“Thriller” as performed by inmates of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center.

  1. bobbo says:

    That guy in the back row really didn’t have his heart in his role.

  2. jbella says:

    I know it’s weird, but even though the country is spelled Philippines, the people are Filipinos or (more recently) the spelling ‘Pilipinos’ has become accepted, which makes some sense considering that we don’t have the ‘F’ sound in our language. I think we may be the only country in the world who can’t properly pronounce our own name. Gotta love colonialism!

  3. dockiko says:

    it’s filipino’s not phillipinos

  4. iGlobalWarmer says:

    On second thought, let’s not go to Camelot – ’tis a silly place…..

  5. Noam Sane says:

    it’s Filipinos not filipino’s. Unless you’re implying possesion.

    Left unresolved: brain eaters or flesh eaters?

    Ultimately, “Beat It” would have been more appropriate, though. What with the gang theme and all.

  6. Ben Waymark says:

    Fantastic deterrent…. when I was a young hellion the thought of having to dance to Michael Jackson would have straightened me out!

  7. Dauragon88 says:

    Damn, those inmates have sweet moves!

  8. Mike Voice says:

    I’m so stupid…

    I was watching the beginning and wondered: “What’s a woman doing in the middle of all those male inmates”.

    I’m such a maroon. 🙂

  9. Todd says:

    There is a joke here about the prisoners preparing for Michael Jackson’s arrival, but I cant quite put it together.

  10. RBG says:

    Oh, what I would have given to be there at moment zero. (Well, not really…)

    “Hey kids, I’ve got this swell idea. Why don’t we all go down to the old barn and… Florante…. Is that a shiv?”


  11. JFStan says:

    LOL Mike… Did you really think for even a moment they could concentrate on the moves with a real woman in their midst? 🙂

  12. Gig says:

    #8. You not as stupid as the guy that wore the chicks outfit. I’m sure he had a big time after the dance was over.

  13. slingnanay says:

    What the!!! Is this for real??? Why would the inmates have a huge perfomance like this?lol… Only in the Philippines!!! hehehhe

  14. prophet says:

    #12 – Gig – I am pretty sure that those cloths and makeup came from his personal collection that he had before this little dance was already conceived.

  15. Libertican says:

    Some of those prisoners have had 24 years (to life) to practice that 1983 video. In the next episode, a little homage to Electric Boogaloo.

  16. moss says:

    Another point that went over everyone’s head – of course, these guys can dance. Just like the gangbangers in my part of the States, that’s a skill considered much more important by ignorant dropouts than, say, the skills useful for earning an honest living.

    I’d rather see a dozen uncoordinated kids as bank tellers or sales clerks or auto mechanics – than a thousand meatheads in a drill team behind bars.

  17. Geoff says:

    when I first saw this, it was “Japanese Prison Inmates Thriller”

  18. BubbaRay says:

    #4, iGW, Thuuuuuunk! Er, message for you, Sir!

    Stop that, stop that right now! No singing! 🙂 Darnit, now I’ll have “Knights of the Round Table” in my head all day.


  19. Timbo says:

    So THAT’S where Michael Jackson got it from!

  20. jet70 says:

    They are soooo bored.
    There are so many wrong things that can be said about that video but I wont go there. ROTFLOL awesome.

  21. tallwookie says:


    this made me laugh SOOOO hard rofl….

    nice find!!

  22. Bono says:

    She’s Hot!

  23. Nikkie says:

    very very nice – I like it – I first saw it at CNN which is amazing – very good guys – instead of doing nothing – God Bless you all!

  24. Susanna says:

    Yes, these are prisoners, incarcerated for gods know how many varied crimes…BUT, give them a little credit for doing something productive with their time OTHER than body-building to grotesque mockeries of the human physique like American convicts do. I would rather have 1500 ex-cons with dance moves like those than the same number of felons on the streets with enough muscles to crack my head like a walnut with one flex of their biceps. My opinion: Filipinos got rhythm!

  25. You know what I bet happens a lot in that prison? ANAL RAPE.

  26. Beth says:

    #12 That “girl” running around is in my 7th period English class! — No kidding! lol (And the first time I saw it I thought it was really a girl too!)


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