Click pic to watch video of Gonzales in action

Let’s see. Republicans worked hard to impeach Clinton over what he said about a blowjob. Will they be as vigilant about going after one of their own when the subject is domestic spying, which, IMHO, is a tad more important?

Gonzales Contradicts Prior Statements, Confirms Existence Of Other Spying Programs

Today’s testimony contradicts what Gonzales had said previously. In June, Gonzales claimed that both he and Comey were referring to the same domestic spying program. “Mr. Comey’s testimony related to a highly classified program which the president confirmed to the American people sometime ago,” he said.

If Gonzales’ testimony is accurate today, then he is confirming the existence of a new administration spying program.

  1. Guyver says:

    34 & 35: Agreed.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #31, guyver,

    And yes I do know that Wen Ho Lee was from Taiwan. That does not mean he could not have been from China.

    So do you mean he could have been, or he was, or he wasn’t. Your logic is totally of the charts on this one. Why do I suspect you don’t have a clue what you are talking about?

    TOTALLY agreed on sending all the Senators and Representatives to prison regardless of party affiliation if they too lied about a war along with Bush. Otherwise, if the same litmus test cannot be applied to them, then the talks of Bush lying should simply be dropped.

    WHOA !!!

    Who the hell supplied the intelligence to Congress to encourage them to vote the way they did? If they repeated Bush’s bull as justification for their vote you want to imprison them? Geeze, you must be a real die hard Bush apologist to suggest that.

  3. James Armstrong says:

    Actually, the impeachment was based on the crazy idea that suborning perjury was somehow at odds with the oath of office.

    Just goes to show how partisan and demented the Republicans were.

    Of course, as Americans, we aren’t supposed to remember that far back…..

  4. Guyver says:

    37. 🙂 That means identities can be erased and created quite easily. Happens all the time with border jumpers in North and South Korea. Taiwan and China are no exception. You also have sympathizers on both sides of the border which Wen Ho Lee most likely was and could have been. Be that as it may, Wen Ho Lee primarily walked because he showed that other non-Asians who did the same irresponsible / potentially treasonous things he did, did not get punished like he did. He and the others should have all been punished, but instead he walked due to a case of discrimination. You’re hoping that I’m somehow contradicting myself. It’s just wishful thinking.

    WHOA!!! Where do you suppose that intelligence came from? Who probably shares the biggest burden of responsibility for the inaccurate intel? Wasn’t Bush, wasn’t Clinton… but it happened under the Clinton administration. You can point the finger at Gorelick who hapend to play some CYA while sitting on the 9/11 commission. Why did most of the news agencies prefer talking about Clinton’s book rather than cover Putin’s Summer 2004 press conference where he told the world Russian Intel told the U.S. and Brits that Iraq was going to hit us “soon” when we were originally only fighting in Afghan?

    A lie is when you say something with the intent to deceive. Whether or not the statement actually proves to be true has nothing to do with the individual’s intent. Getting bad / dated intel and giving it to Congress is not a lie if you thought it was true. The lie conspiracy started with Howard Dean. When other Democrats noticed his poll numbers going up, everyone jumped on board.

    Even Kucinich has been recently ratting other Democrats out by pointing out that every Democrat running for the presidency had the same intel then as they do now. I don’t see him being challenged. Why hasn’t anybody accused him of lying? I suppose Kucinich is an agent for the Republicans?

    I’m certainly not an apologist for Bush, but this liberal definition of what a lie is and ignoring what the Russians told us is simply sickning. It’s partisan. I’m so tired of hearing the Bush bashing and the holier than thou Democrat propping comments. Both parties suck. You just happen to be a leftie and your narrow view of politics seems to believe I am a Bushie because there can be no other party.

    The only thing I am guilty of is expecting the same litmus test for both sides and that liberals stop rationalizing and splitting hairs of everything they can to win an election. If liberals want to insist that this is a lie, then bring it all out. I don’t care. I really don’t care if Bush gets impeached, but at least be fair about passing the blame in this little game of yours. I just hope you guys don’t pull a Gorelick and do some CYA.

    38. We just need to get out of this two party system. Both parties are two wings of the same bird. Both are taking this country down, the only difference is one is doing it a lot faster than the other.

  5. MikeN says:

    > A very sober member of the current VP’s office outed a CIA agent who worked on monitoring nuclear proliferation.

    What are you talking about? Who is this guy? Libby doesn’t work there, and neither did Richard Armitage, who leaked Valerie Plame’s name.

    As for propulsion technology, all the transfers may have been legal, but that doesn’t mean it was OK to move the approval process from the Defense Department to the Commerce Department, where it would be run by the campaign finance people.

  6. traaxx says:

    Duh,, are you really that naive….did you think that just maybe they also have spys in other countries also…please don’t say it’s so.

    Uncle Dalin Dictator strikes again…score one for the commies…we don’t need to have any intelligence services…what next our army actually have bullets…..just what part of China did you come from Uncle Dalin.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    You’re hoping that I’m somehow contradicting myself. It’s just wishful thinking.

