
Sorry, dude, but guys in other countries are having more sex than you. Way more. We know, it doesn’t make sense. Pop culture and the Internet would have us believe that American men are the most oversexed stallions on the planet, that every girl is 20, tanked, and topless. Plus, we have George Clooney and Matthew McConaughey. And has anyone tallied Tommy Lee’s numbers?

Yet, there are the stats. According to a Men’s Health survey of 40,000 readers worldwide, foreign men have sex up to 70 more times a year than you do. So much for our superpower status. But don’t worry–we have a plan. We took a trip around the world to find out what makes men from other countries so attractive to the women they pursue. We also enlisted the help of sex experts around the globe to save you from another sexless night.

I guess America has too many geeks!

  1. god says:

    More like too many churches.

    Push comes to shove, inhibition trumps desire. Just like in politics, obedience trumps choice.

  2. Spike says:

    Or too many fat people.

  3. Cinaedh says:

    What a waste of the fine women in the U.S.

  4. Smartalix says:


    You got that right.

    So many of my fellow Americans have allowed their sexuality to be stifled by hypocritical panderers chasing money and power. I truly feel sorry for those who see sex and the human body as dirty. Many American men never learn how to handle sexuality in a healthy manner due to the supression rampant in our society.

    We have the same problem with alcohol vis a vis Europe. They make the distinction between hard liquor and soft. Teens (and in some countries, children) are allowed beer and wine. so they don’t turn (as often) to pounding booze like there’s no tomorrow in college becasue they were never allowed to drink before then.

    I have a friend who oncve moved his child from one preschool to another because a child in the first school had told his daughter where babies come from.

    Parents need to educate their children about sex for hygiene purposes if for nothing else, and if they don’t the schools must teach sexual hygiene off appropriate content (what a dabate that will be) at every grade level.

    Our willful ignorance is the reason we suffer more than double the teen pregnancy rate of most developed countries. So not only are American guys not getting enough, they aren’t even doing it right.

    The level of adolescent pregnancy varies by a factor of almost 10 across the developed countries, from a very low rate in the Netherlands (12 pregnancies per 1,000 adolescents per year) to an extremely high rate in the Russian Federation (more than 100 per 1,000). Japan and most western European countries have very low or low pregnancy rates (under 40 per 1,000); moderate rates (40-69 per 1,000) occur in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and a number of European countries. A group of five countries—Belarus, Bulgaria, Romania, the Russian Federation and the United States—have pregnancy rates of 70 or more per 1,000.


  5. Mister Mustard says:

    >>So many of my fellow Americans have allowed their sexuality to
    >>be stifled by hypocritical panderers chasing money and power.

    Aw, knock it off with the Jesus-bashing, Smartalix.

    My own opinion on the matter is that there are way too many American guys with soft-drink IVs hooked up, tweaking their “systems” to blast the dickens out of some other guys with a soft-drink IV hooked up at some sort of elementary-school video game. Just like steroid abuse, video game abuse shrinks the genitalia, causes acne, and induces unpredictable and violent rage.

    As to the effect of organized religion on sexuality, maybe they should have included in the poll “how many men have had sex with male prostitutes while under the influence of crystal meth?”.

    The effect of mindless adherance to dogma on the Sex Life?: BAD

    The effect of spirituality on the Sex Life?: Good

  6. JPV says:

    American’s work too much to keep their credit cards current.

  7. bobbo says:

    I looked over the site for awhile—found the headlines, but never the facts.

    The hints and the statistics appear to be limited to people in steady relationships? 72 MORE times per year? Is that 72 strange or same?

    No, the article is completely without definitions and facts therefor without merit. Too bad, as we all know it is the wimen that control how much sex we have, I was assuming European Men get laid more because thats where American wimen go for vacation, but I can’t make that association without a chart or two?

  8. Carlos A. says:

    Just wondering about that survey, is it really well done? Whom they have surveyed?
    Asking males is useless, may be they asked girls. =P

  9. Dallas says:

    Republicans bring our scores way way down. 🙁

  10. Smartalix says:

    “Aw, knock it off with the Jesus-bashing, Smartalix. ”

    I have nothing against Jesus, I have everything against those who twist religion into their own little worldview and expect everyone else to do the same. The denomination doesn’t matter, fundamentalist countries seem to all have shitty sexual hygiene. Anti-abortionists who do not teach contraception are a great example. They must not like our kids very much to allow such high levels of teen pregnancy.

  11. JoaoPT says:

    The title is the problem:

    It’s official: Foreign men have more sex, with more Foreign women, than american guys.

    There, it’s ok now.

  12. Jägermeister says:

    #1 [god]

    And could it be that Bible thumpers guys prefer guys? 😉

  13. Billabong says:

    We work to hard to hard in this country.

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I have nothing against Jesus.

    Well, God bless ya then, Smartalix.

    I’ll bet the “sexual hygiene” (if you can call it that) of those guys who aren’t having sex because the soft-drink IV doesn’t let them get out much isn’t a whole heck of a lot better than the fundies. At least the fundies don’t have Cheetoh dust and Tab yeast growing in their laps. Ew.

  15. Lynn says:

    Maybe those countries just have more liars.

  16. noname says:

    Mving from USA to Europe back and forth every 1-1.5 year, I came to the conclusion that the perspective people view sex at, are comletely different – but ONLY for women, because men are basically the same.

