Clinton, Pelosi get boobed in San Francisco with Breasts Not Bombs protest — Click on this link AT YOUR OWN RISK. CAUTION NUDITY. And it is not a pretty sight.

The group, organized by Code Pink and Women for Peace, bared their mammories in full view of God and country outside the San Francisco federal building at noon, calling on Pelosi to use her position as the most powerful woman in U.S. political history to impeach President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.

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  1. Mister Mustard says:

    I wonder how John C. Dvorak looks with his shirt off. Ehhh-ummm.

  2. Perry Noiya says:

    Third one from the left. Is that Howard Stern?


  3. Kevitivity says:

    I usually find anti-war activists, especially that ‘special’ breed that hails from Northern Cali, to be entertaining on some level. But this is down right scary! Damn it! You can yell out all the ridiculous slogans you want, I’ll even put up with your use of puppets (what it it with moonbats and puppets?), BUT KEEP YOU GD CLOTHES ON!!!

  4. Andy says:

    For some reason, I’m reminded of the old George Carlin line from years back – “Why is it that woman at anti-abortion rallies are always the ones you wouldn’t want to f*** in the first place?”

    I really didn’t need to see those boobs…

  5. busdriver says:

    I love revisionist history. These two are good examples of what was being said in Clintons final years.

    Both parties are more interested in reelection than leading from the front….

    “Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons of mass destruction inspection process. The responsibility of the United States in this conflict is to eliminate weapons of mass destruction, to minimize danger to our troops, and to diminish suffering of the Iraqi people.”
    Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi on December 16th, 1998.

    “Iraq is a long way from here (a town in Ohio), but what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face.”
    Secretary of State Madeline Albright, Feb 18th, 1998

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Third one from the left. Is that Howard Stern?

    Howard Stern’s hooters are not that big. I think they go to the same hairdresser though.

    >>The group, organized by Code Pink and Women for
    >>Peace, bared their mammories.

    Oooh, the dreaded “mammories”. I guess that’s the difference between bloggers and journalists; journalists have editors who correct illiteracy, especially when it relates to the MAIN TOPIC OF THE STORY. Sheesh. He shoulda just said “tits”. Anyone can spell that.

  7. JimR says:

    I forget… why do I like breasts again?

  8. Jägermeister says:

    What’s missing? A missile?

  9. joeblow says:

    Damn it. It’s never the ones you’d want to see.

  10. noname says:

    I can only hope the above “patriotic Americans” protesting in this blog don’t reproduce.

    Another black eye for America; Americans protesting exposed boobs. Again America showing the world, her stupid American values and dumb American intellegence.

    Too bad these noobs can’t find their way to the street and protest an evil, murderous, unnecessary, unproductive and regressive WAR!

    Yea, a few freely flung breast, big deal! These UGLIES wouldn’t be nude, or protesting if BUSH didn’t lie us into a bogus WAR.

    Which is worse, bobbing boobs or the boob in the White House?

  11. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Social scientists have a name for this phenomenon; it’s called Jugs’ Paradox. The women who are the most enthusiastic about whipping ’em out in public are the very ones who should never do so.

    …OK, so I made that up; they don’t actually have a name for it.

    But they should.

  12. Phillep says:

    My, my, my. What a comical thread. Especially #12.

    Zombie’s blog has a bunch more pictures from the previous “protest”, including a better (uh, do I want to word it that way?) shot of the bearded whatsit with the tatoos.

  13. TIHZ_HO says:

    Memo to terrorists:

    It was typo – it was supposed to be Boobs not Bombs

  14. Kevitivity says:

    As previously mentioned, zombietime has all the gory details.

  15. John Paradox says:

    Jugs’ Paradox. The women who are the most enthusiastic about whipping ‘em out in public are the very ones who should never do so.

    Works for me 😉


  16. Good says:

    That’s a good thing, what those women are doing. I have mixed feelings on the Iraq thing, but their Parliament/Congress/whatever voted that the USA/UN troops leave. So, now the USA is violating a sovereign entity, and is committing the crimes against humanity now.

    As for pretty titties vs. un-pretty titties: they’re all good to me. Besides, if there were a buncha super-hotties wavin’ their knockers around, nobody would be looking at their clever signs…

    Oh, and Lindsay Lohan got busted for cocaine now. It’s about time that she, Britney, and Paris take up the “legalize weed” movement. Perhaps they should hire chauffeurs as well, the dumb bitches.

  17. Spilt Milk says:

    I watch all this and simply am glad that there is a president (and first lady) who can rise above it all…

    George Bush Chacarron

  18. RTaylor says:

    This wasn’t about voyeurism or pornography, it was about getting attention for their cause. They certainly got the attention. I always suspected that if everyone was required to be naked, there would be fewer wars. Hard to concentrate on battle with your delicate bits hanging about.

  19. tallwookie says:

    #20 – why do you think clothes were invented?

  20. JoaoPT says:

    Sounds only fitting that if it is boobs against bombs it should be full frontal nudity against BUSH…

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #22, tallwookie,

    For protection from the elements and environment. Clothing used for vanity is a modern use and very recent application.

  22. JoaoPT says:

    #24 yeah right…

    Clothing is such a powerful symbol, that protection against the elements is the lesser use.
    Ever since the first men started wearing hides from killed beasts, the one with the Leopard fur would be the king…

  23. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Exactly, Joao… self-adornment – and status – predates functionality in clothing.

  24. JoaoPT says:

    Hi Lauren.

    #23 continuing… Also they could moon everybody and have the slogan:

    “Tush against Bush”

  25. Lauren the Ghoti says:


  26. JoaoPT says:


    can´t a guy have a bad day?


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