    Yes you did contradict yourself then tried a lame job of covering it. To wit:
    And yes I do know that Wen Ho Lee was from Taiwan. That does not mean he could not have been from China.

    Either he was from Taiwan or he wasn’t.

    From #39,
    You also have sympathizers on both sides of the border which Wen Ho Lee most likely was and could have been.

    Again, either he was or he wasn’t. Got any information other than innuendo or conjecture? But it is still a contradiction.

    Wen Ho Lee primarily walked because he showed that other non-Asians who did the same irresponsible / potentially treasonous things he did, did not get punished like he did.

    He walked because the government could prove he willfully or knowingly stole secrets for transmission to China. He pleaded guilty to copying documents to an insecure computer, something routinely done at Los Alamos. The Judge in the case apologized for the government’s behavior.

    Who probably shares the biggest burden of responsibility for the inaccurate intel? Wasn’t Bush, wasn’t Clinton… but it happened under the Clinton administration.

    Uuhhmm, Clinton was out of office and never claimed Iraq still had WMDs. It was Bush who went before Congress and claimed there were. The Intelligence Reports were challenged inside the CIA, and in France, Germany, and Russia as well. The Downing Street Papers also reported Blair knew the intelligence Bush was telling Congress was wrong.

    Why did most of the news agencies prefer talking about Clinton’s book

    Maybe because Putin is losing it and Clinton’s book is more interesting. Are you suggesting a mass conspiracy?

    You can point the finger at Gorelick who hapend to play some CYA while sitting on the 9/11 commission.

    What ??? Jamie Gorelick??? What the hell did she do??? She was accused by Ashcroft of building a wall. Yet the WHOLE FUCKING COMMITTEE agreed that the “wall” went back to Reagan and Bush Sr.’s administrations.

    Getting bad / dated intel and giving it to Congress is not a lie if you thought it was true.

    But you want to jail all the Congress that voted for Bushes war because they believed his faulty intelligence.

    The lie conspiracy started with Howard Dean.

    Holy good fuck Batman !!! A former Governor from Vermont running for the Presidency is responsible that the intelligence was wrong? Please tell us you don’t really believe that.

    Even Kucinich has been recently ratting other Democrats out by pointing out … had the same intel then as they do now Bullshit. He is holding their feet to the fire for still holding their votes were correct.

    I’m certainly not an apologist for Bush ,…

    The only thing I am guilty of is expecting the same litmus test for both sides

    No. You want to blame Clinton for Bushes war. You want to blame Dean because Bush lied. You want to blame Kusinich because some Senators still believe their 2004 votes were based on truth. You want to blame Gorelick for something her Republican predecessors did. You want to blame Wen Ho Lee for, well, whatever he didn’t do.

    What an effen moran !!!

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    Geeze guyver,.

    Opinion pieces from right wing nuts don’t count as evidence. I don’t give a shit what Beck says, he is a biased TV “personality”. This other fuck head is just some opinionated asshole spewing others opinionated comments.

    There is still the possibility that you are really fathered by an alien from some far off system.

    There is also the possibility that you are a raving queer drag queen.

    There is also the possibility you are a Bulgarian spy.

    And there is also the possibility you might be right.

    Being a normal person, I don’t hold that the possibilities are very high for any of those possibilities.


    Gorelick made it illegal for the FBI to share information with the CIA and vice versa.

    Gorelick wrote a memo condensing several other policy memos written by her predecessors. She did not, nor could she, have created a law that made it illegal. As for the CIA and FBI, there were walls put up by Congress after Nixon used the CIA to spy on the Democrats.

    If you want to say Bush is lying then so did Congress.

    The Bush Administration supplied the intelligence to Congress. Any Senator or Congressman that fell for the lie is gullible at worst. That does not get Bush off the hook for knowingly supplying information that was known to be challenged. That information did not come from the Clinton era. By the winter of 2004, Bush had been in office for three years already.

    It is the administration that gets the intelligence. Select portions of that are given to members of the Intelligence Committees and very little to the entire Congress. So no, they did not have the same “intel”.

    Before Dean said there were no WMDs, several people had already questioned it. Including Seymor Hirsh, Ambassador Wilson, and Senator Wellstone. British MPs were openly challenging Blair’s claim of WMDs. Dean’s contention was nothing new; at best he only gave the truth some impetus.

    No, I’m not trying to blame Clinton for “Bush’s war”. I’m merely clarifying that all this crap did not start with Bush. This is stuff that has been building up since the 70s.

    So the invasion of Iraq goes back to Nixon and Ford? I knew Rumsfeld and Cheney gave Saddam chemical weapons during the Iraq-Iran War and the very few chemical weapons found actually date from this period. Shit, and you claim it goes back even further?

    Although I don’t agree with Kucinich’s stand on the war,

    And finally we get to the heart of the matter. If you disagree with Kusinich then you must favor the war. That explains all your apologizing, denying, and revisionist history.


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