    Sex to most of French, German and Dutch women I’ve been with, was just one of enjoyments, a recreational activity, nothing more or less. I was surprised at first when I discovered it.
    Coming back to US first time I realized how big difference is in our women’s minds: american women mostly consider sex as some kind of gratification that is given in exchange for something, or ‘awarded’ to the Chosen One. There is this whole unwritten ceremony – man have to feed woman well (good dinner at good place), perhaps add some extra gift – and she may consider “doing it”… if youre in her type, that is (because if youre ugly you need to spend a LOT more, obviously 😉

    Sorry fellow Americans, but you (our Fathers) let the “feminists” shape our culture and minds of our women, and *we* pay the price now. Its sick.
    I.e. I pick up this euro- habit of letting woman in first at the door. Few american women refused my courtesy – they probably thought I wanted to check out their giant asses or such LOL Its really stupid.

    OK, I shut up now, because I could go for long…
    Just few more words: guys, go to Europe and stay there for a while. You will not want to date anymore back home 😀

  17. Smartalix says:


    I lived in Germany, traveling extensively, for 15 out of the 17 years from ’80 to ’97. Unless there has been a sea change among youth there I would wager I am entitled to express an observed opinion.

    I did see some heavy teen drinking over there (as I alluded to in the comment I made), but the kids I saw doing it were the type that would be doing it anyway. Many of the youths here that binge drink are actually good kids who are getting off on savoring forbidden fruit.

  18. tkane says:

    If you think it’s the churches causing this lack of occupation with sex, you’ve obviously been away from church too long. It’s a non-sequiter – churches need butts to fill the pews and you get that with lots of children. Children are the consequence of sex. The churches don’t want you to not have sex, they’d just prefer it if it was hetero married is all. No big deal unless you’re a typical lib who thinks of children as little inconveniences.

    #17 more or less said it – it’s the women. American women are growing increasingly uptight, seems to me. More single mothers and such. Also #13 got it as well – more workaholics here, and less energy to “do it”. Also relates into the weight and stress problems. Whereas in Europe, hey, the month-long European vacation (known as August) is coming up.By the end of the first week, nothing left to do but the nasty. We should abolish August and do the same thing!

  19. malren says:

    I have a question – If I am having enough sex to make me happy, why the fuck should I care what anyone else is doing?

    I thought “keeping up with the Joneses” is part of what is wrong with this country? Now I’m supposed to feel shitty because in Europe, some dudes told a survey they get more?

    Utterly ridiculous.

  20. Phillep says:

    Women’s Lib (more accurately “Lesbian superiority”, or “Gold Diggers Empowerment”.)

  21. Ben Waymark says:

    Maybe Americans actually have much more sex, they are just more modest about it….. or maybe European just lie more….

  22. Bill says:

    Porsche owners have way more sex…

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    Who is the woman in the photo????

  24. 230_Volts says:

    please engage the brain.
    Let’s say… that we consider an average European man as a foreigner, who has sex twice a day, that’s 730/year. If that is 72 times more sex than American man [has] so it follows that an average American man has sex 10 times per year?
    Less than once a month? I dunno…..but working 35-37.5 hrs/week might have something to do with it plus European women are different, too, as #17 and #19 stipulated.

    #23. I knew a Porsche owner – 911 Targa – who could not get a date.

  25. Ben Waymark says:

    And standard holiday times range from about 21 days to about 35 depending on the country….. I’d hazard a guess that lower working hours = more dickie time….. which would also explain why IT people, who probably work the most hours, get the least (I am sure smell and the dorky laugh has nothing to do with it)….

  26. 230_Volts says:

    I found out that the fine information came from Rodale Inc., where Ardath Rodale is Chief Inspiration Officer. Yeah, right….Ardath.
    Mea culpa – it is UP TO 70 times more, not 72 as I used in my calculation above, but it is a moot point, it is still less than once a month.
    #26. And in many cases it is mandatory to take the vacation, rolling over to the next year is ‘verbotten’.

  27. 230_Volts says:

    Lastly: different culture – different views – here is one from some Czech web-newspapers (language skill not required):
    and here one from German one (in English):
    Adios, slow Sunday…

    [Please use TinyUrl.com for overly long URLs. – ed.]

  28. Mister Mustard says:

    >>lowering the drinking age would do zip to lower teen

    ¡Pedro! ¿What is “embriagaiton”, m’hijito? Do you suppose it would be possible for me to embriagiate the lady in the photo? I still want to know who she is!

  29. Smartalix says:


    Alcohol and teen pregnancy are different issues so please do not try and combine them.

    I brought up teen pregnancy because that is another area where we do a terrible job with our kids.

    As for today’s teens, my two daughters, 19 and 20, live with my ex in Wiesbaden and their circle of friends doesn’t contain any hard drug users or binge drinkers. (I realize that’s anecdotal but it is first-hand.)

    The groups of drug users one sees in public are more visible because the cops don’t chase them into back alleys.

    The bottom line is we trail much of the developed world in public health issues of all stripes.

  30. malren says:

    The bottom line is we trail much of the developed world in public health issues of all stripes.

    What a surprise to see this sentiment. After all, everything about the US is bad, wrong or evil.


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