MSNBC – July 23, 2007:

A forthcoming study by the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy (iMAPP), a group that aims to “strengthen marriage,” found that no-fault divorce leads to an increase in the divorce rate on the order of 10 percent.

No-fault divorce increases the divorce rate by approximately 10 percent for at least the first 10 years after the law is enacted. So there are 10 percent more divorces overall because of no-fault divorce. We examined every empirical study of no-fault-divorce rates in the U.S. and abroad, and in 17 of the 24 studies, there is a long-term increase in divorce rates after no-fault laws are implemented, most between 5 and 30 percent. We tried to give an overall estimate or judgment.

  1. bobbo says:

    and what exactly is wrong with people having the FREEDOM to do what they want to do without jumping thru impediments placed there by the State?

    I’d like to see some (any?) entry requirements (yes, paradoxally an impediment, there goes my FREEDOM concern–put it under “informed consent”). Any program that did not reduce the number of marriages would be a failure. Any such program should concomitantly reduce the number of unhappy marriages and divorces that result.

  2. Frank IBC says:

    It took her seven years to realize that that dude is gay? C’mon, at the very least she should have realized it when he bought that sweater.

  3. bobbo says:

    He didn’t buy that sweater, he knitted it himself. She uses it when it gets cold playing hockey. Perfect match. I’m surprised you are so insensitive.

  4. Thomas says:

    The reason that States started implementing no-fault was to get out of the “he said/she said” business of who was more at fault. For better or worse, it simplified the process for the Courts which really do not want to have to deal with divorce in the first place.

  5. bobbo says:

    4–Completely irrelevant. Court will do what they are tasked to do. The decision came from the legislature for a variety of reasons, yes including but not limited to, reducing the courts docket.

    Not surprising though to pass laws making divorce easier, and the divorce rate goes up?

    Inequities no matter what you do, so put the emphasis on FREEDOM of association? I still have a “feeling” that the general rule should be no fault but that the eggregious cases of fraud should still be allowed. I’m not talking annulment. But when people lie, cheat, and steal throughout a marriage and then file for half the other person’s stuff, a line has been crossed that no fault does not appropriately recognize.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #2 – That was truly funny… I, again, take back every nasty thing I ever said about you. 🙂


    The artical is bullshit, by the way… No-fault divorce does not increase the divorce rate. It decreases the unhappiness rate.

    And I’ll fight any puritanical Bible thumping son of a bitch that want to stick their holier than thou nose into the private matters of me, my hypothetical wife, or the lives of any other mature adults.

  7. Mike Voice says:

    I’m with #1.

    Anything that doesn’t prohibit the Britney’s of the world from getting hitched at some Vegas “chapel” – by an Elvis impersonator – can’t also make it harder to annull such mistakes [when the drugs wear-off].

    Isn’t that what the “Covenant” marriage idea was all about? Harder to get, and harder to get out of?

    Don’t Mormons take it a step further? Regular marriages are “Till death do us part”, while Temple marriages are still binding after death [in Heaven].

  8. RoeBoeDog says:

    He looks like he is pondering his new freedom and she is mad that she lost another one.

    I bet she had that same face during sex.

  9. Smith says:

    Yep, freedom of association. All for it. So was my ex, who, after 20 years of marriage, announced one day that she was leaving. Ok, no problem. Her choice.

    So why did I loose half of my pension and 401k, my house and my favorite car so she could live with a new boyfriend?

  10. jz says:

    #9 Because you are a victim of feminazism. A woman is entitled to half your wealth because she thinks she deserves it. We get these bullshit slogans like behind every good man is a woman (but never the reverse) to justify their theft. We have bullshit studies done by that show that if the average housewife was paid a salary it would be $130,000 per year. I wish I were making this up.

    We were told that being pro-abortion was pro-choice for women. But if you are a man and choose not to support that child, you are a dead beat dad. Birth is pro-choice for a woman but the choice for a man is pay up or go to jail.

    70% of all divorces filed today are done so by women. Studies have shown the overwhelming majority are not due to violence despite feminazi complaints to the contrary. The most common male response to an unhappy marriage is not confrontation but withdrawl.

    The most common reason women file for divorce given is “neglect”. Let me use a more realistic term for neglect: boredom or lack of excitement. That is right besides providing a stable home, you are supposed to be Mr. Entertainer as well.

    And while you will see constant TV references to men screwing around on their spouses, you rarely will see the reverse. And the guilty party is never the other woman; it is always the man. Bill Clinton nearly got impeached; Monica got a $2 million deal from Weight Watchers.

    Marriage is such a bad deal for men, I have no idea why anyone would be dumb enough to do it today. You aren’t marrying just a woman but you are also marrying the government which is entirely on her side.

    One last thing about the pro-choice, pro-it’s my body feminazi movement alive today. If a woman’s body truly is her own, why can’t she sell it as a prositute as she can in other countries? The reason has little to do with morals. The idea that abortion is more moral than prostitution is laughable. No, prositution would allow men to by sex from women on the cheap. It has nothing to do with morals; it is about getting the highest possible price for sex.

  11. Angel H. Wong says:

    Gay sex is better, period.

  12. tkane says:

    Of course the TV references show only male infidelity. Men won’t watch female infidelity (unless it’s the lipstick lesbian variety). Yawn.

    “Marriage is a fine institution – designed to eradicate such emotions as passion or romance. ” Hyacinth Bucket.

    “Behind every great man is a woman. Now take a good look at me…. can you imagine what I’ve got standing behind me?” Rodney Dangerfield

    Actually marriage has been pretty good to me, but both my wife and I know what it takes. Basically, if you can’t make marriage #1 work, #2 and beyond probably won’t work either. It is too easy to get married in this country.

    But remember that divorce frequently involves children and it’s hardest on them. If you’re unhappy in your marriage, you’re basically not trying hard enough. Tough it out. (unless there’s no kids, then sheesh, if you’re too lazy to make it work, get out – I won’t thump my Bible at you).

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    Angel, you horny bastard.

  14. Ron Larson says:

    #12… excellent comment! Like the abortion issue, perhaps the real focus should be on prevention.

    As a man who has been through a divorce… thank God for no-fault. If I had to defend myself again her lies and insane conspiracies in a court it would have bankrupted me. She made up some cruel stuff to justify the divorce to her friends.

    If no-fault divorce is removed, I honestly believe the spousal murder rate will rise. There is too much emotion and anger in divorce to get into assigning fault.


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