrificial lamb for the real perpetrators in this case, President Cheney/Rove) commit the moral equivalent of TREASON…..well, that IS a big deal.

    And the fact that Alberto is still in office is blatant disrespect for everything America once stood for. Who will be held accountable for that? (hint: check back after the 2008 elections).

  23. MikeR says:

    Arrius, never said I lived “overseas” . I live in a country that has access to your media (not just CNN) plus our own. I also happen to have spent a lot of time in the States during the final years of Clinton and first years of Bush. Clinton is many things but “Clinton was a criminal that by comparison looks clean next to Bush.” is not one of them.

    Given my background, I would suspect I have a less-biased view of US politics than you would.

  24. MikeR says:

    [Deleted – duplicate post: ed.]

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #23, iHotAir,

    The Democrats went on a fishing expedition and managed to trick Libby onto lying. Again just politics.

    No. A covert agent’s name was revealed. The President said that whoever released the name would be held accountable. A special prosecutor was named. The special prosecutor just happened to be a Republican US Attorney. Libby lied to FBI investigators AND the grand jury. He was appropriately charged with a crime. No fishing expedition. The politics came from the White House.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #27, guyver,

    Keep on believing it. It still won’t make it true. Geeze, where the hell do you guys come up with this crap.

    As for the Chinese and missles, they did have “missle technology”. They did not have the technology to reach out and touch us until the Clinton administration.

    I guess you never heard about the Long March rocket. It put several missiles into space for the Chinese. During Reagan’s administration.

    BTW, ’50s technology could send missiles around the globe. Have you ever heard of ICBM’s.

    Accounting errors at Los Alamos? Is that what you call it? Fascinating. It sounds so trivial when you put it that way, but the FBI didn’t seem to have the same opinion.

    The Judge did. In fact, he apologized for the way the government, including the FBI, acted. And Wen Ho Lee was from Taiwan, not China.

    If Bush lied, so do many other senators and representatives.

    If Senators and Representatives lies have caused others to die then they deserve similar condemnation.


    I will not refute every one of your errors. There are too many and it would take too much space.

  27. Guyver says:

    29. As long as those people with clearances don’t talk about classified information then I’m okay with what is talked about.

    30. You guys? 🙂 I’m not sure who you’re grouping me with. Hopefully not as a Republican fanboy.

    Yeah, I’ve heard of ICBMs. And yes some 50s technology of ours were inter-conteniental. But I thought with you being so anal-retentive about grammar that you would have noted my saying: “FOR THE MOST PART, Chinese military technology has largely been equivalent to our 50s technology.” I never said that their missile technology was at that level. Also the Chinese have talked a good game over what they have been capable of. Right now they have the technology they previously talked of supposedly having and they’re a wee bit ticked we’ve recently been selling the Taiwanese sub-Aegis class ships which can track simultaneous missile launches.

    And yes I do know that Wen Ho Lee was from Taiwan. That does not mean he could not have been from China. And that does not dismiss the fact that things were leaked over.

    TOTALLY agreed on sending all the Senators and Representatives to prison regardless of party affiliation if they too lied about a war along with Bush. Otherwise, if the same litmus test cannot be applied to them, then the talks of Bush lying should simply be dropped.

    You’re entitled to to believe your opinions are indeed fact. I enjoy reading your elitist-sounding write ups. 🙂

  28. Guyver says:

    32. Definitely not a toss off. And I am now out of that career field. There is a thing called getting debriefed. I know what I can and cannot say.

  29. iGlobalWarmer says:

    #27 & 29 – The last thing the Democrats want to do is end the war. They want a lot more American casualties and a much bigger mess. The feel it makes the Republicans look and and helps them win elections. The worse things go the better the Democrats like it.

  30. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Clinton has not been president for 7 years. Let it go.

    The horse is dead. Quit beating it.


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