Revolutionizing Outer Space Style – TIME — FYI.

For 40 years astronauts have been lumbering around space in the same heavy, energy-sapping suits — and that is what Dava Newman, professor of aeronautics, astronautics and engineering systems at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, wants to change. Newman and her team of researchers have just unveiled a promising new prototype called the BioSuit: a sleek, white, clingy outfit, whose revolutionary design has the potential to make astronauts feel as agile and au courant as Spider-Man.

  1. ECA says:

    NOW to make the back pack smaller..

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    “A sleek, white, clingy outfit, whose revolutionary design has the potential to make astronauts feel as agile and au courant as Spider-Man.”

    That is, until its punctured by a micrometeorite and their guts are sucked right out of that suit like ketchup out of a tiny plastic packet.

  3. andy says:

    the problem is that the big suits are a lot cooler. who wants to explore space in spandex anyway?

  4. OmarTheAlien says:

    Heavy suits? It’s zero G. Clunky maybe, but never heavy.

  5. Tippis says:

    Yes, but heavy (or massive would probably be a better word) = more inertia = more work = same effect as if there was gravity.

  6. BubbaRay says:

    #3, andy, who wants to explore space in spandex anyway?
    I do, if I can have a shot at Deanna Troi or Beverly Crusher. 🙂

    #2, Angel, …punctured by a micrometeorite… Remember, always practice safe space:

    “The BioSuit will likely be safer for astronauts than the old-style suits. Currently, when an astronaut’s suit is punctured, he or she has to go back to the base to undress and decompress. With the new suits, astronauts could simply slap a patch over the tear.”

  7. ECA says:

    for those that dont know…
    Those Micro meteorites ARENT the biggest problems…
    Its the OLD forgotten Parts and pieces of decomposing Satilites that are running around the planet at, something like, 14,000 MPH… 1 rivet/nut/screw/piece of metal could SLICE thru most anything Up there.

  8. RTaylor says:

    At least Jeri Ryan would be recognizable in this suit.

  9. punterjoe says:

    This could help rejuvenate the space program. NASA should start soliciting bids for the rights to “America’s Top Astronaut” & “Pimp my Shuttle”… it might also help for them to rename the ISS “Barbarella’s Dream House”. Space tourism would soar! (Pardon the expression)

  10. James Hill says:

    But, will what’s-her-name’s diaper fit under that suit?

  11. jdm says:

    #10, a new worry for NASA: panty lines in space!

  12. Dauragon88 says:

    I’d like to see my girlfriend on one of those……..



  13. Angel H. Wong says:


    “With the new suits, astronauts could simply slap a patch over the tear.”

    And by the time the astronaut applies the patch his/her guts would have already been sucked out of the suit thanks to the vacuum in space. They better start testing the suit with chimp in a controlled vacuum room to see how fast they can apply a patch.

  14. BubbaRay says:

    #13, Angel, when a micrometeorite goes through your torso at 14,000 mph or greater, I don’t think it makes much difference what kind of suit you’re wearing. Just thinking of all the space debris in orbit makes NASA and US STRATCOM heads hurt.

  15. KVolk says:

    Which power ranger is this guy?

  16. Mike says:

    only losers wear space suits in space


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